Solitarily Along...

in adoption •  8 years ago 

Solitarily Along

I could have in my bank account, all the money in the world.
I could have a 2-mile-long yacht, filled with food, women and drink.
I could achieve world peace, and end world hunger.
I could have everything that most folks crave so passionately.
And I would still not have fulfilled my heart’s one longing,
To hear my mother and father say, “I am proud of you”,
I can achieve anything else in the world, but never this one thing.
No money in the world could ever make this come true.
Only one woman and man could ever fill the void in my soul,
That will never happen, I will never fill that hole.
We all chose to remain bitter to the bitter end
Too proud to right the wrong;
And so, now they are at peace
As I go painfully,
solitarily along…

Written by MD

Coven of One Solitarily Along 1.1.jpg

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