The Secret Order Of Masonic 33rd Degree

in aceoflords •  7 years ago  (edited)


    Mason oath that Kaye’s the cornerstone of the United State Federal government. Freemasons are sworn to protect their brother Freemasons should they engage in immoral or criminal conduct. The royal arch mason swears, "I will aid and assist a companion royal arch mason, when engaged in any difficulty, and espouse his cause, so far as to extricate him from the same, if in my power, whether he be right or wrong. . . A companion royal arch mason's secrets, given me in charge as such, and I knowing him to be such, shall remain as secure and inviolable, in my breast as in his own, murder and treason not excepted." 
      Of all the secret societies in the world, the only one in which the number 33 is important is the secret cult of Freemasonry, which mixes a brew of symbols from Egypt, the Bible, Persia, alchemy, and twisted occultists' imaginations. 

Freemasonry and their confederates may note that Dante placed the traitors to their guests in a deep pit of Hell in his 33rd Canto of the Inferno.

American Freemasonry and related power elites are responsible for a number of murders and provocations to war which happened along or close to the northern 33rd degree of latitude, also known as the 33rd Parallel. Most of the world's wealth is stored north of the north 33rd Parallel. Major financial centers north of the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland Israel Mount Megiddo. 1025 - 945 B.C. Tyre, Lebanon: Home of King Hiram and the mythological Hiram Abiff, the Terrible Two some of Masonic legend. Tyre is less than 20 miles north of the 33rd Parallel. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel.
Ironically, due to the power of the Masons and related power elites, the major publishers will rarely, if ever, publish books by any scholar who ventures into the forbidden issue of the Masons and power elites. When a major publisher does publish such a book, the result is censorship. For example, "Tragedy and Hope," written by a Professor Carroll Quigley, an exposé of the Bilderberger Group, was withdrawn by Macmillan, its publisher, within months of its publication. The Internet, talk radio, small presses, and underground publishers have kept information available to those who want to know the truth.

The 33rd Parallel located 33˚ longitude on the Planet Earth has been the main spot of esoteric activity. The Roswell crash that began the Alien phenomena was mapped on the 33rd parallel. Nazareth the birthplace of Jesus is on the 33rd Parallel, Nagasaki is on the 33rd Parallel, Babylon in modern day Iraq is on the 33rd Parallel. 1861 On April 12, Confederate forces fired on the Union's Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, igniting the Civil War. Charleston, at the 33rd Parallel, is known officially as "the Mother Lodge of the World." Thus igniting the division of country states at 33rd Mason Dixon by Albert Pike that statue at tDistrict Of Columbia directly across Oval Office .This Lodge had been founded by Moses Lindo as the King Solomon Lodge. March 3, 1933, the Federal Reserve closed all banks and March 9th claimed bankruptcy for the country confiscating all gold. One of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first official acts after taking office on Inauguration Day (Saturday, March 4, 1933), was to proclaim an emergency, three-day, nationwide banking holiday, signed and effective Monday, March 6. FDR was a member of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, i.e., the Shriners. Shriners are 33rd degree Masons. President Franklin D. Roosevelt On the reverse side of the Great Seal are an eye and a pyramid. Over the eye and pyramid is an inscription, "Annuit Coeptis," Latin for "He favors our undertakings." "Undertaking" means a venture, a promise, of the profession or duties of a funeral director. The Masons would like to believe that God favors their duties as funeral directors. The Masons become funeral directors by first directing whose body will at the funeral, and where that life will be taken. If a life is taken close to the northern 33rd Parallel, this fits with the Masons' demonic mythology in which they demonstrate their worldly power by spilling human blood at a predetermined locale. Roosevelt met his "sudden death" of a cerebral hemorrhage at the 33rd Parallel at Warm Springs, Georgia. His last words were, "I have a terrific headache." His medical chart is missing.
Roosevelt's successor was Harry S Truman. "I've got every degree in the Masons that there is,his middle initial had no mean tell President that he claim it to be for Solomon Banking house. it was Solomon that got the Star Of David above the eagle head on the dollar note it was a favor the Solomon only favor asked of George Washington aside from credit interests his appointment treasure, Hamilton would funnel bank to Rothschild accounting. Harry S.Truman As the 33rd President, this 33rd degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site, (Almagordo) White Sands, New Mexico, at the 33rd Parallel. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called "Little Boy". we must back up and look at the importance of the number 13 from the formation of the United States to the atomic bomb's explosion in Hiroshima and the ruling 13 families control on global affairs and banking networks.

The Mother Lodge of American Freemasonry lies on the 33rd Parallel, J.F Kennedy Assassinated in Texas on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33).33rd parallel, Bill Clinton was born in Hope, a Town on the 33rd Parallel, U.S. Highway 666 is on the 33rd Parallel,Clinton was a Master Counselor of the Masonic-connected Demolay. ("Demolay" derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). Clinton's ties with the C.I.A. began when he studied at Oxford. Clinton's reign as President has been noted for numerous scandals, including the unexplained deaths of more than 50 of his associates by means of bullets and plane crashes. 1947 On July 8, 1947 a UFO and aliens' bodies were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Parallel.

The no fly Zone for Baghdad was on the 33rd Parallel, “S”idon the seat of time on Earth and the Temples of Baal Bek are located on the 33rd Parallel. The White House is on the 33rd Parallel. The Twin Towers fell exactly 33 years after their ground breaking ceremony in 1966. Samson and Jesus both died at age 33. The Number 3 was sacred to the Egyptians and in the Code it is also another form of an S. 3+3=6 “S”ix which is also the Letter G. Notice the similarity in Black Letter “Luc”inda and Algerian G, G, 6. This is of course another hidden meaning to the “G” in Masonry beyond “Geometry” and “Generation”. number of murders of people of high position and key witnesses along the 33rd Parallel is significant. In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle.
Religious: e number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. The number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA equals 33. The Holy Bible, New International Version, uses the word "thirty-three" seven times in seven verses. King David reigned in Jerusalem 33 years (2 Samuel 5:5, 1 Kings 2:11, 1 Kings 5:16, 1 Chronicles 3:4, and 1 Chronicles 29:27). Genesis 46:15 states: "These sons and daughters of his [Israel's or Jacob's] were thirty-three in all.") Leviticus Chapter 12 discusses purification after childbirth. Leviticus 12:4 states that after the boy is circumcised on the eighth day, "Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until her days of her purification are over."
826 Masons murdered Masonic whistle blower Captain William Morgan. Captain Morgan was an American Freemason who wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets, "Illustrations of Freemasonry." One revealed secret was that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer, that is, Satan. In the legend of the murder of Hiram Abiff, Abiff represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of speech by the church. Then a square struck him in the heart. This represented the State's suppression of belief. Last, a maul struck him on the head. This represented the suppression of intellect by the masses. So, Freemasonry equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny, intolerance, and ignorance. What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were pledged to avenge Hiram Abiff and that their plan was to strike down the Church, the State, and the freedom of the masses.
1968 On June 5, 1968, shortly after winning the California primary election, United Senator Robert F. Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, close to the 33rd Parallel and near a Masonic Lodge.
1990 Mason/ Skull and Bones member George Bush, the 41st United States President, provoked a war with Saddam Hussein. Bush organized Desert Storm, which concerned a border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq at the 33rd Parallel. Shortly after Desert Storm began, Mason George Bush pronounced publicly beginning of a "New World Order." Bush stated: "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a new world order. . . to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind. . . based upon shared principles and the rule of law. . . . The illumination of a thousand points of light. . . . The winds of change are with us now." Bagdad, Iraq's capital, and the United Nations-enforced "no fly zone" are at the 33rd degree of north latitude.

1993 Waco, Texas, just south of the 32nd degree of north latitude, is the site of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas. On April 19, 1993 the Clinton Administration murdered adults and children in the Branch Davidian group at Mount Carmel, a compound about 10 miles from the city of Waco.
While still shooting "Titanic," Director James Cameron secretly traveled to Arizona to become a 32nd Degree Mason at the Masonic lodge in downtown Phoenix, on March 13th, 1997. While Cameron was receiving his initiation into the 32nd degree from his Law of One allies, millions of people witnessed a large V-shaped formation of "lights" over the city of Phoenix. Phoenix is just north of 33? North Latitude. Its ancient name was "Fenex." As historical reminders, many sites sacred to the Law of One are located in the vicinity of 33°? including as well as the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt which are patterned after the belt stars of "Orion". Academy Awards. Later, on his birthday Cameron formally became a 33rd Degree Freemason in the Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple in Washington, D.C. Cameron is a leading "light" for the military-industrial-Hollywood complex, formerly the "military-industrial complex" which President Eisenhower had warned against in his 1961 Farewell Address. The Ship claimed to be the Titanic was actually her twin designed Olympic that had hail problems and order be sunk with opponents to the establishment of a privatized Federal Reserve. The captain was a Mason with promise his family would be cared for because he had terminal cancer. They just switch identification of exterior,rugs and key furnishing from Titanic to Olympic to disguise and collect insurance because Titanic was known to lords of London insurance to have had
a bent haul on it records. The collected full insurance premium of damages. 31.
1998 On November 5, 1998, the movie "Titanic" began playing in Houston, Texas. The special showing debuted TheatreVision technology. Houston is south of the 30th degree of north latitude. However, the beginning time of the showing is significant: it began playing at 3:33 p.m. At least two attendees were 33rd degree Masons: Director Cameron and former President George Bush.
The United Nations, the New World Order government headquarters, built on land donated by 33rd degree Freemason John D. Rockefeller, is represented by a logo/flag which clearly depicts a Flat Earth divided into 33 sections! There are 33 official degrees of Scottish-Rite Freemasonry, and the UN flag features a Flat-Earth divided into exactly 33 sections! Why would the United Nations founders choose a logo/flag of a Flat-Earth map divided into 33 sections? How is it that C. Fred Kleinknecht, the head of NASA, retired and immediately became the head of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry? How is it that all the fore-fathers of the ball-Earth theory and so many NASA astronauts are all Freemasons?
The Freemasons essentially stole, perverted and claimed for their own, not only the truth of our flat geocentric Earth but also many ancient mythologies and esoteric practices including Kundalini Yoga with its 33 degrees of Kundalini traveling up your 33 vertebrae spine:Atlantis and Kundalini Yoga. The same 11 Sephiroth and 22 paths (adds up to 33) also exists in the Jewish Kaballah, another ancient esoteric system that has been occulted and perverted: Even
"man-hole-covers" are flat discs divided into a bulls-eye target of 33 sections as well. as in the global central map of United Nations.
The United Nations, the New World Order government headquarters, built on land donated by 33rd degree Freemason John D. Rockefeller, is represented by a logo/flag which clearly depicts a Flat Earth divided into 33 sections! There are 33 official degrees of Scottish-Rite Freemasonry, and the UN flag features a Flat-Earth divided into exactly 33 sections! Why would the United Nations founders choose a logo/flag of a Flat-Earth map divided into 33 sections? How is it that C. Fred Kleinknecht, the head of NASA, retired and immediately became the head of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry? How is it that all the fore-fathers of the ball-Earth theory and so many NASA astronauts are all Freemasons? In cape Canaveral the landing lanes for space shuttle are called landing lanes 33. NASA black budget secret military complex international operation with clandestine underground operatives underground networks in mysterious Antarctica.
The Masons have infiltrated the highest levels of government, business, and media. The astute viewer of world events should watch for significant events to occur on the 33rd Parallel. It is a safe bet that the truth, and what the controlled media present as the facts, will become further and further apart. A revival of the Anti-Masonic movement in the United States, such as the small movement that has begun in Great Britain, would benefit all law-abiding Americans.
Due to the 33 degree tilt of the world axis imbalance most people are right handed and think from their left hemisphere of their brain that most inclined to processing perception and our right creative side of intuitive self
a assertion and internal imaginary development. The Mason SQUARE at a 33 degree at the tile of the planet with the compass that frames the our perception within 360 degree of the 3rd realm we inhabit. All Masons during the Revolutionary conflict where esquires with constitutional benefits from the original Charters. The first Ship that embarked to claim its colonies under Doctrine Of Discovery was called....wait for it......
The Free Mason. Think you can untangled the connections as stewards to the British Crown with the Son’s of Liberty. Simple because Liberty only allow to embark on shore and has no a thing to do with freedom only allow privileges by the authorities.

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