RE: Actifit Tracking + A Cotton Candy Sunset! 🍭

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Actifit Tracking + A Cotton Candy Sunset! 🍭

in actifit •  6 years ago 

OMG I accidentally copied yesterday’s highlight reel and went straight to bed after posting without checking. 🤦‍♀️ Rookie mistake!

Either way, I’m glad you enjoyed the sunset and the post is now updated! 😊

Jillian Michaels is kind of cheesy in her workouts... but I really like them because they are short (under 30 minutes) but HARD so you get a good workout. She became famous from being a coach on the biggest loser way back in the day.

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Even pro’s dosometimes have an offday and make mistakes. Don’t worry that is a normal human activity your allowed to make them 😉

Will check out Jillian, I assume There are some workouts on youtube by her hand? But coach from what loser if her workoutsare that great!?🤔

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It's actually super hard to find her workouts on Youtube unfortunately. She's got that on lockdown so people buy her DVD's. haha

I think what a lot of those people don't realize is the massive potential in building an audience/tribe with free content on Youtube. Soon there will be so many good options that buying workout DVD's will be extinct.

For example - I used to pay $18 a month for access to an entire library of yoga videos. Now I just do Yoga with Adrian. She posts super high quality yoga videos on Youtube and has millions of subscribers - sells tons of merch - and definitely is well off from offering her content like that. Almost every girl I know that is into yoga does her videos! haha

I think we believe in the same stuff! 😅

Will do a search later to see if I can find something of her workouts, not gonna buy DVD's. That medium is dead to me... Are there previews somewhere? How does she find a new audience otherwise without the power of Youtube?