Developing Habits Since Infancy 어릴 때부터 습관을 기르기

in adoptdontshop •  4 years ago  (edited)


Our first time caring for 8 puppies since birth was not a walk in the park, with sleepless nights, early mornings, and much self-education. We have 3 adult furkids living in our cosy little home of fewer than 1,500 sq ft. One can only imagine being in a crowded space with little minions running left and right with various events happening at every corner of our home.

Nonetheless, our home was filled with vibrant movements and eventful events constantly. From the moment 8 puppies came into the world, we were blessed with tiredness yet joy; for every soreness and pain came with laughter and love that deeply touches one heart.

Since pups, when it was time to pee and defecate, we would take them to the garden where there's grass and gently rub their bellies in circular motion till their bodies naturally dispense the waste. Once they were ready to do their own business, they have become familiar and developed the habit to search for the grass at the garden to perform their business. Hence, introducing habits to be developed since young is not only essential but effective.

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Chilling and cooling his paw pad

Introducing water to your pup at a young age and the sound of a vacuum or blow dryer is useful for grooming sessions during the later years when they are more capable to retaliate and scratch, growl or struggle. I found showering them once a week and touching them wet hands every now and then, helps with the introduction of water. Also, a positive experience during bath time is crucial.

As they get older, offering treats during and after baths as positive reinforcement helps. This way, they will look forward to their next bath time. ALERT! give a healthy treat and be careful not to overfeed causing obesity :P though they look super adorbs when chubby and fluffy ❤


3 and 4 months of playfulness; still chilling and cooling his paw pad (left to right)

The same for the noise from blowers and vacuums. Slowly introduce them by bringing our pups physically closer to the devices. Getting accustomed to these noises will reduce the stress levels of both furkid and Hooman, during grooming time in the later years. Always make sure their experience is a positive one.

One bad experience as a pup; water too cold or hot, blower too hot, or getting injured while bathing, etc. will leave a scar possibly deep enough to last a lifetime, as in humans too.

Whatever the habit, start them young while being mindful to try our best not to without notice introduce unwanted habits :)


Here's an unwanted habit … ROFL!

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