ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #6

in adsactly •  7 years ago  (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #6

It's no coincidence that we are witnessing deep financial and social crisis arising in various countries throughout the world. Deeper and deeper differences in wealth, the well-being of individuals, access to health care and limited possibilities of professional advancement are, unfortunately, becoming a standard for defining world's society as it is.

The source is here.

We believe that this problematic state of being has its roots in the centralization of resources and encouraging of competition by the established elites. We do not want to speculate whether it was conceived willingly or not, but we can clearly see that it is perpetuated by the current state of world's economy.

This leads into constant ongoing wars, needed to keep a status quo favoured by the elites. Wars are a tragic product of economic competition among countries, corporations and religions. All of the centralized institutions are eager to promote the "survival of the fittest" principle in a cut-throat economic system.


Because only in such environment, where people are competing, instead of cooperating, human beings are prone to be dependent upon 'loan offers', 'financial solutions', 'derivatives' and all sorts of "products" constructed with a single purpose in mind - to enslave the minds and bodies, steal people's time and therefore keep them under control by chains of debt.

How does one reach individual's goals? How do people achieve their dreams and prosperity for their families?

The quick and easy answer is: by co-operating together on projects and gaining a fair part of the profits. This is what we do. This is how we strive.

Every honest individual with good intentions is invited to join and offer skills, knowledge, energy, time or resources to various ongoing projects within ADSactly society. The channel is here: ADSactly and you are welcome.

Go Adsactly

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Great article and I'm so glad to read something that is so inline with my opinions! This is the very reason why I believe in the Blockchain, BC Technology, and Cryptocurrencies. This is the start for the new Global Economy that was ushered in with the rise of the internet. No other time in history has a person been able to start using only pennies, then within a matter of just a few months, earn enough money back to make a real difference in their life.

Now is the poor man's, average person's, time to actually have an attainable chance to live life, instead of working themselves to death, literally, just to survive. I know this sounds extreme, but to anyone that has ever been poor and has now gotten involved with cryptocurrencies, knows this isn't extreme at all, it's reality. I, for one, was sick and tired of working in pain daily, only to worry from day to day what my kids were going to eat that night for supper. Only people that work, and make too much for any government assistance, know exactly what I'm talking about. People living on Welfare receiving Food Stamps and Medicaid, live better than the non-existent, working "middle class" do. It has gotten so bad that people aren't living paycheck-to-paycheck, they are now trying to make it day-to-day. Wages have remained the same for twenty-thirty years, yet, the cost of living has increased ten-fold! So my question is, where is all that extra money going, if not to the workers? Everyone knows who is getting it.

We, I'm talking about the cryptocurrency community, and even more specifically the community and Sandbox, have a chance to change the way people live. We CAN make a difference for people Worldwide! I've created a new project that will empower communities to improve the lives of their residents using Blockchain, teaching all this new tech, then finding jobs. Not only will these centers bring money into the community, improve the lives of all the residents, but, it will also reduce the number of people on government assistance! I hope to have the entire program outlined on Sandbox soon, and hope to see fellow Steemians support it!

Once again, great article. Thanks!

Thank you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Now i don't see that steemit is really changed something. Only for some lucky ones. Crypto won't make you 100% rich. There is no garanty. If you are poor, then you can't buy 10 bitcoins, or more now. Less money make less money.

Crypto won't brake problem of poor people.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is exactly why blockchain technology is so revolutionary. It has the means to once and for all, decentralize processes of which has been only possible through centralized entities since the beginning of time. Now, we may usher in a new era where data cannot be locked behind closed doors, hidden away from the public. We live in great times!

Fantastic article, it reminds me about the zero competition and 100% coperation on steemit. Thank you.

Wow .. This is a very good post. A very intelligent thought. Thank you for making a very useful article @adsactly

I have to follow you so I can't miss your work. Thanks for proving me right again

Spanish version of this ADSactly publication / Versión en español de esta publicación

fantastic work and a best guideline for those who can not know exactly about it . Thanks

Wonderful community. Let's every body join and strength #adsactly community. Its Realy done a great job.

super !

Sry man but we are living in best times ever... Yes, the difference between rich and poor is huge. but poor part of humanity is getting smaller and smaller and living better and better... It is a great World out there just keep on smiling ;) UP!

Fantastic article........

nice post an true ! @adsactly , thanks for sharing , I'd like you visit my page too :)

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Really good article.

When I first got into crypto and steemit I hadn't researched much about what it really represents, but I could feel it's liberating effects immediately. No longer did I depend on my local banks and economy, for once I could think of something more. Later I understood more about it, and could clearly understand why it's become so big over the years.

Upvoted and followed!

I really hate war. for me lerang is just a process of killing innocent people under unclear pretexts.

Hal ini menyebabkan perang terus-menerus, diperlukan untuk mempertahankan status quo yang disukai oleh para elit. Perang adalah produk tragis dari persaingan ekonomi antar negara, korporasi dan agama. Semua institusi terpusat ingin sekali mempromosikan prinsip "survival of the fittest" dalam sistem ekonomi cut-throat.

Thanks @adsactly for sharing its

great post my friends

Many people are still living in poverty line and I am very happy to participate in this program

I want change! Everyone does!

It will start with communities like ADSactly teaching people the truth!

Continue what you are doing ADSactly, you may humanity's glimmer of sunshine 😋

nice words that...