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Good video @maxigan - it's nice to meet another truth teller.

Feel free to join our discord channel Truth - Politics - Conspiracies under PAL (Peace, Abundance, Liberty). You will find lots of friendly and awake people where we support each other and our content. You should fit right in!

Hope to see you there!

Does this invitation also apply to other people? Like myself? I would love to be around people who appreciate Mr. Igan. Either way, I will follow you 🙂

All truth tellers and seekers are welcome!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you! I will learn discord and join you asap. Looking forward to seeing you there 🙂
So sorry, I am completely out of voting power...

Don't worry about that just get over there when you can.

Good...because I already used my sovereignty to go grok and join both your discord group and follow you here...and I am not much of a follower except

Thanks, I'll check it out... time is the factor unfortunately

I understand. The advantages of joining are many but one that may be of interest to you is visibility and votes. When you write a new post you can drop the link in the room and others will see it and if they like it they will support it. Most of us earn over $100 per post and sometimes much more! Not that money is everything but, if you're making good money you may be able to do more research and more posts - just an idea!

No pressure or expectations from me!

Hello KnightStar Max...sooo elated to see you here on Steemit! I have been following your work for many years and even spoke with you once on Santos' old show on American Freedom Radio back in 2013 before I started my own show. You still remain a welcome voice of balanced sober observation in a cacophonous sea of mostly insane, imbalanced perspectives, or controlled propaganda online. I had a show on Blogtalkradio which I had to take a break from at the end of 2015 and started it up again live on YouTube this past July. I had you on my list of people I wanted to interview from the beginning but never got around to seeking you out. I would love to have you on the show!!!

Here's a link to my old blogtalk show so you can grok my show:
and my YouTube channel is: Lisa Vunk

I am really wanting to focus on sustainable solutions as opposed to just the details of the horrors of our reality. One interesting synchronicity is that I had to stop my show in 2015 because I got hacked and locked off the internet after having left the usa for a while, traveling alone in europe on my way to meet up with some other activists prior to us all heading to Paris for the climate change convention, which you speak of in this episode!...Keep Shining Your Light Brilliantly in the Darkness & Steem On!!!...<3 <3 <3

Thank you again Max for all your efforts. The point that you made about remembering a phone number is an eyeopener. Everyone needs to hear this message.

many thanks Mary. Much love

Right at the outset, you say that the solution to the human condition is to recognize that we are ruled by criminals.

That's not the solution. That's the question. It's the right question, and that potentiates the solution.

Steemit is very close to the solution, but it's sadly twisted into a mechanism to profit flashminers, rather than being a voluntarist government. Were stake-weighting to be given over in favor of a more egalitarian VP, it would be a means of governance capable of instituting programs, policies, and development without enabling secret surveillance, blackmail, corruption, or coercion.

There may be some further refinements beyond abandoning stake-weighting that are necessary, but that is essentially the bulk of the impediment to it's functioning as a voluntarist government.

I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have on that matter.

Great show, and there's little I find presented here that I do not wholeheartedly support.


Edit: recently I became aware that in order for prisoners at the local jail to receive visitors, or receive phone calls, they need to fill out a card and provide the driver's license number of the prospective visitor. Even knowing their phone number isn't sufficient.

This is an obvious method of keeping slaves separate from any social support, and validates your assertion of how we are being disabled from maintaining our society outside of the control grid.

Great to see you posting here @valued-customer As usual, I agree :)
The whole prison system is IMHO a transfer of wealth from the middle class - an unimployed person in jail generates a lot of money which is being paid by the taxpayer AND a person in jail will be less likely to have a functioning family and be able to raise offspring, so the depopulation agenda is served as well. Sad.

I wrote a blog on the prison industrial complex last year, it's a disgrace - America - Land of the Free or Land of the Slaves?

Great. I will see you over at discord soon. Working on it. have to learn, so I don't make stupid mistakes:) see you later

As @steemtruth points out, all prisoners are actual slaves, as well, whose labor is often sold to corporations. Yet another angle of the scam. =/

Good to see you using Steemit more regular now Max. All the best.

Consider posting on Dtube for extra visibility. Dtube won't censor or delete content like Youtube can.

I will but I have been having difficulty with dtube uploads. I do have a bitchute account that automatically adds my yt videos to the blockchain though, so they remain there even if yt deletes them ;)

If Dtube is hard to use, try Dsound. Upload the mp3 of your video on there. I had issues with that too but using Firefox somehow worked out for me. It will take another month or so but they're improving these things all the time.

It is always such a pleasure to listen to you, @maxigan You always give me hope that sanity might prevail one day. Your reflections are a tremendous gift for me. Thank you.

Many thanks brother your words are very appreciated

hello Max, Celine from @earthcustodians here, I always watch what you have to say and I just joined Michael Tellinger's endeavor Ubuntu USA . For a voluntary world without money.... but please keep at it, your work is a lighthouse onto itself!

pleased to 'meet you' Celine :)

I'm glad to see you over here, Max. d=^)

I will try to make it more often :)

You're a busy guy. d=O)

By the way, thanks for getting Rick Simpson on. We share the same viewpoint that if the wrong thing hasn't worked in the past, and isn't working today, then the logical thing to do is to move away from what we know is wrong, and simply do what we know MUST be right, since it's the only thing we still haven't tried yet.

Eventually, more people will come around to that way of thinking...although, I wonder if any of us will still be alive to see that.


Thanks Max it's important to point out these real underlying problems. People are waking up slowly but they are. Things are changing, but it is time to act.