Obadiah 1:1-21
Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 132:1-18
Proverbs 29:24-25
ACTS 1:8
ACTS 2:1-4.
The _*baptism of the Holy Spirit* is one of the most *misunderstood subjects in the Bible due to the limited understanding* available about it in the *Body of Christ.*_ Many see it as an _*experience*_ that was meant only for the _*early church and not for today's believers, while some see it as a not-so-important experience since they can also pray in their understanding.*_
Till date, there are many _*good believers who still doubt the credibility of speaking in tongues.*_ They _undermine its *enormous relevance and see speaking in tongues* as something *awkward and odd.*_ Some others who believe in it and _*eagerly thirst for it lack the basic understanding*_ as to the means of _*receiving it.*_
Speaking in _*tongues is not something you learn, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit.*_
Every born-again person has the Holy Spirit in a measure, but the full measure comes when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost. Yes, you certainly don't have to speak in tongues to be a good Christian, but you can't experience much of the miraculous power of God without the Biblical baptism in the Holy Ghost.
All through the _*scriptures,*_ everywhere the _*bible recorded*_ that men were _*baptized in the Holy Spirit,*_ it came with the _*evidence of speaking in tongues.*_ A believer that can’t speak in tongues will be _*cheated by the devil.*_
If you are not baptized in the Holy Spirit and you thirst for it, call it out of your inner man because it's already implanted in you since you became born again. Begin to speak in another tongue
experience today and forever; God bless you!
Lord, I take the full advantage that comes with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I will not be cheated by the enemy any longer in Jesus Name?