This is one of the reasons why I cut off my donations to the ACLU ten years ago.

in aclu •  5 months ago 


Look...I don't know how many ways I need to say this... we should be tolerant and caring. Kids with gender dysphoria shouldn't be hated, and they shouldn't be bullied.

Still, the activists on this issue paint opposition to pumping legal children full of hormones and other drugs as "transphobic" if anyone voices opposition.

This is a multi-layered problem.

First of all, the activists will be the first people to tell you that you can be a woman with a beard and a penis, and you can be a man with breasts and a vagina, and they still insist that we need to alter the bodies of children to affirm their genders.

If you really believe that gender is all in your head, tell that to the fucking kids. That's marginally better than pumping the kids full of drugs.

Second of all, whether you're talking about gender being "assigned" or "designated" at birth, if you have a room-temp IQ, you're lying. So, the ACLU is lying. Nobody declared your gender when you were born. A doctor probably saw what you had going on in your body well before you were born, and recorded what he or she saw. You weren't ripped screaming from your mom's vagina to have a doctor say, "I declare this child to be a boy (or girl)." This might be the dumbest lie in the history of western civilization.

Above all else, of course I care. I don't generally like the government getting involved in anything; but, there's nothing about being a doctor that necessarily makes you a good person.

Despite the massive increase in young females transitioning, the majority of trans people are biologically male.

If any of these biological males decide, as adults, that they want bottom surgery, it's actually pretty damn important that we not put them on puberty blockers and estrogen as children. If they don't go through male puberty, there penieses won't develop to the point that there's enough tissue for bottom surgery. People have already died from surgeries in which the doctors tried to take tissue from other places in the body in order to fashion what's going on down there.

Fuck, do I really need to get into the details in order to save kids from the ACLU?

My dick was a lot smaller before I hit puberty. Every guy's dick is smaller before we hit puberty. If I grew up to want to live life as a woman, and turn my penis into a vagina, and I were put on puberty blockers, and my dick didn't...ya know...develop...I would have only had something like two inches to work with. That's not a winning scenario for anybody.

Sorry if that triggered anybody; but, the well- being of children is more important than your feelings.

Love your kids. Be kind to your kids. Be kind to kids in general.

Still, understand that kids can't consent. Understand that kids are impressionable. Understand that hormones change the mind too -- not just the body. Understand that kids can't make choices about whether or not they want to have kids of their own. Understand that what the ACLU is fighting for is effectively sterilization of children.

Let's finally be honest.

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