Calicut (scientific name: Ixobrychus flavicollis), black hawks or black boars
Ardeidae (Ardidae) tribe or
Small-sized waterfowl is a species of Ixobrychus in the family. [2] [3] [4] Excellent skillet is a smart and clever hunter and a fish-hunter. They are very good at staying stable and stable. Kalibak's scientific name means the moon goddess (Greek:
doupetor = deceitful; Latin: flavus = golden-yellow, -collis = neck). [4] In addition to Bangladesh, India...
It is found in different countries in South, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Their habitat is spread across a vast area around the world, their habitat of about 86,90,000 square kilometers.
[5] Over the past few decades, their number has decreased, but they have not reached the alarming stage. That's why I U. C. N. This species is declared the least risk. [1] This species is preserved in Wildlife Act of Bangladesh. [4]
Size is 58 centimeters. The palms of the head are shiny slate colors. This color is spread on the back of the neck and neck and becomes black color. The necklace-blue-width line has fallen from the neck to the book by the neck. Pull the steep cliff in the chest. The lips redish gray. The leaves and feet are thick brown. [2]
Fish, frogs, small herbs, insects and insects. Ghasafding is one of the favorite food. [2]
Kalibak usually comes out hunting for Usha and Dodhuli. Jupna is going to hunt at night.**# **