Even though I no longer donate to the ACLU, I do follow them on social media.

in aclu •  last year 


Over the last few months, about half of the posts that I've seen from them have been in regard to defending pro-Palestine speech on college campuses.

Of course, even though most pro-Palestine speech is the same as pro-Nazi speech, I agree that the right to say any dumb shit you want should remain unabridged.

That said, this is the perfect situation to evaluate when speech stops being just speech.

We've already seen colleges shutting down Kosher dining halls due to credible threats toward Jewish students.

Definitions are important; but, direct threats and harassment push the boundaries of what can be considered just speech.

Yes, you're allowed to shout "Gas the Jews!" In the public square in this country, and -- apparently -- in Australia. You're even allowed to intentionally do it knowing that Jews are going to hear you. You're even allowed to specifically go to a place where you know Jews are going to be present. Still, at some point, if this persists to the point that Jewish students are subjected to this day-in day-out -- that's harassment. There's no doubt that there have been threats made.

Also, the point has to be reiterated that the three presidents of universities who were playing hide-the-ball on the question of whether or not calling for the genocide of Jews qualified as bullying, or violated the codes of conduct, were all presiding over private colleges.

Still, for all of you pro-Palestine people -- you've had more than a quarter of a year to denounce the people in your camp who are openly calling for genocide. I've seen literally zero of you take a moment to say, "Hey guys, I'm all for an independent Palestinian state, and getting rid of Israel; but, let's not come off like we wanna murder all the Jews."

It would be a better look if you made that tiny effort.

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