We all got feelings don’t us? Some of them we express some we don’t. But among them there are those that make us think so loud and speak so little. I am going to take you to a tour of such expressions, that we come across in our everyday life.
Take: 1:”school was cool”
We are all growing up, I know our life has changed considerably very much through several phases like kid life, school life, college life and then the famous double quoted “Corporate Life”. Even today after so many years I find several similarities. We used to go to school with a bag full of books of whose content never reached our mind. 9 A.M to 4 P.M was always fun because the only thing in our mind was the “present” ,yes I do agree we had our own little cute fears about the homework not done, shoe not polished, being late to school, surprise tests, extra classes if marks were low. But we were not afraid for so long , reason being we always had company. Top, above average, below average whatever is the grade we always had some idiots of our sort and thought. End of the day we slept happily, remembering the day long mischiefs we had done.
Take: 2:”College was Crazy”
I bet you to give the name of a person who didn’t like college; of course I would win the bet. College was a place to be crazy and lecturers were more required to model that craziness in the right way rather than to be crazy for giving lectures. Seriously I was more interested to learn the things in a better way than to just merely play a one day match in the previous night of exam. This is the most “conventional pakaav” situation. We want to do something we end up doing something else, but the most important thing we learnt “You will not get what you want unless you really want it.” I would say most of the people like me were dreamers; they wanted to do something that even they didn’t know. Life happens to this people of sort. So they decide to forget it and turn towards most interesting things in their view like premature love, break up’s, identifying yourselves with the Bollywood stars, some go to higher madness of riding bikes, planning races, like those shown in Hollywood movies. End of the day, the situation is what did I do in graduation? The famous answer, I learnt life rather than engineering.
Take: 3 “Office is awesome”
The most exciting part of your life, if your school and college life was not as mentioned above. We take a bag to office which contains novels, chargers, mp3 players, iPods, laptops, and lunch box, typically the same as a school kid. We work around 9.5 hours a day. We learn many things and apply everything which we wanted to do at college level. When college was crazy and school was cool then why the hell office is not awesome even though it is a combination of both. This has nothing to do with your company, your work, your position, your peers, your supervisors, your managers etc. It’s a change in the thought process of a person; most of our community is focused on the future, future car, future house, and future wife /husband. When somebody is worried about the future it is obvious he looks at the past also, and when somebody looks at the past he only focuses on the sad part of the story, he forgets the happy moments. As Sri Gautama Buddha says “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment” for a happy life. It’s always good to have a future plan, but immersing too deep and thinking too much will only end in applying the famous pain healer “zandu Balm” on your head, the most important part of a journey lies in the ability to enjoy the roller coaster ride. So what do you say?
Are you ready for the next take then?
One, two, three “Action”
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