Have you ever been in a situation, where in final you don't see what to do? You've been questioning yourself until depression gets hold of you?
If yes!
It is just because we forgot that we are created to withstand any situation.
Let's take an example. Let's say an architect designs the outside of skyscraper but not its foundation base? What will happen? With no doubt it will collapse. Though, in order for the skyscraper to withstand any natural obstacles the architect has to calculate not only the the base of the building but also he has to consider a lot of details like if in the region earthquake or hurricane are not frequent in order to build a building ready to resist them.
So as the architect has to calculate all that imagine what the One who created us did. He created us to withstand any obstacles that we will encounter in our path. And He won't even let those we cannot bear to hit us. # He is the one who created the same architect that has built the house you're in right now.
Trust in Him and trust in yourself and the dream you're cherishing will concretize without any doubt.
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