The Most Probable Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

in acturian •  7 years ago 

We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been looking at the various timelines that are most probable the human collective, and we are very encouraged by what we see. We understand how hard it has been for most of you, and we want you to know that no matter how things might look in your life, or in the world, you are moving in the right direction.
We want to assure you that you cannot make a mistake.
You cannot screw things up for yourself or for anyone else, and we want you to relax more. It is through relaxation that you open yourselves up to receive.
You will find yourself on the timeline that best suits you, not by working on getting there, but on allowing yourself to flow. Now, people use that expression often, and you might not fully understand what they mean by it.
To us, ‘going with the flow’ means letting the energy take you on a journey and trusting that you are in fact moving in the right direction. It means you don’t have to fight against anyone or anything to get to where you are ultimately going.
In our last transmission, we told you that love united humanity, and now we also want to point out that love is the way to release that resentment, that anger, that angst that you sometimes hold.
It is through finding the love within you and shining it more brightly that you not only enjoy your life but that you also solve any and all of the problems that come up for you.
Love yourselves enough to grant yourselves freedom from doing things the hard way. Love yourselves enough to receive the help that is coming to you from other humans and from non-physical beings.
Love yourselves enough to acknowledge that you are enough, that you are doing enough, and that you have already done enough to be on that timeline that brings you to the ascension experience with ease and joy.
Now is not the time to look for busy work to keep justifying the fact that you are ascending.
Now is the time to kick back and enjoy the ride, but don’t take us at our word. Trust in the universal plan that has been underway for eons and eons of your time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

SOlve any and all of the problems holy shit........ i don't think i even fully want 2 accept how massive this is....... or can be if we allow it....
HELL YEA ACTURIAN FAM WE on the City starhips already smoking et's 4-20 in your ctiy forest. baby woooo!

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