Fun fall activities for kids!

in activities •  7 years ago 

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Today was so much fun! Woke up to beautiful blue skies and sunshine!!! I volunteered at Cassie's class today. Today was their fall party. Another mom, Cassie's teacher and myself came together and planned a couple of fun activities and I wanted to share them with you just in case your child might like to try them out!

First they made "dirt cups" I made a few batches of pudding. One chocolate and one vanilla (dyed green). We put a couple spoonfuls of each into the cup. The kids then put a couple gummy worms on top of the pudding and then sprinkled crumbled Oreos on top. Viola! A delicious, sugary dirt cup!!


Next up was "Q-tip skeletons"! Little did the kids know we snuck in some education in these activities! We instructed the kids to create their own skeleton, and then complete the equation! The glue was real fun!


And after this was a "pumpkin patch maze"!! We gave the kids strips of paper and some orange pom poms. We had the kids create little mini obstacle courses of curly vines and pumpkins, and when finished they would try and navigate a marble through their maze. This activity teaches STEM learning ( science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

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And of course Willow spend the time being productive as always!


It was so great to see these kids be so productive and have fun! And currently as I type this Cassie is getting read to go to her kids only fall party at her gymnastics class! Costumes welcome!!


Hiya! Lego ninja!

So if anyone's kids are feeling bored and you wanna do an activity that isn't only fun but educational try these out!

Okey dokey I gotta get ready for the gym! Remember, sweat everyday! See you guys on the next blog!!

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