Message Fr Arcturian Council May 30, 2020

in acturian •  4 years ago 

"...Nothing you ever do, say, or think can make you more loveable and worthy of good than you already are. You are expressions of the one Divine Consciousness and nothing can or will ever change that. If or when emotions of judgement, criticism, and self loathing surface as old energy surfaces, know that it is a sign you are graduating and moving beyond the old concepts and beliefs that created them in the first place and which you have carried in cellular memory for centuries.

Bless all emotions as they arise for they are your teachers and bless the fact that you understand what is taking place for there remain many going through clearings who do not. Be grateful as you realize that you are spiritually ready to rid yourself of all that no longer serves your highest good regardless of how physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually uncomfortable the process may be.

There is so much taking place that you are not aware of and are not being told about by the media. Stop attempting to find answers to everything taking place for the human mind simply cannot give you the answers you seek. Begin to live out from your true nature, relying upon the fact that completeness lies within and will manifest outwardly as what is needed if allowed"...

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