ADSactly Culture - The Ten Most Famous Paintings of All Time (Part I)

in adsaclty •  6 years ago 

La Maja vestida de Goya

The Ten Most Famous Paintings of All Time (Part I)

Hello, friends of Steemit! On this occasion I wanted to give literature a break to enter into another of the arts that inspire and evoke passion within us: painting. This exercise is done with the purpose of refreshing our knowledge of painting and thus has a more general culture. That is why today I have given myself the task of reviewing and investigating which paintings are the most famous of all time.

It is not strange that individually we have our favorite works or painters; also when it comes to surveys, we have a list with our own paintings and famous painters. Unfortunately, in this choice is not our individual appreciation, but that of all, specialists or not, who have put each of these works in the place of honor they are. It is worth saying that I made this decision by reviewing some pages and selecting only those works that were repeated. I must say that the fact that they are famous paintings does not necessarily mean that they have to be the best quality, the most complex or the largest. In this case they are famous paintings because they are the most well known, the ones that many of us, without being experts, can identify among thousands; they have become popular icons. In this first part we will bring only 5, then in the next delivery, the remaining 5. Let's stop talking and start with the list:

IN POSITION 10: Guernica


Guernica is a large painting painted in oil in 1937 by the Spanish painter, sculptor and poet Pablo Picasso, who did it in 7 weeks. It is considered one of the most important paintings of the 20th century and of the painter's career, due to its political message mixed with Surrealist, Cubist and Expressionist styles that make it unique. El Guernica is a painting commissioned by the Spanish Republic for the 1937 Paris International Exposition. The idea was to try to bring international opinion closer to the republican cause by projecting a good cultural image.
The mural is currently in the Museo de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain, measuring 349.3 cm high x 776.6 cm wide.

IN POSITION 9: The Birth of Venus


The birth of Venus 1483-1484 (in Italian: Nascita di Venere), is a painting by Sandro Botticelli, and represents one of the masterpieces of the Italian master. It is executed in tempera on canvas and measures 278.5 centimetres wide by 172.5 cm high (it is enormous). He was saved from the flames of the Bonfire of the Vanities in 1497. In that year, followers of the monk Girolamo Savonarola collected and publicly burned thousands of objects considered sinful and this painting was one of those saved. The painting has a strong feminine content. This can be seen in the shell that occupies the central part of the work and that represents the female genitals. This image is directly identified with the birth of all human life. It is preserved in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

IN POSITION 8: The Persistence of Memory


The Persistence of Memory, also known as The Soft Clocks, is a famous painting by the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí painted in 1931. Made using the technique of oil on canvas, is surrealist in style and is smaller than you can imagine, as its measures are 24 x 33 cm. It is said that The Persistence of Memory was painted in the middle of a hallucination. This work is considered a clear example of Dalí's work in which the deconstruction of the situation and the objects shows the relationship that exists between the real and the imaginary. It is conserved in the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York, where it arrived in 1934 as a donation from Helen Lansdowne Resor.

IN POSITION 7: The kiss


The Kiss (Der Kuss) was painted in 1908 with oil and gold leaf by the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt, of the Art Nouveau era. Using the same oil painting technique, Klimt created his work by combining mosaics and decorations against a mysterious golden background. This painting was exhibited and purchased in 1908, before its author completed it. The Austrian Gallery was the first to show it, and the Belvedere Museum soon included it in its collection. There are those who see in the work a perfect embodiment of the eternal love between both sexes, with a clear domination on the part of man and a surrender of it. The painting The Kiss measures 1.8 meters high by 1.8 meters long and is currently in the Belvedere Gallery at the Belvedere Palace in Vienna, Austria.

IN POSITION 6: The naked maja


The nude Maja is one of Francisco de Goya's most famous works. The painting is a commissioned work painted before 1800, in a period that would be between 1790 and 1800 and formed a couple with La Maja Vestida. Both paintings portray the same beautiful woman lying placidly on a bed and looking directly at the observer. Probably commissioned by Manuel Godoy, who since 1795 had become Goya's patron, this singular work is Goya's only female nude at a time when this genre was forbidden by the Inquisition. Few female nudes have given rise to as much literature as this one, to which the romantic legend of the model's identity has contributed, as she identified herself for a time with the Duchess of Alba, and also with Pepita Tudó, Godoy's lover. This work, painted with the technique of oil on canvas, has a size of 98 cm x191 cm and is located in the Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.

Surely, dear reader, you have your own list of famous works. Remember that any selection sometimes responds to personal mechanisms, individual tastes. Do you think there is someone who doesn't deserve to be on this honor roll? What are the top 5 on the list? I'd like to know your opinion! For now, vote for @adsactly as a witness and join our discord to keep talking about these and other interesting topics. Until the next smile! ;)


WRITTEN BY:@nancybriti

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I do not know whether you heard or not, but there is a story about the writing of the painting "The Kiss", which can be safely attributed to the legend. A certain earl ordered a painting from the artist, where he would be imprinted with his beloved in a passionate kiss. He also handed Klimt a medallion with a portrait of his beloved. The artist set to work, and soon was able to provide it to the court graph. The canvas was incredibly liked by the count, but he could not refrain from asking why in the picture their lips never joined in a kiss. Klimt parried - he wanted to portray the atmosphere of desire and passion, which is about to push his loved ones in his arms. Both the customer and his beloved loved the picture. Soon they were leaving for a honeymoon trip. Some biographers recall that later Klimt allegedly revealed the secret of this “unresolved kiss” - while working with the medallion, the artist himself fell in love with a young girl, and the unfinished kiss turned out to be a little revenge, caused by a feeling of jealousy of the successful graph.
It is no coincidence that “The Kiss” became the most famous work of the artist, because the picture concentrated all the main sign elements of the composition, characteristic of the master's handwriting. We meet the flower meadows in the landscape works of the author, the complex whimsical ornament is the leitmotif of the overwhelming number of mature works, and the gold-trimmed Klimt is especially carried away in the last years of his creative work.

In your comment you walked not only through the characteristic of Klimt's painting, but also through one of the great myths behind this work. In fact, there are those who say that the woman in the painting may be an old lover of the artist. In short, the interesting thing about all this is the infinite amount of stories that can be woven behind the artist and his work. It would be interesting to make a post with only those stories and curiosities. Thank you for commenting, @aydogdy

When I look at the picture "The Kiss", I see how a man has a pronounced overriding function - he towers over his beloved, at the same time protecting and dominating. The kneeling pose of the girl shows us a subordinate state, although the man himself is also kneeling. Moreover, despite the intimacy of the moment, the viewer does not have the sensation of spying - the characters are not hiding from anyone. Their image is characterized by some kind of an imperviously simple mortal cosmic state, where only they exist, immersed in each other.

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Congratulations, excellent work. This first part of the list seems to me that it collects the most well-known paintings, the added data enrich the information to know each one. I would complete this list with the following five works.

The Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vinci. It is not one that I like very much, but it is famous in the world.
Las Meninas, Diego Velásquez. It is one of the works that I like very much. It is painted on a large canvas, which makes it exceptional.
Starry Night, Vicent Van Gogh.
The bedroom of Arles, Vicent Van Gogh. These two works of this painter because I love his style known as Post-Impressionist. In the latter, I like the simple lines and the coloring of the painting.
The scream, Edvard Munch. An extraordinary expressionist work. Despair and anguish were marked in the expression of the man in the painting. Munch himself wrote this in his diary following, we could say that is the explanation and description of the painting itself: "I was walking on a path with two friends - the sun went down - suddenly the sky was dyed blood red, I stopped and leaned against a dead fence tiredness - blood and tongues of fire lurked on the dark blue fjord and the city - my friends continued and I stood still, trembling with anxiety, I felt an infinite scream passing through nature "

I hope the second part to know how you complete your list, @nancybriti.

I got a few of these but obviously it’s all a matter of taste : how you were brought up, what country you live in and – if your an artist what your own influences were.

here is my list and not in any order. I picked some because they are obvious and some because they are my personal favorites.

  1. Mona Lisa (obvious)
  2. Rembrant’s Selfie
  3. Starry Night (obvious)
  4. Christina’s World
  5. Klimpt’s “the Kiss”
  6. “George Washington Crossing the Delaware”
  7. Jackson Pollock’s “Number 5”
  8. Egon Sheile 1912 Selfie
  9. Vermer’s “Girl with the Pearl Ear Ring”
  10. and of course “the Scream”

oddly I didn’t pick any Piccassos! – just never got into cubism.

You made a very good selection, @Kouba01. In fact some, even if they are not on the list, should be. As for example La chica del arete de perla also considered as the Dutch Mona Lisa. I also have my favorites that aren't among the most famous, but I thought they might be. This is the case, for example, of El Bosco's Garden of Delights. That is an impressive painting with a very rich meaning. I always appreciate your comment. Greetings

I dont know about painting but to some extent i know i love painting especially when it involves the imaginative aspect of it and then trying to bring it to reality by a way of painting. Although i used to do some painting when i was a kid, but i think i last the appetite to do that again.

The painting i love here is painting number 8, "the perception of the memory" and painting number 9 " the birth of venus" wonderful painting it is, maybe i should go back to painting and see if i could rediscover my talent.

Preety nicely done. @nancybriti something out of taste for me but qyite interesting to know some of the greatest great of art word. I am not much into artistic world but have seen fewer of thw great work. But you broight up some of the greates name across the globe and very informative too...i am sure it is pretty difficult to arrange them in sequence as each one of it is masterclass. All the names were very new to me except the number 10 "pablo picaso"who is renowned artis of his time and quite famous across the globe....the work is very beautiful..especuallh the birth of venus. Would be more interested to see the other part of the series...and who will be given number one position....i have a wild guess ..hopefully it is the one....👍

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Hahaha. I'm glad you're curious! Remember that they are the best known works in the world, that everyone has ever seen. Knowing a little bit about each subject is always good if we want to have an intelligent conversation with people. Picasso has several good and well-known paintings. I hope you already know a little more about painting. Thank you for commenting, @steemflow

Agree..little knowledge on any subject makes a meaningful conversation. And in place where we do not have much knowledge mere praising the good work one can be capable of...and that what i did. 😉
Even if i try i cant be good at any artistic conversation...i have null knowledge on this subject except knowing few well known old and new name......👍

Posted using Partiko Android

To me in particular, lists are hateful. All selection is personal. Guernica and The Birth of Venus should not have been there for me. And the number one painting must have been Gustav Klimt's Kiss. I find the story behind this work extraordinary, including the materials it is made of. It is said to have gold flakes and dust. No wonder when they put it up for auction, even if it wasn't finished, they immediately bought it. If we look at the dimensions, we realize that it is large, compared to, for example, The Persistence of Memory, which measures only 24 x 33 cm. An insignificance in comparison with the work of Klimt. I would like to see the end of that list!

Ten most famous panting indeed. This are lovely photos with well placed colours, no doubts why they are famous. The above listed painters posses great potentials and skills as you can see. Painting if not just something you'll wake up and decide to do. Definitely, you'll have to pass through the studying of colours and so on and I must recommend them for their hard work and skills, well it wasn't in vain.

Every effort and work has its reward in the long run! Many of these artists became famous after his death. Thank you for your comment

I liked the selection you made. I know many of those paintings. I think the only one I didn't know was Guernica. From Picasso my favourite is Las señoritas Avignon and La mujer que llora. Will it be on the list? I think Rembrandt should be in the first places with Anatomy Lesson, just like da Vinci's La Mona Lisa. But the one I like the most is Klimt's Kiss. That work is beautiful and so full of feeling. Poetry made a kiss. I will be watching the second part of this delivery.

Where is naked maja painting located museum? Can someone tell me the exact address?

Beautiful post put together so well good work 👏

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He is Good Artice man.
I like him..

He art Very nice photo.

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looked like titanic paint.. Rose with the diamond

This is truly a cool post!

Five centuries after Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa (1503–19), the portrait hangs behind bulletproof glass within the Louvre Museum and draws thousands of jostling spectators each day. It is the most famous painting in the world, and yet, when viewers manage to see the artwork up close, they are likely to be baffled by the small subdued portrait of an ordinary woman. She’s dressed modestly in a translucent veil, dark robes, and no jewelry. Much has been said about her smile and gaze, but viewers still might wonder what all the fuss is about. Along with the mysteries of the sitter’s identity and her enigmatic look, the reason for the work’s popularity is one of its many conundrums. Although many theories have attempted to pinpoint one reason for the art piece’s celebrity, the most compelling arguments insist that there is no one explanation. The Mona Lisa’s fame is the result of many chance circumstances combined with the painting’s inherent appeal.

There is no doubt that the Mona Lisa is a very good painting. It was highly regarded even as Leonardo worked on it, and his contemporaries copied the then novel three-quarter pose. The writer Giorgio Vasari later extolled Leonardo’s ability to closely imitate nature. Indeed, the Mona Lisa is a very realistic portrait. The subject’s softly sculptural face shows Leonardo’s skillful handling of sfumato, an artistic technique that uses subtle gradations of light and shadow to model form, and shows his understanding of the skull beneath the skin. The delicately painted veil, the finely wrought tresses, and the careful rendering of folded fabric reveal Leonardo’s studied observations and inexhaustible patience. And, although the sitter’s steady gaze and restrained smile were not regarded as mysterious until the 19th century, viewers today can appreciate her equivocal expression. Leonardo painted a complex figure that is very much like a complicated human.