Přípravné práce. / Preparatory work.

in actifit •  5 years ago  (edited)

Odpoledne se počasí umoudřilo. Přestalo pršet a dokonce vysvitlo slunce. Příprava na opravu podlahy terasy mohla začít.

In the afternoon the weather got colder. It stopped raining and even the sun shone. Preparing to repair the terrace floor could begin.

Clean tiles from old adhesive, remove moisture-damaged subfloor, clean terrace. That was the planned procedure. Surprisingly, it even succeeded :-)

Flexa was a great help in removing old deposits. / Při odstraňování starých nánosů mi vydatně pomáhala Flexa.



But I had to disguise myself properly to prevent injury. A piece of cement in the eye would not be very healthy. / Musel jsem se ale patřičně maskovat, abych nepřišel k úrazu. Kus cementu v oku by nebyl moc zdravý.


Just sweep and it's done for today. Continued Saturday and Sunday (unless snow falls). / Už jenom zamést a pro dnešek je hotovo. Pokračování v sobotu a v neděli (pokud nenapadne sníh)


Daily Activity, Home Improvement, Walking

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Tak Flexa opět v akci ;) A odhalení. To zaslouží pořádný
a funguje už?

:-). A díky.

Není zač ;-)

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Hey @jjprac, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

is that you on the 3rd pic? awesome pic, and cool face!


Yes its me. Nothing amazing in this picture :-)

hehe. well. i still love it!


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Hey @qwerrie, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

well... i disagree! (I hope you are in love with yourself!)

i've dont a few takes on it, hope you dont mind.
maybe it became better :=)




Hele ty už věštíš snih jo :D


Čuju ve vzduchu nějakou neplechu :-)

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Hey @petrvl, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Flexa hodně dobrá ;)
Ať se dílo zadaří.



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Hey @tazi, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!


Po dobře odvedené práci si zasloužíš !BEER


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Hey @hairyfairy, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Na to bych už páru neměl.

Nic moc to nebylo. Asi hodina na žebříku a pak hodina v podřepu :-)

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Hey @krakonos, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Je doobre cist cestinu z Mexika City.

Ahoj, je nás tu víc, pokud bys chtěl napsat post v češtině, použij tag #cesky, který můžeš sledovat ;)

Děkuji (Thanks) :-)

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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hehehe... someone hit the post to steem button instead of insert image again?

I don't send many pictures from my mobile phone, so I write a sentence first and then edit it on my computer. Therefore, the picture delay :-)

ah I see... that's how that happens :D

After seeing the first image of Flexa, I was really really hoping for a GIF.

Good on you for getting the floor done before winter comes again, though. Kudos!

There was no time for GIF. In addition, Flexa already has its Gif :-)

hahaha... oh dang that's right :D

I had to dig in the archives but here it is

For the effort I send
!BEER :-)

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Hey @googlyeyes, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

To vypadá na tvé zatím největší odhalení, nemám pravdu? :)

Vědomé ano :-)

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Hey @bucipuci, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!
