What's Up LP-NY? No Adam Kokesh Speaking?steemCreated with Sketch.

in adamkokesh •  7 years ago 


Adam: Is this your choice or theirs? Any explanation?

Why is Adam Kokesh not taking his turn to address the assembly? Has to be one of the larger delegations heading to "national" in New Orleans this year... and will certainly impact the selection of the governing Board, which Adam is overt about supporting a drastic regime change.

Does Michael Heise's "Mises Caucus" have any presence in NY? Don't see any evidence of it.

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Does NY have a very large LP?

What is your definition of "large"? I'd bet it is larger than Michigan's. ...or even PA's. And the real point should be is HOW LARGE COULD IT GROW WITH THE RIGHT INFLUENCE? The average IQ in the tri-state area is far more likely to comprehend the message in Adam's "Freedom!" book than 99% of the rest of America. Giving a book as a gift in the greater NYC area is considered a blessing by most. The rest of the nation perceives it predominantly as a curse. Sad, but true.

Dude... are you in it to win it? or what? I know the LP standards of performance are as deleted/depleted from all requirements and expectations as one could possibly conceive, but you are seriously testing even their limits. Do you have any prior experience managing any other libertarian or principled-independent campaign? Are you being financially compensated for your guidance? If so, how much? ...the supporters should know Adam's "overhead" before considering donations. We really don't want to see a Michael Badnarik for Congress '06 part deux, or Ron Paul for President '12 part deux... if you catch my drift.

I asked the other day for a list of state coordinators garnered so far. Well?????? Is there a link to them on the campaign website? If so, I couldn't find it. Please advise. LOSERtavia is done. 47 year pitiParty is stale and moldy. If you can't handle the heat in the kitchen, please find a job with the sanitation department.

...or are you counting on more of this from LPrs:

We have been touring the country for 4 years now. New York consistently has produced very low -turn-out events. Also, I do not believe we received an invitation to speak at the NY LP Convention.

THAT IS MY POINT!!! why the phuque haven't they invited Adam? And I am glad they have low turnout! Why aren't YOU calling them out on that? How many delegates seats do they have set aside for the National Convention? I don't give a shit what the "campaign" has done the last 4 years... only what it has accomplished since Adam read Akin the "riot act"... He stopped acting like a flaming faggot playing around and dancing in the streets, and began to put on his bigBoy Marine fatigues! Now he is in warrior mode. ...a very foreign object in Libertavia. Obviously, you are having trouble with it, as well.

More important, it must be asked: WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL for a large delegation for the '19 convention coming out of NY? If New Orleans works... Can't we conceive of 5 million books around NYC?.... DELIVERED ON 9/11?

Dude. Is this your first rodeo? Seriously. I feel like I am explaining things to a kid helping his little buddy win the 6th grade Student Government election for class president. Are you aware of how friggin' amateur you sound? Not to be mean... but are you qualified to handle a campaign that might actually see $20 - $100 million go through the treasury? hmmm?