sightings of snakes and mays during a lunar eclipse - penampakan ular dan moster saat gerhana bulan

in aceh •  7 years ago  (edited)

image# header

The sight of a large snake when the lunar eclipse is missing a little bit ... It's terrible

Penampakan ular besar saat-saat gerhana bulan hilang sedikit sedikit...
Sungguh mengerikan


This is what happens when I take a picture with the camera ... The moon with a snake-shaped cloud

Inilah yang nampak ketika saya memotret dengan kamera ...
Bulan dengan awan yang berbentuk ular


This image is in the form of two moses that are again fighting, one is very big and one small

Gambar ini berbentuk dua moster yang lagi berantem,yang satu sangat besar dan satu lagi kecil


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