How I kicked my addiction over the last 3 days

in addiction •  8 years ago 

And I feel so much better for it.

My addiction has been growing & growing into a monster over for the last few years.


I should point out that I don’t actually drink coffee. Or tea. However I love caffeine!

Enter Red Bull (or V, or mother…. or any sugary fizzy drink with a high dose of caffeine).

Problem with a Red Bull or two a day is all the sugar! So much sugar. My body’s changed shape for it, and not for the better.

I’ve hit the caffeine pills over the last few weeks, and they’re great. No more sugar drinks every day. Really good.


The craving for caffeine is a terrible thing. If you don’t feed it you get horrible headaches. So bad. And whatever you do to try and get rid of it, you brain screens “NOOOOOO! GIVE ME CAFFEINE NOW!!!!”

So you feed it. More caffeine. And you brain thanks you by stopping the mind numbing unrelenting headaches.

Until next time that is. When it starts all over again the next day.

It’s not the most expensive habit to kick, but it’s a strong one.

So last Friday I decided “enough is enough”.

No more sugary drinks! No more caffeine pills!

And I went cold turkey.

Friday was a bad day for me at work. And the evening didn’t get much better when I got home, but I was determined. And I did it. I made it to bed with panadol, codeine, and a big glass of water.

My headache was even worse the next morning. And I had a gig to play that night. But I stuck to my guns, drank a few beers that night at the gig, and by the time I hit the sack I was beginning to get along with my headache. It was still there, but my determination was stronger than the call to caffeine.

And on Sunday morning, after being woken by my youngest tipping a bucket of lego over my head, my headache, while still there, was much more only in the background.

And today, three whole days later, the headaches have (mostly) gone, and I’m not craving sugar drinks…. well I wasn’t until I started writing this, buy my will is good, and I’m going to resist.

Anyone else out there should know “you’re not alone”. You’re worth more than the $1.99 per cup you addition is inflicting on you. “You can do it!” you too can kick the dirty coffee habit!

image curtesy of pexels stock images.

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So what made you decide to stop drinking coffee entirely rather than just cutting out the excess sugar?

And yes... that caffeine headache is brutal!!

I was sick of being a slave to my brains cravings!

And I gotta say, feel so clear headed today. Really makes a difference!

I love my coffee, truly I do. But I appreciate there is an addiction element to it. Years ago, I made the switch to black plunger coffee, no sugar, no milk, nothing but hot pressed freshly ground coffee. It took a bit to get used to, but now I prefer it. We even bought a hand grinder to make the coffee making a more mindful process. Every now and then the shop bought cappuccinos creep back into my life and that is a habit I like to kick. I don't think I will ever 'give up' my black morning coffee though but it does need to be moderated. Good luck with your quitting :)