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Informative and amazing, Watching it out, Thanks for sharing @maxigan

Hi fellow truth seeker. I will follow you.🙂

many thanks @oliviajasmine

It's always such a pleasure to see you in my feed @maxigan. <3 <3 <3 Thank you for continuing to post on the steem blockchain.

thank you @lyndsaybowes :)

Hey hey SiStar GodDess Lyndsay...I've been off for a bit...fancy seeing you here on Max's thread...Huge Huggies my fellow Rainbow Warrior GodDess...<3 <3 <3

I'm glad to see you're still around Steemit!!

Max you shined light on some real problems here. I think this an issue that effects almost everyone. I think there is a real need for people to realise a lot of healing they are seeking can come from nature. Every action is connected it's a world of cause and effect. What you eat matters, what you buy matters, everything physical matters because it's matter. Your thoughts and feelings matter, it's how you start creating. Connecting to yourself, seeing you programs running in your brain through meditation is very important. Go out in nature meditate see that your whole existence is provided for by nature. The planet is a live and she provides every breath you ever taken, all the food you have eaten, the water you drink, everything. Also your father or creator can be the central sun, our sun or the night sky.(It's the explosion that created our world, galaxy universe) Meet your fellow man with the same kind of compassion and acceptance mother nature gives you. There is no judgement only giving, compassion and understanding. Although there is no judgement in any action you take there are things that will make it easier. They are quite obvious don't eat animal products where the animal is tortured. Don't support evil governments wherever you can. Stand up for yourself and realise you are a being here limitless being who limited there potential to this body for a reason. That reason was to know yourself as love. Appreciate it, accept it, love it, don't get caught up in it too much, (Death is an illusion that is what Jesus proved) live with courage, joy, compassion and understanding. If you have hangs up on the names I provided for these things understand that they all live in you and outside of you. All is one. Separation is illusion, use these archetypes as tools if you want. They will be as real as you allow them to be. If nothing else rest in nature and chill out for a little it puts things into perspective.

Great comment, many thanks brother

Thank you for your dedication towards waking people up. Please stay the course upvoted and resteemed.

much appreciated @marymg2014

Just stumbled across this video and was amazed with how well the author spells everything out so simply and effectively. I hadn't heard of Max Igan before but I will now check out more of his videos.

It is so true how people are easily distracted by some current events like the QAnon phenomenon and lose sight of the bigger picture - the power control grid - that the PTB are imposing on the zombified masses.

Thank you sir for this marvelous video. I will resteem it immediately!