The ancient Chinese treatment, Acupuncture is has been practicing over thousands of years as an alternative therapy to cure acute pain and contribute to the body’s overall wellness. As more and more people are looking for alternative therapies, acupuncture today has become a popular therapy to treat various body disorders and pain. The process of acupuncture follows the insertion of thin needles inside the body to the specific acupuncture points that balance the flow of energy and leads to the treatment of various pain and manages stress.
When is the acupuncture therapy effective?
As acupuncture has been recognized as an effective treatment to cure pain, it can work wonders for mental health as well. To be more specific, acupuncture is effective in treating various pain and body disorders which may typically include dental pain, migraine, low back pain, neck pain, osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, respiratory disorders and also helps in stress management. In the normal course of treatment, it is recommended to take at least one or two acupuncture therapies each week.
Is Acupuncture safe?
The different medications and treatments always come up with a cost, having severe side effects on the body, but as an alternative & natural therapy, more and more people are leveraging on acupuncture therapies to cure pain & treat other disorders. This has also raised concerns about the therapy being safe. As per World Health Organization, acupuncture therapy is considered to be safe and effective treatment, which is why acupuncture therapy has gained immense popularity and is being practiced in different countries all over the world.
To talk about how safe is acupuncture treatment, it is considered to be a relatively safe form of treatment with no severe side effects. Several surveys and studies conducted suggest that there were no serious adverse effects after taking the acupuncture treatment, unlike drugs or other treatments which may have serious side effects. Only in certain cases, the side effects can do only minor including nausea, mild headache or vomiting, which may not last long.
If performed by a licensed and well-trained practitioner, acupuncture therapy is considered to be an absolutely safe therapy. Some patients might feel little hurt while thin needles go in the skin, but that too is momentary. Other than that, Acupuncture is treated as a safe therapy as the needles used by practitioners are sterilized and are used only once & later disposed of. You can see your acupuncturist using new needles out of a sterile packet so ensure that there are no infections or serious side effects like HIV or hepatitis B.
Choosing a Practitioner
If you are considering acupuncture treatment, there are few things that you should take care, keeping the safety concerns in mind such as:
- Carry a thorough research before you finalize your practitioner.
- Check for the practitioner’s license and history.
- Clarify all your doubts. Ask if you are required to take precautions, how can the therapy improve your condition, how much would it cost, etc.
- Read the reviews of the center where you decide to take your acupuncture therapies.
Having the right acupuncture practitioner on your side can certainly make your treatment safe and bring you noticeable results! So, just look for a trained and experienced acupuncture practitioner & reap the wonderful benefits of the therapy.
Also Read :- 10 Surprising Benefits of Acupuncture
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