Do not tell the drug addiction.......

in addition •  7 years ago 

The drug addiction aggression gradually consumes the young people. But the awareness of prevention is far more than ever. Yet the spread of drug addiction is alarming. The progress of the country depends on the performance of young people. If the youths are inclined to drug addiction, national progress is bound to be threatened. The way that these young people can be overcome, they will have to return from this path and bring them back.

Domestic and international studies show that two-thirds of drug users are young or tinase at the same age. One in five countries in the western countries is a drug addict. Although there are no national figures in our country, it can be said that the rate is not less in any part. The most important time of life is eventful, challenging and problematic for various reasons. Many people are frustrated, distraught and out of target at this age when they keep pace with the demands of education, jobs, personal relationships, self-discipline and modern city life. Many people suffer from the identity crisis at this time. In them, mental health problems increase with increased stress, anxiety, sadness and behavioral problems, which increase the risk of drug addiction. In most cases, they do not want to share the matter with anyone because of social fear and shame. As a result, they turn themselves away and fall apart from the society. At one time they put themselves in the face of death, and they die.

Drug addiction among young people is rapidly expanding due to various psychosocial factors including the availability of drugs, drug smuggling, curiosity, pressure of friends, and socio-economic conditions. They have been involved in various types of criminal activities, including theft, robbery, kidnapping and drug addiction. The availability of drugs is one of the reasons for drug addiction, but not the only reason. A common misconception about the cause of drug addiction is personal frustration, failure and untimely If this happens, almost everyone will be drug addict. In reality, the matter is different. The characteristics of young people's personality, such as child trafficking and violation of laws, schizophrenic school and scholasticism and other risky and prudent behavior increase the tendency to take drugs. Very curious teenagers and young people can not often ignore the friend's request for drug addiction. Smoking is another risky behavior for TNJ drug addiction. Studies show that almost all of the drug addicts (about 70-80 percent) are smokers. For this, smoking is considered as a stairway for drug possession. So let us keep a close watch on all of our brothers, sisters, boys and girls.

Despite the huge anti-smoking campaign, it is difficult to say how much the attraction of the attraction in the young society has decreased. There are many other causes of drug addiction among young people; Such as: crime and basic underprivileged social environment, lack of play and healthy recreation, social and moral decadence etc. If there is a problem with drug addiction and any member of the family, the risk of others increases greatly. At the same time, father and son were seen to be hospitalized for drug addiction treatment. Urban culture has emerged as a risk factor for the drug addiction of young people. In modern society, youths consider drug abuse as modernity.

Now the most widely used drug that is available. Yaba tablets are very popular among youth, especially in schools, colleges and universities. A special feature of these substances used as narcotics is that it stimulates the special place of the brain, which temporarily intensify. Consistency is created after a few days of use. As a result, the same level does not feel the same as before. Due to this, the use of the drug continued to increase gradually, which resulted in long-term addiction, which eventually resulted in death.

Almost all of the days of drug addiction, young people spend most of their time on drug and drug and physical problems. As a result, his daily normal activities, education, personal and social life were severely damaged. Many people are involved in criminal activities such as theft, hijacking and even drug business for the expense of drug expenditure. A drug addict can never be considered a criminal until he is involved in the sale of drugs and other crimes.

Drug addiction is a psychosocial and public health problem. For this reason it is necessary to bring the drug addiction under scientific treatment. The biggest problem after being addicted is that there are many unbearable physical and mental problems that have been withdrawn without using drugs. Due to this, a drug addict can fall into a vicious cycle and he can not easily come out of it.

The treatment of drug addiction is a complex and long-term process. But the success of the treatment depends on many things and conditions. The first and most important step of treatment is to bring the patient under treatment. In most cases, the addicts hide from the drug addicts and refrain from taking help. It is important to take the patient's detailed history at the beginning of the treatment of drug addiction, monitor the physical and mental condition and other psychosocial (economic status, housing, education, employment) and family status. Without family support, its treatment is almost impossible.

The first step of treatment is the release of the toxicity caused by drug addiction or detoxification. Its planning depends on the intensity of addiction, the nature of drugs and the use of drugs. Adequate physical addiction, such as heroin, phensidyl, all types of operatuses, benzodiazepines (sleeping medicine), alcohol etc. are required to be admitted to the hospital for detoxification. A drug addict is admitted to a special hospital under the supervision of psychiatric disorder specialist with the consent of his or her guardian. If the patient is ineligible for admission, treatment is not available as expected. Motivational counseling is a very effective method in these cases. Almost all drug addicts have different types of physical and mental problems.

Mental disorders caused by drug addiction: depression and suicide trends, mania, anxiety problems, sleep problems, sleep disorder (unconscious suspicion, abnormal chit, incomplete speech and behavior, vandalism and violent behavior, hallucinations etc.), sexual problems etc.

Medical problems caused by drug addiction: Physical problems include disorders of food, malnutrition, infection in various parts of the body (more injecting users), diseases of various organs, such as liver, intestines, kidney diseases, and injuries and injuries, and accidents, driving and hepatitis and AIDS. The effect may be until death. Many times, at the same time, taking extraction of drugs at the same time, sensation of poisoning, respiratory discomfort and different types of physical problems can be found, which can lead to loss of life. In such cases, the hospital should immediately arrange treatment according to the advice of the nearest hospital.

Medical problems created due to drug addiction: Among the social problems, stealing, hijacking, social violence, divorce, etc. is one. Problems solving these problems require psychosocial treatment.

Strategies to Reduce Loss: If the drug is not able to completely release the drug in the initial stage, then one of the main objectives of the treatment is to reduce the harmful effects of the drug which is known as Harm Remediation Tactics. Especially injecting syringes among injection users can cause hepatitis and AIDS infections. For this reason various measures were taken to reduce the use of awareness among the drug addicts and risky behavior and the use of drugs.

Another important step towards drug addiction treatment is long-term rehabilitation which is long-term. In this case, family support is needed. The success of the rehabilitation process depends on these issues. Psychosocial treatment (psychotherapy and counseling) is essential for the long-term rehabilitation process.

Demand reduction strategy and drug addiction: It is almost impossible to eliminate the availability of drugs in society. That is why it is necessary to reduce the demand and consumption of drugs among the young generation in society, which is known as the demand reduction strategy. Unemployment, employment and lack of healthy recreation can increase the risk of drug use. For this, young people need to create sports, cultural activities, healthy recreation and employment opportunities. Due to geographical location, Bangladesh is used as a drug for smuggling. In this regard, the law enforcing agencies will have to be more active in the border and in the country. It is possible to prevent the misuse of drugs if it is properly implemented and strictly implemented by the Narcotics Control Act (1990).

To prevent drug addiction, it is necessary to increase public awareness on the harm of the drug. Parents need to be careful that their child is moving with whom, whether education is regularly in progress. Many give extra money for the child's hand expenses, but do not seek any information about what is being spent on it. Parents need to reduce the distance with the child and build a friendly relationship and his views and problems should be considered seriously. If it is seen that he has been overly angry and excited for a few days, demanding extra money without visible reason, and if he does not get involved in vandalism and marijuana, he is sleeping all night long, while going out unnecessarily, personal cleanliness, personality and health deterioration Being moving with new and unknown friends, if the drug addiction is in doubt Bay and for sure will take more research. If needed, you will have to undergo a urine examination after going to the psychiatrist.

In order to prevent drug trafficking and its bad relationship, the United Nations Anti-Narcotics Agency has been performing drug abuse and illegal anti-trafficking day since 1987 on 26th June every year. The organization has started the process of creating a healthy community of Madcom-free communities worldwide. Make public awareness about the destructive effects of drug use and spread anti-drug movement in the whole country. In this regard, the media will play a more active and responsible role. Currently, people of all walks of life like guardians, psychologists, psychologists, and people in the prevention of increasing drug addiction among young people in our country will have to come forward. Now is the time for this collective effort to keep young generation free of drugs.

After all, let's say we all say "no" to the drug.

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