in achievementtask3 •  3 years ago  (edited)



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Good day wonderful steemians..
Today I'll be carrying my tasks on content etiquettes and I will be focusing mostly on plagiarism. This task has been lingering for a while now due to some circumstances beyond my control, my sincere apologies .

The world is ruled by certain basic principles and rules that governs different areas of our life, so also do we have principles that governs the world of content writing and creation.

This principles include;

Making sure that your content contains and add value to your audience .
Contents that don't really have anything to offer your audience,"things that could grab their attention and make them want to read more stuffs from you"is not worth putting out there. Therefore when creating any content ensure that what ever you are putting out adds the needed value.

Avoid using complicated vocabularies.
Using complicated vocabularies will only end up confusing your readers.
Simple language and straight forward sentences is what would actually make your content easy to digest and enjoyable to read.

Don't indulge in any form of plagiarism.
This brings us to the very important aspect of content creation "plagiarism".

Plagiarism in simple terms is the act of converting other peoples creative ideas, work of act and innovations parading them as yours without permission, proper deserving references and citation.
Bringing us back to the popular "give honour to whom honour is due" cliche.


Plagiarism comes in various forms, even in the most harmless looking form. Being aware of this different forms of plagiarism will help to avoid the trap of falling into this unlawful act unknowingly.

Direct plagiarism (also known as verbatim/ copy- paste plagiarism)

This occurs when a person intentionally copies another person's contents' word for word, phrase for phrase with little or no change in the original copy of the content and without any citation, references to the source, going ahead to pass this off as theirs.

Self/ Auto plagiarism.

This form of plagiarism occurs when a person reinvent ( copies) his/ her Content repeatedly for different sites and clients.
It can also be in the form of paraphrasing or summarizing your content for a different purpose than it was originally designed for.
It results in bringing down the integrity of the content creator and also reduces the reliability of that particular content.

source- based plagiarism.

This particular type of plagiarism occurs in different forms;
*It could be using different sources for creating a particular content but citing only one of them with no reference to the rest.
*It could also be in the form of using non existing or incorrect source.
It might also go as far as fabricating sources and this could be very detrimental base on the fact most researchers depends on informations gotten from different sites to carryout some critical researches.

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Mosaic/ patchwork plagiarism.

This type of plagiarism is most times unintentional. It occurs when you paraphrase,use synonyms in place of the original words.
Mixing different ideas including yours,
using different sources together without reference or citation to any of t

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Plagiarism as an offence and an unethical acts has various factors that leads to it.
These factors may include;

Lack of respect, regard and knowledge about the origination of an idea and the owner ( originator) of that particular idea.

Laziness, lack of patience, lack of interest/ enthusiasm for learning (i.e unwillingness to learn and carryout research), unhealthy competition ( wanting to do more than some other person without passing through the required steps).
Fear of failure; this might be causes by the feeling of inadequacy, low self esteem and self worth.
These and many more are the reason people plagiarize.

All that being said, I strongly believe that no matter how this menace has eaten deep into the world of content writing and Creation it could be harnessed.
There are more than enough ideas to round, we live in the world of abundance, so fellow creative minds, why don't we sit back, take those beautiful Ideas rolling around our brains and develop them.
If you must use someone else's work or idea, please ensure you accord the necessary respect. Let's do well to apply proper references and citations where and when needed.

Thanks so much for the opportunity to present my own view on Content etiquettes and plagiarism.

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