ADSactly Short Stories - All for the money

in adsactly •  6 years ago 

All for the money

It was a terrible news. Dr Zungu was dead and all eyes were on his twenty-four-year-old wife. The frail old man was discovered dead along the narrow dirt road near his palatial mansion.

All the neighbours got a chance to peep into his well-furnished house with both envy and pity written on their faces. They knew it, Mrs Zungu married him for his money. How could it be love between the two?

Little Malian, the six-year-old neighbour, looked through her window and was fascinated by the yellow tapes with which the police surrounded the house.

She had only seen it on TV and was surprised that the police in Boma had it since the state police never seemed to have anything. He knew her father hated the police. It was easy to see his hatred after each strange "handshake" as he drove her to school.

"Daddy, why do you shake the policemen? Is it because your driving licence has expired?" Her innocent eyes widened as she looked on earnestly for an answer.

"Oh, that. How did you know my driver's licence had expired?"

"I overheard you talking to Mummy yesterday about renewing the licence. You said you did not want traffic police to disturb you along the road."

"What did I tell you about eavesdropping?"

"What is Eve's dropping, daddy?"

"Malian, it is called EAVESDROPPING, one word spelt E-A-V-E-D-R-O-P-P-I-N-G. It is when you listen to things to which you are not supposed to listen."

"Ok, daddy. It is a bad behaviour done by bad children. But I was not eavesdropping. I only overheard you and Mummy talking since your door was open."

Well, no one could have faulted such flawless logic. He smiled inwardly and continued driving. One day she would make a great lawyer.

"Daddy, Mrs Zigo said that Mrs Zungu was a gold digger. Is that why they are so wealthy?"

"Never mind what Mrs Zigo said. She says a lot of things."

Mrs Zigo the neighbourhood gossip had echoed the sentiments of many people living at Moon Crescent, a middle-income suburb of the town. The relationship between the good family doctor in his late seventies and the twenty-four-year-old former beauty queen was at first attributed to boredom and loneliness on the part of the doctor.

When they finally got married, the whole town attended en masse to catch a glimpse of the lady who they swore married him for his money. Their conviction was even more solidified when they got to know her past acquaintances and flings had been strings of rich old men and wealthy retired footballers. No one doubted for a second the marriage was for love. They all swore she was only in it for the money, while she patiently waited for the doctor's death to inherit all his money.

Dr Zungu's first marriage produced no children. His wife died in a freak accident in a big shopping mall parking lot ten years ago. A truck, parked carelessly in neutral, rolled off and pinned her against the wall. By the time anyone realised what had happened it was too late.

The new wife, when questioned by the police, displayed all the signs that you would get from someone who recently lost a loved one. But the detectives noticed something off, she has the air of someone that committed a crime. But the truth is, you cannot arrest someone based on instincts not backed by cold, hard, irrefutable facts. Even though their instincts pointed to her. They just have to wait for her to make a slip.

The man's death made her the sole heir since the previous marriage was a childless one. The detectives worked painstakingly looking for clues that will point them to the killer. Unfortunately, the search turned up empty.

Seated in a daze in the hall-sized sitting room was the recent widow. She showed the classic characteristic of someone in shock. She could be in shock or it could also be that she was a good actress. The sharp eyes of Detective Pato did not miss any details. It had scrutinised the hands and found no scratch marks or evidence of a struggle. They also took a swab of her hands to check for gunpowder residue.

The forensic team took the deceased away after they took loads of pictures. They had just finished the search of the area where the good doctor died. After hours of search, they found the bullet embedded on an old tree trunk, just a few meters from where the doctor died.

The investigators are looking for a murder weapon, so far nothing has been found. Whosoever shot the doctor, also went away with the weapon. If there's no weapon and no suspect, apart from the devastated wife, it appeared the death could be just another unsolved murder.

It was the second week of fruitless investigations, tips and reports flooded Boma police telephone line, which kept the investigators busy pursuing any lead that looked promising. They were all dead ends.

Meanwhile, back at the office, the phone rang for the umpteenth time, and the tired emergency responder picked.

"This is the police emergency number, how may I help you?"

"Hello Officer, I'd like to report a sighting of something that I saw," the shrill voice at the end whispered.

Oh no, not again, the tired detective working the phone sighed. This could just be another bored child or a prankster disguising her voice with a voice-altering software. They have had quite a few of such pranksters call in with fake tips while fishing for information.

"Hello, where are you calling us from?" Detective Rogers replied in a professional voice.

"My room, near the window," came the raspy voice of the caller.

"Please, this is police emergency number, we do not like people making the line busy for others who may have genuine police needs."

"My name is Malian, my friends call me Mally. I live very close to Dr Zungu. I saw the big balloons go up after I heard the loud bang."

In the background, the detective could hear a voice, which sounded like the parents, "Who are you talking to on the phone?" He could hear the word, "The police, Daddy" whispered in reply.

"What did I tell you about calling up random strangers?" the voice continued.

Next, there was a shuffle and an adult voice came on the line, "Hello officer, sorry about that, it was my six-year daughter. They just taught them about emergency numbers today at school. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, she has an overactive imagination."

"No problem Sir, do you happen to be neighbours with the recently deceased Dr Zungu?" he inquired.

"Yes, that was a nasty piece of business. I hope you catch the killer."

"We are on it. Thank you, " and the line went dead.

The detective looked at the big clock in the office, it was 6 PM. That means that was the last call for the day.

This was the first murder in decades and the pressure from the Police Commissioner could be felt in all quarters. He wanted to be renominated, therefore the fate of that hanging in the balance if one of the high profile members of the community's murder cannot be solved.

The autopsy report revealed he was shot in the chest area, a single bullet straight through the heart.

The two detectives, Pato and Opa his colleague, were in a fast food joint eating a doughnut.

"You know the commissioner promised any detective that cracked the case an automatic promotion," Opa said in between mouthful.

"Yes, I already know that he desperately wants the nomination which comes up in two months," Pato hated politics, the constant running around appeasing people.

"I think Dr Zungu killed himself," Opa said, his eyes mischievous.

"Oh yes, he did. He shot himself."

"Thank you! I thought I was the only one that had thought of that," Opa said happily.

"I agree with you, he shot himself on the chest, died, and still somehow managed to get rid of the murder weapon so that the pretty wife could collect two million dollars of life insurance!"

"Oh," it dawned on Corporal Opa, that Detective Pato was being sarcastic.

"Seriously, you should consider that angle and stop looking for a phantom killer or an assassin hired by the pretty wife," he laughed again.

Pato was not surprised, this was a man who had worked in the police for more than ten years, he never crossed the rank of a corporal.

It was the third week of investigation when Pato encountered an unusual purchase by Dr Zungu. They were examining both his financial record and that of the wife for any unusual activity prior to his death.

The discovery was a receipt of $65 for helium made a month before his murder. It did not ring any bell, what caught his attention was a purchase of $32 for balloons, made three months by Dr Zungu. He remembered Detective Rogers mentioning a child that called in to inform the police of balloons.

Now, he was intrigued, even though he hated the idea, he wanted to search Dr Zungu's house.

He needed to know more about the doctor's behaviour. These days, all you need to know a man was his internet habit. He applied for a search warrant to search the man's house. The application was immediately denied. The judge was angry, they had searched the house before. Why should they have to go over it again? If they have any strong evidence, the judge encouraged them to bring it on.

Not deterred, he called a hacker he once did a favour by reducing his sentence to community service to help him get the doctor's internet browsing history.

The two-day wait seemed like an eternity. He was relaxing at home on Sunday when a beep on his phone signified a mail just dropped. He clicked on it and it was from the hacker. The subject was simple, The Result. He clicked on it and what he saw made his jaw dropped.

The good doctor had quite a fascination for suicide. Not just any suicide, but suicide that will look like murder. He saw his obsession with insurance, and how to beat it and make sure the next of kin got paid in the event of death. He saw an added bonus from the hacker, it was Dr Zungu's medical record, he has stage two cancer and had planned to go out on his terms, knowing how painful the end would be.

He scrolled further and it all now made sense.

The little girl was right. There was a balloon after the bang. All he need do is find the balloon and he would have his murder weapon.

But, if he is to prove that the death is a suicide, the life insurance won't pay any claim. He struggled with this decision and decided to take another bottle of beer.

The End.

Authored by: @greenrun

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  ·  6 years ago 

Money talks the story. Story tells the story.

Hello Sir @ADsactly.Halfway of the story, I was actually convinced that the wife murdered his husband Dr. Zungu and I did even thought that Malian's dad was hiding something but when the police had the hackers help, it surely changed the flow of the story.You have a nice story telling. I am amaze on the sequence of words. Also I am looking for the 2nd chapter on this!!Suicide is not the reality of life. I think every situation can solve. That’s why we get up every day and go to our jobs. I don’t like money. I like the things money can buy. Healthy food, entertainment, education, a home. Money is just as important as oxygen, you need it to live. So let’s get to the bottom line here, you need to work your ass off to make money.Good story ! I think this short story was the best @adsactly sir. I see each of your blogs. In one word, extraordinary writing is all yours! upovete done.

I has to laugh at the parallel you related money and oxygen :)

People tell you, money doesn’t buy happiness. But that one line alone doesn’t mean much. Money can’t help you get friends. It can’t help you find a wife or a husband. You can’t buy your way to a better body. But what happens when you have no money? When you’re deep in debt. When you’re unemployed. When you can’t afford to give your family what they need. Now you see money in a different light. Money is insanely important. You can’t live in this world without it. Have you ever been broke? Like flat broke. Eating cheap food. Not being able to do the things you want to do. Turning down opportunities because you just can’t afford it. Not having money limits your life.

We have to admit that money is important in getting things done here.

money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty doesn’t either. Making money is what drives us. That’s why we get up every day and go to our jobs. I don’t like money. I like the things money can buy. Healthy food, entertainment, education, a home. Money is just as important as oxygen, you need it to live. So let’s get to the bottom line here, you need to work your ass off to make money. There’s no way you can live like a slacker. If you’re not working hard NOW then what are you waiting for? Waiting until your energy runs out at 45 years old? Or waiting for when you retire? Wouldn’t you rather hussle hard now while you’re young and then have a nest egg built up for the future. And then you won’t have to work so hard when you’re older because you’ll have a career and skills to get the job done. In my life I’ve worked a lot. I’ve had day jobs, I’ve had night jobs, I’ve had side jobs, freelance jobs. You name it. For a few months I worked from 10am to 6pm during the day followed by a night job working from 7pm to 5am. That schedule doesn’t even logically work and you probably shouldn’t do what I did. But hard work is everything. Now I know what it means to earn a living.

In life we have to prioritise on what's important as we grow older. Often the things we thought is important is not.

The worst thing you could do is to squander your hard earned money. Especially after you’ve worked so hard to attain it. Don’t waste it. Spend at least a portion of your income on your future. Education, health, and possessions that have long term value. If you spend your money the right way, it will come back to you in multitudes. When you apply your earnings to important values like education and health, you don’t lose these things easily. It’s something that you keep with you for life. Being focused on making money does not give you the right to be greedy. You have to give back to the world, but it’s a lot easier than you think. It could be donating a small percentage of your hard earned money to charity. It could be guiding someone who is in the same position that you were in. It could be leaving a legacy for your children. It’s really up to you to decide. Whether you believe in it or not karma is real. And now might not be the time to return the favor. But some day, you want to give back. So next time your friends or your co-workers tell you money doesn’t buy happiness, you can tell them what it does buy. It buys you your essentials. Your tools. And your future.

Thanks a lot.

Money is the root of all evil.... and the good ones too. You see it is not bad to have more money, devil lurks behind how you earn or rather get the money per se. Not all are born to live in a silver platter. Most of us have to work very hard to meet one's needs. The desire and hunger over the great power money posseses is what drive one to the dark side.

Posted using Partiko Android

Money is important too :)

Yes i believe so..

Posted using Partiko Android

They just have to wait for her to make a slip.

Well, I guess she wasn’t the guilty one after all even though most would suspect otherwise. It’s perfect example of not to come too fast to any conclusion. Not everything is that obvious as it seems. Apparently it was a suicide and the doctor used the balloons filled with helium to get rid of the weapon. It’s really hard to believe what people are capable of. It was his life for god sake and all of it for the money he could have at the end.
Interesting story @greenrun!

I can agree with you on that :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@adsactly, you're really smart about choosing a writer under your banner. this time you choose a very interesting story. It starts from the death of a rich man and happens to have a young wife. then there was speculation about his death. Then everything is related to money.
We know money is not everything, but we need money. In the case of a story still in need of this solution we can see the possibilities. whether due to suicide with the consideration of an insurance inheritance, or murder with money motives committed by the perpetrator or someone else who has not been raised or conspiracy that the end of the culprit could be a close person. Helium balloon guides also allow for a way to resolve the conflict, but even then it is not necessarily.
you're a smart writer, @greenrun, tries to get the reader to determine the direction of the conflict and be asked to guess the end of the story. And it seems like the readers are all enjoying the developed flow.
unag as a conflict motive has been going on for a long time. Kit often sees business competition because of money. You broke up to kill each other for money. People ally and cooperate also because of money. Even corrupt criminals commit money because of money.
And even one of the reasons we join in Steemit there is also a reason for money.
So no wonder money is often a problem and we must be wise in responding.

Thank you @greenrun
Thanks @adsactly
Thank you Steemit

Thanks a lot for your in depth reply :)

You are wellcome. If you have time you can visit my post
it's a honour if you are willing to visit.

Suicide is not the reality of life. I think every situation can solve.

I agree.


Halfway of the story, I was actually convinced that the wife murdered his husband Dr. Zungu and I did even thought that Malian's dad was hiding something but when the police had the hackers help, it surely changed the flow of the story.

I just want to know now what the police have decided after taking on another bottle of beer. 😶

I can only hope he does the right thing :)

I hope too! By the way, you've got nice reads in your blog so I followed you. New follower here. ^^

really great write up 😊

Yes, Money can't buy anything. But you have to understand it. Sometimes you need to find the meaning of real happiness. And money is obviously not the reason of happiness.

You have a nice story telling. I am amaze on the sequence of words. Also I am looking for the 2nd chapter on this.. :)

I like it

Posted using Partiko Android

How to be Confident

Confidence is certainly the most important factor which adds to the personality of any individual. A person’s confidence might go down due to mistakes, failure, guilty or any other thing which is undesirable. Some people often develop inferiority complex due to their physical appearance, caste, financial status etc. Such people perceive confidence as their weakness, while the truth is that confidence is an individual’s biggest strength.

Your confidence reflects your character, attitude and passion. You should be confident about who you are and whatever you do. Being confident will help you to express yourself and stand amongst the crowd.

Focus on your achievements rather than on your failures. If you do find yourself thinking about how you failed then look at what you managed to do right and how you could improve the outcome the next time. This change in attitude makes you more positive and that outlook will change how you cope with all the challenges you face.

Set reachable goals for yourself and break difficult tasks into smaller steps. You will be able to believe that you can achieve your larger goals if you can see the clear steps towards it and know that you can be successful by taking these smaller steps.

Nice Story .

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Nice story

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All the cash in the international is a 2017 crime thriller film directed by using Ridley Scott and written by David Scarpa, primarily based on John Pearson's 1995 e book Painfully wealthy: The Outrageous Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Heirs of J. Paul Getty.
The film stars Michelle Williams, Christopher Plummer, Mark Wahlberg, and Romain Duris. The movie depicts J. Paul Getty's refusal to cooperate with the extortion demands of a collection of kidnappers from the organized crime Mafia group 'Ndrangheta, who kidnapped his grandson John Paul Getty III in 1973.
Kevin Spacey firstly portrayed J. Paul Getty, performing within the film's preliminary advertising and marketing campaign.[5] however, after a couple of sexual misconduct allegations had been leveled in opposition to Spacey, the position became recast with Plummer. Scenes have been reshot just a month later previous to the film's launch.

All the money within the global premiered on the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills on December 18, 2017, followed by means of a united states of america theatrical release through TriStar pix on December 25, 2017; it grossed $57 million in opposition to its $50 million finances. For his overall performance as Getty, Christopher Plummer acquired acclaim from critics and earned nominations from the Academy Awards, Golden Globes and BAFTAs, among others. The film itself obtained nice opinions with critics praising the performances, and acquired 3 nominations on the seventy fifth Golden Globe Awards, which include exceptional Director and high-quality Actress
– Drama for Williams.

You have been tell as a great story which is very it takes so much time to write this much @adsactly

great story i m also write some story read and comment about it

but no one going to believe you sir

As so many people says you ripped there money

Sorry for my hard words

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