Another 17th: A Second Chance
Karen had reached a conclusion...
Men of her generation simply did not understand women! No, she had not jumped to that conclusion, rather she had meticulously given man after man a chance to prove that they at least understood how to please a woman beyond writing her cheques and mastery of the Kama Sutra sermons. They had disappointed her time after time.
But the age of chivalry is gone. That of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever.
Edmund Burke
Karen was pissed, mostly because each time, she had had to make out the time she did not have only to have wasted it in the end. She was also pissed at herself. Why couldn't she just stick to being the career woman she was? At least, success abounded in almost every career endeavour she made. She ought to be content since it seemed she would not be having the kind of relationship she longed for anytime soon but she wasn't. She wanted what her parents have.
Dr and Mrs Komolafe Badmus, Karen's parents have been together for fifty-two years, married for fifty. Karen and her older siblings were throwing them a surprise party tomorrow in honour of their golden jubilee. Those two make a relationship and marriage seem so easy the way they were so in sync with each other; Karen thought. She wanted so much to have that kind of connection with a man of her own, a man with whom she could talk with her eyes and finish each other's sentences but first, she had to find a man.
That was the difficult part. Her success attracted men to her no doubt but Karen was so tired of discovering empty shells each time she bothered to pay any of them attention. In two months, she was going to clock thirty-one and Karen hated to admit it but this was one goal her younger self had made that she was yet to accomplish.
Hell, she had not even been able to begin the process of accomplishing it. Karen wanted marriage. She wanted a home with a devoted husband and bubbly babies. She wanted to soar to the peak of her career too. In fact she wanted it all; success in every facet of her life. So, a twenty year old Karen had set goals to achieve before she clocked thirty and boy, had she succeeded? She had made it to the top as one of the most respected young lawyers in not just her firm but the country at large.
She had been given international recognition as well for various projects she had embarked on but had she gotten married before the age of twenty-eight? No, she hadn't. Then, she had set the thirty year old marriage goal and failed miserably again. Even a committed relationship eluded her.
Lara and Dara Williams, her friends for twenty-six years and counting had made it clear severally they thought she was being unfair to herself. They felt she had a lot to be content with and grateful for but she knew they just did not get it. She was not being shallow and had no desire to ever be neither was she unhappy because she had failed the unwritten law of their society that said every self-respecting young woman had to be married in her early twenties, it was simply something she longed for and wanted so much for herself which was not forthcoming.
She knew there were whispers from nosy people, relatives and friends included, about her unmarried status but she had never let that bother her and was not about to start now. She did not blame them either. She knew it was the general mentality here. Women are seen as little more outside their expected roles as wives and mothers. An unmarried young lady would be pestered continually to get married. Some parents even go the extra mile to ridicule their way-past-the-age-of-marriage daughters which was why she thanked God for her enlightened parents.
They were and have always been her biggest fans. They helped her stand tall the few times she fell and applauded each success she made like it were an unprecedented feat. Of course, the issue of marriage had come up a few times but none of those talks were ever given from a judgemental position. They served to remind her that there were some things more important than being a success at one's career; family.
Something was responsible for Karen's mood today. Other days, she tried not to think so much about the life she had outside her family and work. Today was an exception. She could not help it even if she tried. A lot of time and effort wasted. Again!
Karen was meticulous. She was also opinionated. She believed that things ought to be done a certain way. She believed in not settling for less; you have a standard? Do not lower it for anyone. Whoever could not reach it was never fit in the first place. She liked poise. She loved composure. She hated clumsiness. When it came to men, she liked a certain kind. She had never been a fan of pussinimous men or sissies. If a man felt intimidated by her success or her carriage, that man was not her type.
Karen was pissed today because Lotham had turned out to be everything she didn't want in a man. Okay, maybe not everything. She had loved all of his 6 feet 4 inches height the moment she had seen him and that body? Boy, did she get turned on just looking at him? Clothes had never fit anyone better. His rich very male voice still rang in her ears even now, it made her heart beat too fast each time. She would have been in danger of a cardiac arrest if he had not already given her the antidote during their date that had lasted only twenty minutes within which time Lotham had embarrassed her no less than three times.
Lotham came thirty minutes late at a time when she was sure she had been stood up. She had polished off two glasses of wine during the time she waited, good thing she had come with her driver who she had only decided to bring in the first place because she had thought their date would be such a success she would not have been needing her own car afterwards. His clothes may have fit him perfectly but that had not blinded her to how they had looked and how sweaty he had been. He looked like one who had run all the miles from his home to their chosen restaurant. The sweat had not been enough to hide his handsome face though. He was much darker than she had expected. The pictures they exchanged had deceived her but she put it down to great camera lighting. He could not have edited his photos, could he? No, he was a busy man who did not have that time.
People had stared anyways, she had no doubt they had been wondering how out of place he looked in a restaurant that reeked of class and poise. That had been one embarrassment.
Their eyes had met across the room and stayed connected while he was making his way to her until he crashed into a waiter. The napkins had not done much in wiping off the damp stains that resulted. She had not been left unscathed either. Some of the food had found its way to the front of her dress. He had been full of apologies but she had had enough for one night so that barely a minute after he sat down still apologizing, she excused herself to the ladies' room admist a few stares and within a few minutes of returning, made her escape.
She had even had bits of food in her hair! The mirror on the wall of the bathroom had shown her an image of a lady she did not recognize as her. She remembered the sad look on his face when she had told him she was leaving. He had asked that they set another dinner date to which her answer had been that it was not a good time to discuss it.
The waiter came over with the bill at her signal.
Lotham put a hand over hers as she made to pick it up.
"Let me at least pay for a ruined dinner", he said with pleading eyes.
They had only had wine and she had had more glasses. She could have paid or split the bill, either was fine with her but she was not insensitive to the fact that he needed this. She nodded her consent.
He dug in his pockets but came up empty. Lotham slapped a hand with well manicured nails over his face.
"I'll be damned! Could this get any worse?"
Karen knew exactly what that meant. She just waited for him to say it.
He continued; "I'm sorry Karen. I should not curse in front of a lady but I'm having a spectacularly bad evening. I seem to have lost or forgotten my wallet. Do you mind taking care of the bill this time?"
Oh, she didn't mind taking care of it this time because as far as dates with Lotham went, this was the first and also the last. She paid the waiter, who had been watching them the whole time, in cash and he went off.
She was certain they had made quite an impression on everyone present in the restaurant that evening. They would no doubt be the butt of a few jokes told to ease off work stress. They could as well call it a night.
He rose with her as she stood to go but that did not work out fine either. He somehow managed to upset their glasses of wine and his quick reflex grab was too late. Red splotches stained the once pristine white table cloth.
"Oh, for Christ's sake," He spat out frustrated.
Karen just about had enough. It had been a total disaster.
Gosh! What had she been thinking? Oh, she knew quite alright what she had been thinking, she just did not see the point in scolding herself over and over again for not having seen it coming. It did not stop her face from squeezing in a deep frown even now, well, that was how she scolded herself.
After a night out with Lara and Dara during which her romantic life had been one of the topics of discussion like it always was whenever they met up, Lara had decided she was tired of Karen's complaints.
Two days later, Lara had sashayed into her office with a mischievous smile on her face. Karen knew that smile so well she knew Lara was up to something.
"Spit it out", Karen told her, after she had given her a hug.
Lara opened her mouth to say something but Karen cut her off.
"There is no point denying it. I know you are up to something. We are both very busy girls and as much as we love each other, we don't just walk into each other's workplace during work hours unless we thought it really important to do so. Save us the time and just cut to it", she finished with a wink.
"Okay, I'm just going to say it then. First, you have a profile on 'Cupidmatch' and no, that was not my doing, Dara is responsible for that. She did that all by herself I swear."
'Cupidmatch'was a dating site they often talked about. They knew two friends who had found love there but had never tried it themselves. Karen did not like dating sites. Asides the fact that she did not have the time to entertain men who she felt were mostly only interested in getting into her panties, she preferred to meet men offline. So what had Dara done? Well, Dara had better know she was in a bit of trouble. She looked at Lara who had been waiting for her reaction. She gave her a reply she was sure Lara must have anticipated. They knew themselves very well.
"Okay, Dara did that and you had better tell your twin sister when you get home that she has some explaining to do. Fine, she did that. What did you do? That is what I want to know," she said trying very hard to look strict.
"I have always known you to be smart, there was no escaping that one, was there?" she said laughing.
The look on Karen's face made her go on.
"So, you know how you are a very pretty lady that sweeps men off their feet. That, coupled with the very catchy profile she wrote on you had many men sending you requests within three hours of putting it up. Dara let me in on it at that point so we could scout the best candidates to present to you. We were going through the profiles and you know what happened next? She asked coming to sit opposite Karen.
She had been pacing a small length of the large office before then.
"No, I don't but something tells me you are going to tell me whether or not I want to hear it," Karen answered.
"You are damn right, I am. I came across a profile that belongs to an old school mate. We lost touch but seeing him, I realized you guys are the perfect fit. His name is Lotham. He is Thirty-four years old, very very financially stable and good looking. He is a great guy. I may have sent him a message on your behalf and no, you don't have a choice. You are going to continue from where we stopped. You just cannot let all our effort go to waste. We stuck our neck out for you."
"I see what you're doing. Are you by any chance trying to blackmail me emotionally?"
"God knows I wouldn't dare. With another lawyer, I may risk it but you will cut me in half if I as much as said the word 'blackmail' to you," she protested.
"You just did."
"Come on Kay, don't try to change the topic, you can't evade this. If I fail to get you to agree, Dara is coming next and we both know you wouldn't want that."
Karen knew she did not want that all right. Despite being the brilliant and outstanding lawyer that she was, she was no match for Dara when they had spats or argued over things. It was usually more of Dara telling her what was and much less of an argument. She was yet to figure out how and why Dara got to her that way. Almost twenty-six years of friendship and still no clue.
No, she did not want Dara coming over to her office for this and knowing Dara, she would have it no other way. Office today, or it could wait till the next day but for some reason, she preferred to iron out issues like this in the workplace. Karen was not yet over the last time it had happened. She most certainly did not want a repeat.
"Fine, I will do just that," she accepted.
"Just what? Go to dinner with him tomorrow?"
"Don't push it", she warned. "I will talk to Lotham only through emails and if and when I deem him fit, we would do dinner without you or your twin sticking your pointed noses in. Now that you got what you wanted, can I please get back to prepping for court later today?"
"Of course, you can princess," Lara replied with a victorious smile standing up to go. She leaned over to peck the cheek Karen offered and was off with a "Bye girl, I and Dara will see you later tonight to give you the details you need. Don't be late," and she was off.
It had taken Karen three weeks of trading emails back and forth to agree to this date. The date which had been a total disaster.
Lotham had not been what she had expected. His messages had not betrayed his high level of clumsiness. They had really connected these past few weeks that she had been the one to suggest the date. She had started picturing herself in a serious relationship with him but now, all those pictures have been torn to shreds.
He had sent her emails she was yet to reply. In fact, she had no intention of replying them. She had purposely let calls from Lara and Dara go unanswered too. She did not know what to tell them yet. She had only sent them a text message saying they would discuss it after her parent's party. That would buy her time to compose the story well enough. For now, she had last minute party plans to tidy up.
"Hey Kiddo, don't run so fast lest you fall."
The words were Karen's and they were directed at her two years old son, Jason. He was a spitting image of his father who was now coming towards Karen, holding two glasses of smoothies.
Excited voices of the children who had come to celebrate Jason's birthday with him filled the air. That should have held Karen's attention but she had eyes only for her husband, Lotham.
They were in the small garden at the back of their home and although the sun had gone to rest, it had not taken its heat with it. Karen knew that the weather would cool soon but for now, she felt really hot. The weather was in part responsible for it while the greater part of the blame lay on her husband. He had taken off his shirt at some point while they were lounging watching the kids and now, returning with the much needed cold drinks he had gone to get them, his gorgeousness took her breath away.
Three years of marriage and her mouth still went dry each time she looked at him. The feeling was quite mutual. Her husband couldn't get enough of her either. He had told her that just this morning like he did every other day.
Today asides being Jason's birthday was also their wedding anniversary and Lotham had spared no detail in telling her what they were going to be doing after they came back from their dinner date.
They had made reservations at their favorite restaurant where they had first met. After the party and before they went to dinner, they would drop Jason off at his grandparent's where he would be staying the weekend. Karen's parents missed him so much already so it was a win win. She could have her husband all to herself this weekend. She felt really happy.
"Here you go baby," Lotham said as he handed her a glass.
"Which of the babies are you referring to?" She asked rubbing her small baby bump.
"You know which one," he replied dropping a light kiss on her lips. Karen laughed heartily.
"Of course, I do. Thank you".
Lotham sat next to her placing her legs on his lap. She asked looking him in the eyes.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
He laughed briefly before answering.
"Agree to go on another date with me after a total disaster of a first date."
"Oh, that counts.That remains till date the hardest decision I have ever made. I practically had to stop my brain to do that. I broke my rules for you, so yes, that counts."
"Except that you really didn't break any rules. That person you met on our first date was not me. I had had a really bad day which only kept getting worse until it climaxed in the disaster you witnessed. A highly valued client fired my company. My dad had a heart attack. Thank goodness it was just a scare although it was a pretty bad one. My dog chose that day to have food poisoning. I had been looking forward to meeting you for weeks and did not want to cancel despite these. I hoped in fact that our date would be the bright spot in that day for me but we both know how it turned out, no need to repeat. I had not even had time to rush home to change before it was time for our date. As if I had not had enough for one day, my car broke down just after the toll gate and my mechanic decided to take his time in reaching me that day. As for my wallet, I still don't know how it got missing till today. So cut me some slack, anyone would have been shaken after all that. The fact that I could see you were pissed at me for being late did not help matters at all, if anything it made me nervous."
Karen cut in, "There I was thinking I had a poker face. No matter how many times you tell this story, I never get tired of hearing it."
"I think I have been able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that you are literally an open book when it comes to me," he answered leaning in to place a playful kiss on her lips before continuing.
"What I still don't get it is, what made you agree to a second date? Asking you then was just me pushing my luck and after sending you emails the following days and getting no reply, I thought I had kissed all chances of ever being with you goodbye until I got your message on the 22nd."
"Your remember the date?"
"You're damn right I do"
"Aww, that is really sweet," she said, smiling.
"I know. I am sweet," he replied with a cocky grin.
"And arrogant and cocky and proud...," she added laughing.
"I know but you love me anyways."
"Yes, I do and you love me too."
"I do and I tell you everyday. Now back to my question, what changed your mind? I know you have a really stubborn one too."
She laughed.
"But I have told you before," she said
"Then tell me again," he asked.
"Another 17th", she replied.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asked.
"That had been my reaction when my mum told me that four years ago. It was after their golden jubilee party which was few days after our first date. I tried really hard to hide how sad I felt at how our date went but you know mothers, there is so little that escapes their notice. Jason better sit up, he has it coming.
I told her everything and you can imagine my reaction when after pouring my heart out, that was what she told me. I was in no mood for parables and she knew that too so she got right down to explaining.
She told me her marriage which I envied so much had started from a very bad date, even worse than ours. Don't ask, trust me, you don't want to know. Perhaps, I will tell you the story one of these days if you are a good boy.
Just like me, she did not want a second date after the first experience but her mum made her understand that building relationships, like life, were about second chances.
She liked my dad enough already, the first date just hadn't worked out. My grandma convinced her to give a date with my dad another chance after he had tried to ask her again severally but got a blunt refusal each time.
Their second date remains a really memorable day for her. And as for why she called it 'another 17th', their first date had been on the 17th of April and by the time she agreed to a second date, another 17th was upon them, so she chose that day.
For her, it symbolized another chance at love.
It was then I realized our date like theirs had been on a 17th, which was why our second date was on another 17th. We laughed over how history seemed to be repeating itself, we had no clue if my own 17th story was going to be a success but I had renewed hope and so you got your second shot at winning the best wife you could ever wish for in this entire world."
"Hmm. Awesome. I owe your mom a gift. My debt to your mom will not be fully repaid in this lifetime."
"No, it won't but you have to try. Make it a big one. I owe her too. What if she had not noticed my plight and convinced me?"
"Well, it's a good thing she did but I was not giving up. A bunch of unreplied emails was only the first step."
"I see."
"Do you? I see something too so I would love to ask. Did the 17th story by any chance influence your insisting our wedding take place on the 17th?"
"Of course, it did", she laughed before continuing. "It had proven to be my lucky number, I wasn't going to let it go just yet."
"And Jason's birthday?" he asking raising an eyebrow.
"Haha, I didn't. How could I have? 17th did that all by itself. Evidently, it wasn't ready to leave either."
Lotham threw back his head in a deep-throated laugh.
"Ain't I the luckiest man in the world? I've got the best wife who has a charmed number; a son who is connected to the lucky number, a mother-in-law with a lucky number rooting for me and who knows, a baby on the way who by virtue of listening in on our conversation, may already be connected to the 17th. What more could a man ask for?"
"Nothing else. You seem to have it all from the pretty spot where I'm seated."
"I do. Thank you baby."
"Thank you too. I love you so much," Karen replied with sincere eyes that were tearing up fast.
"I love you too and I know which of my babies is actually tearing up this time."
"She is making me cry."
"I know she is", he said gathering her in for a hug. His life could not get any better. They had it all.
A fiction authored by @royalrose

What a story.
#teammalaysia Member at Steemit.
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Nice story! 😁
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Nice story but its too long.
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I cant read dis artical..its too lengthy....
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This is an honest reply but stories are meant to be enjoyed, not endured. If you could not read it because of the length, it could mean that you don't like stories and that's okay. It could also mean that the story was not well written and I highly doubt that because I'm not much of a story person but I have read it twice.
However, rather than claiming that you read it, I appreciate your honest comment.
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Well said and thank you @churchboy. I was lost for words on how to reply that. I appreciate the honesty in those words though
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Can you give me any good tips on how to be a success on stemmit? Upvote and comments?
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Your story makes a lot of sense but is always important that you care for one another in every aspect of the world the man is supposed to support the woman and the woman is supposed to respect a man.I appreciate you taking the time to share a wonderful story... you have my vote & resteem
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Thank you
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A successful man always supported by a women.
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i respects woman because
no one not success without a woman
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A woman is always behind a successful man
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Thanks boss
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Everyone deserves a second chance,
It's never good to Judge anything/anyone by just one instance.
it's so good that Karen gave Lotham a second chance, if she had not she would have not met her love of life.
Story is also an example for the fact that Marriages are made in Heaven.
Beautifully written.
I'm a regular reader of adsactlys posts and this one dint disappoint me like the rest .
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Thank you for decoding the lesson embedded in the story and for your kind comment
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With great humility, I tell you that I am impressed as you write, your lines of text, full of life, I really love it, new people like me in this world is very important to see post as you do to grow in this great network.
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Thanks for your kind comment.
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Great story. When a woman discovers her strength, she is limitless and unstoppable.
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Which also depict a sign of been optimistic.
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Thanks for reading. Well said
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Very awesome short story
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Great post thank you for sharing.
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me gusta muy bueno
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Hey sir. @adsactly
Somebody deserves a exponent prospect,
It's not in any way excellent to Judge anything/anyone by only one instance.
it's so excellent who Karen gave Lotham a double prospect, if she had not she would haven't met her cherish of life.
Story is likewise an case for the very fact a well known wedding have no choice. Keep sharing.
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thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts
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looking nicely##
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Bizlet bu konuda bilgili degiliz bu konuların ayrıntısını bizlere anlatılırsa daha iyi olur
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the story is very interesting to me. waiting for the next to read. Though its a long story but when i finished feel nice time have passed. Thanks for the post.
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thank you
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fi m enjoyed by this story thank you for the post 🤗
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great post thnx 😘
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Hi this is tejjesh
Please upvote and follow my posts for your support
Thank you
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thanks for this story of life!
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a very interesting post @adsactly, thanks for sharing. always successful greetings
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support me bustamam 🤗 and follow me
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Beautiful story, love it:)
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What a GREAT article! I have learnt a lot from your story. I follow and upvote you, vote me too.
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Not bad, thanks!
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you make a story so good and from the title that you made. 'short story' and as I read your story and I understand little by little and I can take a little conclusion from the story. and in the story is a very romantic and togetherness in lovemaking that results from that feeling a happy life. I love to read the story from you and thank you for sharing
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Thank you for reading
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vote my comment :P
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Good writing.I read your blog.I like your story.keep it up.
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Thank you
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Perfect story to sit drink a tea and read this :)
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thanks for your valuable post i hope always you post new interesting subject best wishes for you..
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Good post!
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very nice story. i like post & resteem this post
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interesting post! well. I like it <3
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When is the book going out? :)
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Nice post! Show me that successful man, and I will show you the suscessful woman behind him. So, watch the the woman or man you want to marry,is it the type that will share your dream to achieve that success you desired. I follow and upvote.
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A good story, until the man's impression made him have to wait until he had to drink two glasses of wine 😎😎😎 Success for you ...
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second chance? we should never have been together..
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life is complicated but we all need love.
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Hayatta bazende sevmek güzel günler yaşamak iyi gelir insana
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Thank you for story @adsactly..
I like..
I am interisting the next story...
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lovely post
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nice content
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Nice story!
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Thank you
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successful man long long !!!!!!!!!!
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#adsacstly Thank you 👍
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nice job.
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Congratulations @adsactly!
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I really like your story
I hope you write more
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Great content, Upvoted and resteemed.
Please do check my blog and follow me @timesedge.
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Hello Dear, What a lovely story and writing style! I'm new to steemit and would truly appreciate it if you followed me back. I love your cover photo of Niagara Falls. I'm from Buffalo originally... are you from that area? All My Love.
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Great post thank you @adsactly
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Can I be featured on this festival?
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People always poke their nose in this case women associated with the wedding. Not married? Why? What is wrong with you? It's so weird. As if the woman's success is measured only by family ties. You can be successful in science or career or creativity. But all this pales before the fact, if you have not created a family. As if in spite of all the successes you have some kind of flaw. I think it's wrong. Of course, any person wanting love and a family. But I think it is not necessary to dwell. Sometimes loneliness greater happiness than marriage. Should take a look at the statistics - so much of domestic violence against women. So I think women can decide for yourself to marry or not. Society should end this impudence with the question "When's your wedding?"
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I agree with you
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If she had not fallen a couple of times, as mentioned her parents were her greatest supporters, then it would only make sense that she give the man of her dreams a second chance too. It works very well. Great read.
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Very awesome short story @royalrose
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Thanks dear
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I enjoyed the story. Quite realistic, and enjoyable. Many people, however, have different views to what is obtainable.
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