Path of Exile: My first game hideout! ❤️

in actifit •  6 years ago  (edited)


I missed yesterday’s steem posting. I spent that day griping about Path of Exile’s Syndicate storyline on the PoE forum, finally realising I could ignore it. I’m doing that now, I just can’t be bothered with it, so I just run through the acts. I’ll bash the Syndicate guys if they come to me, but I don’t go in search of them in their labs anymore. Some people on the forums says it’s profitable, but I’m just too lazy.

So with the kids gone for a few days, my husband and I could revert to our pre-children habits! He spent most of the day playing Ingress and then some Steemmonster, whereas I spent the morning working on achieving my first PoE hideout. So both images in this post are from my first ever game hideout! Yay!


It’s called ‘Lush Hideout’, I didn’t name it that, the game did, but I don’t mind it. lol. Lush was a nickname from my teens the people at my first part time job called me. I won’t bother explaining why, but I’m fond of the word. 😂

So, backtracking a little, I woke up this morning to discover my favourite steemian, @supersoju, a friend I’ve maintained since the start of my steem journey, actually downloaded the game! She did this last night and she’s now Level 20! I’ve been logging on to check on her progress! After days, I’m only at Level 29 having just reached Act 3. To say I’m thrilled she’s rapidly levelling is putting it mildly! ❤️❤️❤️

Besides getting my own hideout, I’ve been listening to the differing opinion of gamers. There are those who preach a controlled learning experience using build guides, versus those who think learning by yourself and winging it is the way to learn best. After hearing both sides, I’m just going to wing it a bit longer. I have a general path on my skill tree that I want to go, another player suggested spiritual aid, and since I’ve become dependent on my zombies with this first character, I’m working my way to that branch.

I’m equally interested by the the gaming culture as I am by the game itself. Since checking out the forums, I’ve noticed a lot of willingness to help. Someone explained to me that PoE is friendlier than some other games. It seems to be the case.

I’ve had people want to give me levelling gear, which I’ve politely refused. I’ve had people join me to their party to help me, which I’ve also politely refused as far as playing together. I just want to do a lot of the learning alone. Although, someone did want to see what I meant when I mentioned on a voice channel my ethereal knives went single projectile on me. I was really unhappy with this. I love it for the spray, which hopelessly bad aimer me needs....But when he connected to check, it was working again. But from here, we got into a brief discussion about spells and the one that interested me but I was still unclear about. That was Contagion. Feeling a little more encouraged, I started to use that first when attacking, and followed up with my ethereal knives. Using that virus, along with my zombies and those wraiths, plus my spray of knives, was kinda neat. I was getting into a bit of a rhythm. Except for when I reconfig my gear and it resets all my keys. I go back in and nothing is working, so I have to run away screaming.

Also, there’s a growing list of spells I want to play with, like detonate corpse and desecrate. But between re-raising zombies, ethereal knives, contagion, detonate corpse, desecrate, and being forgetful what button was what, occasionally when it gets really busy, I literally press LMB, RMB, QWERT (basically any key!), check my life to see if I’m dead yet. lol. Things explode, flash, monsters are groaning and I have no idea where my position is in the fray. I’m still really bad at the keys...

Finally, it’s been funny listening in the voice channels. You get the sensible helpful ones, the ones who only talk game, and a lot of inappropriate comments. So I’m often just listening and laughing at the awful stuff being said while I’m trying to play. I don’t talk unless someone talks to me, inevitably someone does. Maybe they’re compelled to talk to the crankyoldwoman in the room. I make a point of being quiet and listen in more out of interest as to what gamers talk about. All good research for my novel. lol

Anyway, I have a couple more of days I can play this game guilt-free, officially back to work next week!

As I write this, I checked on my screen, supersoju is now Level 21! ❤️❤️❤️

10 km jog/walk today.


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You and I are running a similar play style by the sound of it. I'm hitting minion nodes on the tree, so my zombies are pretty much indestructible, which helps in the heat of battle; I don't need to constantly resurrect new ones. I also credit "Holy Relic" which gives a little healing help to allies in an area near me whenever I hit an enemy. Keeps my zombies and I alive.
These brands are new, and really powerful. I've just switched from Storm brand, which does chain lightning, to a Fireball brand, which fires meteors from the sky.
Just into Act IV now.
Looking forward to the big one, in March.

Definitely on the skill tree, I go in the direction of minion empowerment. That’s my primary guide. Then I take into consideration wand skills, fire power, the resists, dexterity and strength. But I’m thinking I should consider ‘area’ enhancements. I don’t know what I’m talking about exactly, but these caught my eye. I’m assuming this affects things like Contagion. So many things to consider. I haven’t really got into the healing stuff. I barely remember to use my healing totem! At the moment I’m on how much I can kill. Lol. But you’re right though, every time my undead pals die, it’s distracting to have to pause and raise some more. That’s when I go into uncontrolled key frenzy....🙄😂

You could write about PoE for days, I barely covered all the stuff on my mind. But posting feels like homework, I’d rather be playing. Maybe that’s why you’re not posting so much. You’re busy playing the game, the more fun activity! 😛

I've always been an infrequent poster. I'll only write if I have something I really want to say. I'd rather comment, anyway. Then I don't have to guess what other people want to talk about ;)

We’ve talked about this, I just think you’re too nice tbh. But I understand, I’m an infrequent poster by nature. I’ve gotten into the habit, 10 k of steps = must post, unless I am exhausted. Maybe you need to give actifit a go? ;)

Anyway, this applies to you as well @supersoju, you guys don’t need to upvote all my comments! I like having conversations with people on steem out of interest.

Too bad; you can't stop us.

Oh, you really shouldn’t upvote! I don’t need my comments upvoted. This is how I primarily keep in touch with you. Real comments are worth their weight in ....thinking PoE...choas orbs?

BTW: someone tried to bribe me 5 exalted orbs (apparently exalted is coverted), for me to reveal my age. I told him I was old enough to be his mother, he was like 29 apparently, so maybe I exaggerated. 🤣🤣🤣

But I like to upvote; it helps me keep track of the replies I get.
If I go to my replies page; I can see which ones I have not yet upvoted; which usually means I have not yet read it. Plus its how I show my appreciation for the comment; whether it is a small or big upvote. I try to balance it out and keep things fair.

BTW: someone tried to bribe me 5 exalted orbs (apparently exalted is coverted), for me to reveal my age. I told him I was old enough to be his mother, he was like 29 apparently, so maybe I exaggerated. 🤣🤣🤣


Yes, I do the same. I upvote to keep track. But my vote is worth shit, so I try when I can, to upvote those that matter most first to avoiding dusting on comments. I know right? You’re super pleased to be rewarded by my 2 cents, and apologies for the 1 centers, it means I’ve been too chatty. Lol.

I could bump up my stake, I have liquid Steem outside my wallet, that I’ve been occasionally buying and spending on SM, but I’m just not enamoured enough with this platform to want to invest deeper anymore. This is a place I come to check in on a few, and if I’m really lucky, I’ll bump into someone who inspires me to try something new, like PoE.

So this is just a chat screen for me to you. You don’t need to pay people to have a friendly engaged chat! You can just upvote me 1% if it helps you track. Lol.

As a dolphin lady, you can do better with your resources than waste it on me. Sometimes I have to pause on replying to you or Matt, thinking to save either of you a vote! I just felt it better to explain, so you don’t feel obliged.

Just my opinion of course, your stake is your stake, but I appreciate you for your time.

I had a bit of trouble with the set keys too. I kept pressing the numerical keys when trying to cast a spell. Old habits from previous games. Also I found I was fumbling with my keys in bigger fights because my fingers are too short hahaha and it was awkward to reach 'R' & 'T'.

So I reassigned my keys. I changed 'R' & 'T' to 'A' & 'D' respectively. I found it more comfortable because you can rest your 3 fingers and reach the other two spells more easily. I then reassigned the missing keys to . or , to just get them out of the way since I don't use those actions anyways.

I’ve been logging on to check on her progress!

As I write this, I checked on my screen, supersoju is now Level 21!

hahaha 😘 I was wondering where you were last night; you were here writing up a post.

Oooo hideout!! Not much of a hideout if you post it's location.😜
I have yet to discover my hideout. There are so many elements to this game. Just when I think I've wrapped my head around one; a new one is introduced.

You’ve re-emerged! I didn’t want to disturb you too much on PoE, although you might notice me spamming you with comments. 😂

I should have read your comments earlier when I decided to try resetting my keys with disastrous results. But it doesn’t sound like it would have helped. It sounds like you’re a typical gamer like that guy on the vid with the numericals to cast spells. It totally did not feel natural to me! Lol.

As for the hideout, come visit me whenever. Yeah, not much of a hideout and friends can come to mine. :)

Oh, I was so busy trying to ramble out my latest post, I forgot to do an update on your level. Are you past me yet? 🤣

hahaha I think I've just reached your level.

O.M.G!! That is hot? Like streaking fast smoking hot! Lol. ❤️
You crazy amazing gamer chick. You know you are a mandatory entry in matt’s race right?

I can’t log on just now. I am still trying to catch up on Steem.

I would not be able to match the real crazy hardcore gamers.

I was wondering where you were tonight.
I've already logged off and was about to head to bed but I saw your comments. So I had to log in and reply. Now I think I've replied to everything; I'm off to bed.

Night Night.

My timing is all out of wack atm. I’m not actually playing at night regularly. I blame Steem and @actifit! You don’t know how easy you have it not posting right now! I felt guilty that I wasn’t keeping up with replies, checking in on my fav steemians and being lazy posting actifit reports. I ended up spending all of last night on the most recent post, reading posts and replying. I fell asleep and then woke up from a nightmare! I’d actually fell asleep on the opposite end of my bed. I called for hubby to turn around and join me sleeping the wrong way instead of righting myself. I was really scared you see, but even then too tired and lazy to move. He reckons it’s because I was playing too much PoE and hanging out with the undead. He’s right too. In my nightmare, there was this creepy guy, I just knew he had something to do with a PoE monster!

Woke up this morning to catch up on the remaining posts and replies. I enjoy replying to you and Matt on here, so it’s no hardship, but between doing that and catching up on others, dancing to YouTube vids (more time wasting), I haven’t logged on. Now hubby wants me to go out for a run. Besides, I’m not playing the acts as much as I should when I do logon. I just gawk at my inventory and gear. I’m trying to identify what I’m not doing well. Lol

oooo interesting; minion nodes; I will have to check out the nodes. I would like my zombies to last a little longer during big fights.

I am going down more of the elemental side of things; mainly fire. I like to see things burn. But it is nice to have the zombies there to be my meat shield.

'Holy Relic' is that the gem that summons the golden floating thing? I tried it but it didn't seem to work. My zombies still died at the same rate. I couldn't see it heal when I attacked. So I gave up and used the totem one instead. Couldn't figure out where I was going wrong.

Also; the minion dmg support gem; how does that work? Do I just put it linked with the summon zombie gem?

Oh, you’re like me then with the fire! So I pick up fire power whenever I can. I like how you call the minion as meat shield. They are that aren’t they? Lol

But also yes, they don’t last long enough. Re-casting them is a pain and I believe that was what @mattclarke was talking about with his holy relic to heal his allies. I haven’t used that myself. My rejuvenation totem is unexciting too.

I’m also interested in chaos damage, again due to something Matt wrote, which is why I’ve been playing around with curse and contagion. I’m all over the place atm, but I originally was purely focused on fire and zombies. Try and get that gem that conjures up phantoms to add to your minions too. They are handy.

With the gems, the main thing to remember is (from mynlimited knowledge), is a support gem must be in linked to a skill gem. The links do not need to be adjacent (@ratticus confirmed this). They just need to be in a linked chain. So if you have a skill gem>skill gem>support gem>support gem, the two skills will be supported by the support gems. This is why more linked sockets are valued. So regardless of rarity of an item, it’s really the socket config that is valued as you can improve stuff through orbs and crafting. I’m still not clear on crafting, but I keep an eye out for well socketed items now.

You might have already noticed this, I only noticed yesterday, but the details of a support gem will tell you which skill gem they are compatible with too. I still don’t fully understand the affects of some support gems based on their description.

I've picked one small area up top of the skill tree to make my minions last longer; I didn't want to waste too many points since I have my eye on a couple of other areas. So far it is ok; better than before. They last most big fights; unless its a really tough one.

Chaos damage is like a warlock build from the looks of it. Using curses and dot (damage over time). I haven't really experimented because I wanted to kill faster at this point of time.

Ooo yes; I had the phantoms gem from the get-go. I've linked it with 2 other gems. One is a (red) totem support and other is the floating burning skulls that seek out enemies (blue). Sorry; forgot the name and I've already logged out. So pretty much I cast the totem and it shoots out all the skulls for me which gives the chance of the phantoms to pop up. One click and it is all on auto; well for 8 seconds that is.

Also there are two healing totems; one just heals life at a slower rate; where as the other heals both life and mana at a faster rate which is dependable on how many corpses are around; it heals according to each corpse it devours. But the slower one I noticed also heals my minions. I'm just testing both out to see which would work better for me. There is another skill that puts out corpses for you to use as you please; which would help with the faster healing totem.

I am currently on the path of putting a point in the skill tree to increase the allowed amount of totems out at one time by 1. That way I can run around heal and have the totem do damage with my skulls that brings out phantoms too. kekekeke

You might have already noticed this, I only noticed yesterday, but the details of a support gem will tell you which skill gem they are compatible with too.

Omg; I just noticed them too. But only when it was an award item as opposed to already in a socket. Oh another thing I tested out and can confirm it works; is if you have spare gem slots; you can put any other gems in there (even same type you are currently using) so it can level up. That way you have a back up gem if future enhancement fails or you have a gem you wish to use in the future; but don't have the right links/colour sockets yet. That way when you do use it, the gem level is higher and stats are better. If you do use the same gem type to level up; make sure you set the correct spell key if there is a support gem connected to it.

Also if you like minions; the summon skeleton corrupted gem is really cool. If you use the corrupted spell one, it summons a whole army of skeletons for a limited time. Though you need to built up souls in order to use it; but it is worth it for when you get into big fights.

Oh, I have to reply to this! Very interesting info, but it needs much more focus than I can give right now because hubby is getting bossy. He wants me to get off my backside to run with him. I’ll reply later and delay my game log on some more. 🤣. I’ll try to share my skill tree and my flawed strategies at some point. You can spend all your time posting and talking about the game and barely play!

Just discovered something better than the flying fire skulls to add to totem/summon phantasms gems. Armageddon Brand. Causes fiery meteor to fall from the sky on the target.

Muahaha; burn baby burn.

Also I'll be receiving a new project soon; so I won't be able to play much. You'll have to keep your poe post updates coming to fill me in.

I still haven’t logged on to play since I last commented you. I’m officially back at work today, so I’m avoiding logging on and getting lost in PoE. But I was going to check out your last comment and definitely this one. Without analyzing too closely, I think you might be more effectively applying the gems than I. I had this stupid flying skull head around me. I thought it was extremely dopey. But maybe you mean if they were flying around the 6 zombie heads of my undead buddies, it’d be more effective. Yes, I want everyone to burn....I will check it out tonight.

I was scanning the PoE forums though, I read up you can hunt for rare hideouts in the maps (after the acts) and decorate them! I am more motivated now to play more rather than just socializing and reading up on stuff! Hehe.

I played til pretty late last night; two reason. One, because I won't be able to play as much since I've got that new project. Two, because I stuffed up with my sockets and gems. Accidentally sold a gem that was in a gear when I was changing my gears and gems with new ones. Then I needed the new gems to link properly and I ran out of items to try to fix it. The stupid random roller was not kind to me at all. i.e. tried to add one extra link; it gave me 0; then 1; then 0; then 1; then 0; then 1. Really? The same with the colours. I wanted to get it sorted last night while the setup plan was still fresh in my mind. Of course it didn't work.

Oooo yes; i found some of those hideouts. Was wondering what they were when I stumbled across them. I also did a safehouse run. I originally had one open and I didn't want to do it yet; but then after some time; the safehouse is no longer available and you have to get points into again. So as soon as the next one was open; I gave it a go.

Oh; you can also invite some npc into your hideout. I noticed the option when I was talking to the lady with the prophecy. I haven't tried decorating the hideout. I think you have to buy items if you want to add things. But you can move what is currently in your hideout I believe.

hahaha you're all good. Go for a run and clear you mind.

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Thank you, warms my non-gamer heart to get another nod from archdruid.
😂 ❤️

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