My first Steemit: Who Am I? An Actor from Barcelona living in Hollywood.

in acting •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemit friends:

I´m so happy to start this journey with you all. I´d like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Christian Rodrigo. I´m an actor from Barcelona, Spain, living in Los Angeles.

I moved to LA 7 years ago to pursue my acting career, but also because I needed a change in my life. I have a degree in Business Administration and an MBA, by one of the top Business schools in Europe (ESADE). But I´ve always loved arts, films and theatre, so I was combining my business career with my performing arts studies and career. It was hard to develop my acting career in Spain, because the industry was so tiny and closed so I decided to leave a comfortable life, stability, and a great job to pursue my dream. Before leaving Barcelona I had an amazing 2 bedroom attic with a huge terrace and incredible views in the heart of Barcelona for myself, a convertible, a cool bike, and everything I wanted. But when I moved to LA I started a new life completely from zero. I read Siddhartha from Herman Hesse years ago and I realized how important it was to be connected with myself and to not get attached to anything material.

So I started a new life, a humble life in Los Angeles, developing and investing in my acting career, but also becoming an acting coach, producer and host. These 7 years my life has been like a rollercoaster: good things and bad things have happened to my life since I moved here, but I´ve learned so much about me, about human beings, that I feel it was a brave and right decision to follow my dreams and to change my life completely. I´ve done incredible things and worked with some stars since I moved here, but the most I´m getting from all this, is the journey.

I´ll explain some of my experiences, my knowledge, my ideas with the whole community in my future stories. I´ll talk about acting, producing, teaching, love, relationships and trips. I´d love to become someone who can inspire you and make a better world through my words. Hopefully, we could create a long and wonderful relationship. Thanks for reading me and for being there. 

Spanish Translation (principales ideas)

Querida comunidad,

Soy Christian Rodrigo, un actor barcelonés, que se mudó a Los Angeles hace 7 años. Es un placer para mí, escribir mi primera historia y contaros un poco quien soy.

Soy licenciado en Administración y Dirección de empresas y MBA por ESADE. Después de tener una carrera exitosa en el mundo empresarial, decidí dejarlo todo para irme a Los Angeles a perseguir mi sueño, ser actor. Desde entonces, han sido 7 años muy especiales. He tenido la sensación de vivir en una montaña rusa, con buenos momentos, pero también con momento muy duros para mí. He trabajado en grandes proyectos, con grandes estrellas, pero también he tenido que superar los momentos más duros de mi vida. Está siendo un valiente viaje único y del que estoy muy orgulloso.

Mi idea es hablaros de mis experiencias, mis dudas, mi conocimiento sobre actuación, coaching de actores, producción, relaciones humanas, amor y viajes. Todos estos elementos están presentes en mi vida y me gustaría compartirlos con vosotros para que os sirvan de la mejor forma posible. Así que en el futuro, iréis conociéndome un poco más a través de ellos. Por el momento, muchas gracias por leer mis palabras.

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Un saludo ... desde tu ciudad natal, BCN ; )
Que tengas Éxito en todo lo que hagas.
Nos leemos y Bienvenido!

Muchas gracias!

Hola Cristian!! Encantat!! Jo també sóc de BCN i tot just començant a descobrir el teatre!!!! <3
Molta sort!! Et segueixo i voto!

Per cert!! Em sento identificada!! Jo tb al món del business i combinant amb la part artistica...i sí, Spain is different. Aquí és molt difícil avançar en aquests camps, la cultura ens l'estan desmontant!

Un plaer!! Molta sort amb els projectes!!

Igualment!! :)

welcome to STEEMIT !



Welcome to the steemit community.

welcome to the family


Welcome. You look a lot like Patrick Dempsey (very lucky!) - look forward to hearing more about the acting!

Ha ha ha! Thanks. I got that a lot, I'll explain you one story about it.. in a future steemit

Look forward to it. If I was you I would just go along with it lol!

Hey :) hows it going, I just wanted to say hello and i've followed you :) Please follow me back x

Thanks! Of course I will!

Hello hun, nice to meet you, I will of course follow you Steemit friend. :)

Welcome to Steem Christian!

Great post! Welcome to Steemit🎉 image

Thank you!!

Sup! Welcome. You kinda look like a young Chuck Norris! So that rules!

Ha ha ha! Thanks. That's the first time I got this!

Welcome! Quite a life you've had so far! (Siddhartha will do that to people!) :)

Thanks!! Yes...

welcome on board!! ^_^


When you star in the next big Hollywood blockbuster, tell your new friends about Steemit!

I will keep you posted about it!!

Bienvenido Señor! 😎

Muchas gracias!!



Bienvenido Rodrigo! :)

Muchas gracias!!

Welcome! Upvoted and Followed!


cool. Have christian rodrigo verified with his own tweet or fb saying he coming to steemit? He should screenshot that and add a link to this post ;) to show he is 4 real.

I'll be happy to do that. What do you need me excatly to do?

Bienvenido Rodrigo!
Un placer tenerte por aquí.


Bienvenido a la flataforma!

Muchas gracias! Un abrazo!

Hey @christianrodrigo! Welcome! I studied acting for several years, and absolutely loved it! I also lived in LA for three years, but have since returned to my home in Canada. I look forward to hearing more about your exciting journey. All the best!

Welcome to Steemit ^_^ I'm sure you're going to have a pretty fun time here.

Thanks! :-)