Have an action

in act •  8 years ago 

I finally realized that reading about making money online for years was getting me nowhere...
For such a long time I always thought that my problem will be solved with the new hack, a new software, a new guru with a magic formula, the next shiny object...
After years of running around, and reading about those making money, without making any money myself, I realized one simple truth:
Action Trumps Everything!
If you like, have Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Strive Masiyiwa, and Brian Tracy as your Inner circle of Advisers... If you don't act, your life will remain at the state of Equilibrium.
He who does not read is not better than he who cannot read, in terms of results.
I have realized that All these "I am planning to" "I intend tTMPDOODLE1500415181732.jpgo" "I have it in mind to" will not deliver to me my destiny...
*If we don't act, life won't react... It's the law of Cause and Effect!
Cheers! 😉

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