RE: A Stroll in the Park

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A Stroll in the Park

in actnearn •  4 years ago 

Yep, my part time income is pitiful. I hope you are adding to the coffers.

Did I touched a patriotic nerve? Sorry dear. I must be following the wrong press. I am sure your president will make it great again. lol

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Sort Order: not a patriotic nerve, I just follow the real data and none of that is on the mainstream media.

I'm not a big fan of our current president, in fact most of the time he's disgusting in the way he acts but he HAS been very effective in cutting taxes and stopping many socialist and globalist attempts at taking over our country.

Aside from that, it doesn't really matter who is president as long as they don't tax us and regulate us to death, the economy will come roaring back and set new records.

So many conspiracy theorists out there - it is amazing. Unfortunately, there are fools who believe them.

Well, the economy won't be roaring back for a while. You just have to be patient for a bit more.

Howdy sir Vincent! Well parts of it are already roaring back and here in Texas things are exploding in growth!

The conspiracy theorists are indeed amazing. I used to listen to them but after about 30 years of them saying what is going to happen and it never happens I stopped listening. lol...I'm a slow learner!

Howdy Jonboy. Glad to hear that your economy is exploding in growth.

By the way, be careful when you venture out. Watch your steps or you might just fall off the edge of the Earth. Did anyone tell you that the Earth has become flat overnight?

Howdy sir Vincent! I apologize for my outrageously late reply. I should probably be publicly flogged or something.

I've heard about the Flat Earth Society. I am amazed and dumbfounded that such a thing actually exists these days and that they're really serious! Or are you referring to something else?

Howdy Jonboy, nice to hear from you again. Better late than never.

Mrs J let you out to play, for good behaviour. lol
What have you been up to? What devious schemes are you planning?

Re Flat Earth Society - Yes, it is unbelievable that such a society exist.
And then there's the believe that Covid-19 is the plan of the powers to be to control the people. So many conspiracy theorists - so many idiots. They should all be lined up and shot.

I have been working on remodel projects in the house and on the property so I've been earning a little bit of free time but not much. lol.

Our intelligence people are warning us now to get prepared for a weaponized virus attack so if that happens then that's one conspiracy theory that was true but I hope it doesn't happen because the covid thing was too painful!

Not for me personally but for so many employees and businesses.

Over here they're still arguing about whether face masks make a difference or not. lol.

But most of us are still wearing them in public. I like them because I don't have to take the time to look presentable and know one knows who I am. lol.

Is a weaponized virus attack possible? In theory, maybe.

I read today in the BBC news that a guy who believe that Covid-19 is a hoax, had just lost his wife to the virus.

People can be so stubborn, so arrogant. They think they know better. Actually, it could be that they are just stupid. Anyway, don't get me started on this.