RE: "Acts of Kindness Challenge" Entry #3 (200 words or less)

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"Acts of Kindness Challenge" Entry #3 (200 words or less)

Wow... What are the odds of me opening up like I did to someone like you? You just literally blew my mind! I can only imagine the stories you've heard while trying to help people. I am really interested in hearing more about your success with putting MS in to remission because I'm having a rough time with mine and my treatments.

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This is quantum entanglement at its finest. I wasn't 100% sure if you were talking about MS taking hold of your body or referring to it in relationship to mine. Here we go down this rabbit hole, together @bluelightbandit. We can do this one of two ways, as I see it...we can keep communicating on this thread or we can move to email through If we continue on the thread, others will be able to learn too. However, some stuff may be very sensitive and not appropriate to be forever woven into the blockchain. (I have to leave that to your heart and gut to decide what works for you.)
From my perspective, I am completely out of the closet. I have successful used cannabis plant medicine and a ketogenic eating lifestyle to heal the lining of my gut wall and restore my sleeping patterns. I had severe insomnia and once I fixed that and the digestive issues, I stopped having episodes. I was diagnosed in 2004, didn't drastically change until 2007, when I seriously put both those things together. I haven't had an episode since.
I know your situation is complex, but I say, fix the sleep first, then tackle the fridge. I am more than happy to share what I know and help you. :)

Quantum what? LOL Sorry, couldn't help it! I had to go look up what that meant and after reading the definition, I still don't know what it means lol! I think I have an idea of what it means.

To be honest, I didn't know that you had MS so I was talking about myself. I'm definitely interested in discussing this more with you and leaving it here on this thread is fine with me also. We can always switch it up if one or the other wants to.

I remember reading an article online in reference to possibly something similar to what you may be getting ready to educate me on. It had something to do with scientists were trying to link MS with either the stomach or intestines leaking inside the body... Maybe? It's been a long time ago when I read that, plus my memory has suffered a lot due to this mess.

It's spooky action at a great distance. (Time and space are irrelevant). Information can pass between 2 particles instantly and particles can vibrate simultaneously when they receive the transmission.
So anyone reading this, would say that our meeting is just by chance or fluke but in my mind it is the frequency that we are projecting that is instantly prompting us into taking action with a mere thought. We all project energy in the form of frequency outside our bodies. Your frequency, mine and @natureofbeing's is all very similar and we are ultimately in harmony with one another. It's like a revolving light of lighthouse on a stormy night. If you change your course and move towards what is attracting you, you will find safety, comfort and generally others who all "get" where each other have come from. Since being on Steemit for a year, I have witnessed this happening over and over again. You and I live in different countries and yet have found each other among 300,000 people on the platform. You and I have been afflicted by the same autoimmune condition, and both are or have been in professions that are "service to others" in their nature.

All I can say is welcome home, Sir.

It is not by chance, it is the change in projected frequency that all of us who have ended up on Steemit are responding to. It is this form of crypto-currency generation and all of us working towards the same things that is setting the common frequency among us. (In my humble opinion of coarse...I probably don't sound very humble at the moment and maybe a little wacked-out. LOL)
So, I will leave that for you to wrap your mind around for a bit.
On to "the how to heal" part. Yes, MS has a lot to do with the mix of bacterial colonies in your entire digestive system being unbalanced. We must re-set the balance of colonies that co-habitat in the gut and then drive up the nutritional density so that we can feed the mitochondria of our cells properly to delivery the energy they need so that we don't feel exhausted.
I have followed Dr. Terry Wahls' protocol. If you haven't head of her, start with her Ted TV talk:

This is an extremely eye opening and amazing video! I have heard from several people that organic foods and such have helped them through their health issues. But do you want to know something extremely interesting? Out of all of the doctors and specialists that I have seen, not one has ever suggested changing my eating habits or even asked for that matter. They just want to try new drugs... Thank you for sharing this with me and whomever else happens to see it. :)

Not sure where my other comment went...but this video is from Clint Paddison. He's reversed his RA by changing his eating lifestyle.

This one is equally as beneficial. Clint Paddison is from Australia.

It's his Ted TV talk on YouTube.

Once the autoimmune attacking cycle starts and we don't correct the root cause which is problems within the gut, levels of digestive enzymes and mineral deficiencies, autoimmune diseases start to compound over time.
I would suggest that RA was the first, then MS....what presents next is what's being activated in your genes...that's called epigenetics. People blame their genetics but this is not the way to look at it. We must fix the issues that switched the genes on in the first place. Once we do this, the switch will be turned off and so will the disease processes. Then, we work to restore structures and functions that have been damaged.

Thank you so much for all of the information that you are giving me, I am not just reading it, I'm taking it to heart! As for the chat thread...I'm not sure what was going on there. I finally got to read most of your messages but I still think one or two are missing, I will explain in the chat room. I don't want to send it to you now because it's 0330 in the morning and I do not want to take a chance on waking you up. One thing the chat was doing was taking a long paragraph that you had written and broke it down in to about 7 different notifications. So I got 7 emails with chopped up messages...very strange but hopefully it was a one time fluke or something. I need to go watch a video about using the chat for dummies I just saw a few minutes ago. I know it looks straight forward but when I go to our thread, I can't really do anything but respond and go to the other rooms. I don't see an option to create a direct message or anything. And if I go to steemit chat's home page and try to sign in, it doesn't let me and I don't think it's very cell phone friendly either but all this could be operator error also ;)

It may because of the videos I embedded into the messages that I sent you. I will send you a plain message without a video to see if that restores the functionality of
The most important things are Terry Wahls video and Clint Paddison's video. 2 different people, different sides of the world and have both halted and reversed very aggressive autoimmune disease processes by changing their eat lifestyles. It's not easy, but it is worth a try for anyone who is struggling from an autoimmune condition of ANY description. I say give it a serious try for 30 days and see what the differences can be.

I don't know why it's not letting me view your message! I received the email that notified me that you had sent one and I can even read part of the message. It has a button that says "Go to message" and when I click on it, it takes me to the normal screen but there is no content where the message should be! It shows your name to left and has a ( 1 ) indicating there is one message. When I move my cursor over your name, the cursor changes from an arrow to a finger, like it will do something if I click on it but nothing ever happens. I right click, I left click, I double click and I cussed it like it's never been cussed before and I can't get anything to respond. I've checked my internet and everything appears okay, I don't know what else to do. I even logged out and back in on my PC and nothing has changed. This is really bothering me but it's typical Danny luck! I may create a post about it in the morning and see if anyone can give any insight on the subject. Thank you so much for trying and being patient with me.

It gives people their power and their lives back.

FOUND IT! I'm so sorry that I missed this reply, I'm usually fairly decent with staying on top of these things or at least I try my best. Thank yo so much for what you wrote and I agree with you totally! I am looking forward to watching the material you have given me. Thank you so much, you're an amazing person!