Maybe I'm Just Not Smart Enough For Steemit

in activekey •  6 years ago  (edited)

So, I get a new account. I back up my password every which way from Sunday. I get Steemit to work on my new IPad. I tell it to keep me logged in. I even have it save my login information.

I get Steemit to work on both my ancient laptop and my even more ancient desktop.

This morning, on the IPad, I try to upvote a really old post that I found by exploring with the search button. I am told that I must login to do that. I'm already logged in, but what the heck, no problem I think to myself. After all, the fields are already filled in. What could go wrong?
Well, it told me that it was the wrong password. So, I figure that it must want the active key. No problem I think to myself. I go to the permission page to get the active key and am told that I must login. No problem I think to myself. I click the login button. The fields are already filled in so what could go wrong? WRONG PASSWORD that's what.

And not only that, it logged me out on the IPad and won't let me log back in with the saved password. I even tried to type it in by hand multiple times. Nope

I'm already logged in and to view my active key I need my freaking active key which I can't get because ???????

So, I think to myself, lets go to the desktop and see if that works. Yay! The saved password there works to log me in. Great.
I go to the permission page to get the active key and go through the same frustrating process.

At this point I figure I need some help. I go to the FAQ section and see that the steem chat is suggested for asking questions about things like this. Great. I click on that.
You guessed it. I have to log in. So I try to log in. You guessed it. WRONG PASSWORD. I even typed it in from the photograph I took right after I got it. Multiple times.

I understand that security is very important. But for crying out loud, this seems excessive. If I'm already logged in, can post do all the stuff that one would expect to do while being logged in, why the hell do I have to log in again to be able to view and copy a key on my own account?

And why isn't it stressed that one should copy, backup, photograph, etch in stone ALL THE KEYS instead of just the master password if the active key is so damn important?


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