ADSactly Short Story - Just Another Day in the 'Hood

in adsactly •  7 years ago 

"That was very unprofessional, what you did earlier this morning." The man was red with anger. "I have been a customer here for quite some time. There is a patient-doc..em.. patient-drug store confidentiality agreement that you just broke."

Akpan, who was behind the angry man wondered what could be the matter, he was intrigued. He needed medicine to treat his headache, the last mechanic he visited did such a poor job on his car that driving it was almost equivalent to sitting beside a fire made with a wet firewood; the smoke was out of this world.

He was jolted back to the real world by the fast-moving angry man who roughly brushed against him on his way out.

As he walked to the counter, his curiosity got the better of him, "What was the problem with the customer that just left?" The girl behind the counter smiled sheepishly and looked everywhere but at Akpan. Finally, she spoke, "It was the fault of the other attendant that was just hired. She was on duty two days ago when the customer came and inquired for a special type of contraceptive which was out of stock then. The wife then visited a day later and the salesgirl told her to inform the husband that the contraceptive was in stock. It turned out the wife was on the pill and that the husband does not have a need for a contraceptive which means..."

" Hahaha" Akpan's laughter interrupted the girl. Oh, I get the gist now. "Don't you think you are just as bad as the other girl that told the wife?" He said amidst laughter.

"Well, the secret is already out. It's not as if I'd make it worse by answering your question." She smiled, her eyes twinkling in a mischievous manner.

"Please, I'd like something for my headache. My car and mechanic won't be the death of me. The smoke that filters in while driving plus the non-existent shocks makes driving a labour."

He quickly got what he wanted and walked with slight trepidation towards his car. Today, he thought, I will look for a mechanic different from Kazeem who had almost crippled the vehicle, even though he charged next to nothing, after each visit to his workshop, the car seemed to get worse.

As he opened the door and climbed in, he noticed the passenger door window was smashed, the brick that did the job was on the passenger seat. He frantically looked around and noticed his car radio and side mirrors were missing. Oh no. Not again. He should have parked in front of the drugstore. The mistake he made in packing across the road had cost him his side mirrors and car radio.

He sat down, closed the door and turned the key in the ignition and nothing happened. He opened the hood and found out that the battery was also taken by the bandits. Damn. He swore. These thieves did a thorough job here.

Fortunately, Kazeem the mechanic was driving past when he saw him with the hood open. He helped him jumpstart the vehicle and he drove off, without a battery and started looking for the best mechanic workshop along the way.

He stopped at a bus terminal, left the engine idling while he asked the people around for direction. A well-dressed lady that looked familiar approached the vehicle.

"Hello, good afternoon Sir, I'm sorry to bother you." She pleaded, eyes puffy as if she has been crying.
"Go on." the gruff reply did not deter her and she continued.

"I'm on my way to bury my mother that died last week. I ran out of gas money and in my hurry, I forgot my debit card. Can you be so gracious to spare me some gas money?"

Suddenly Akpan burst out laughing, "I'm so sorry to hear about the tragic demise of your mother, again. I can remember I saw you around here two months ago. Did she die again? Wow, that's some pretty tough luck." he replied and continued laughing.

The scammer quickly walked away and started looking around for another victim.

He drove on, a little over five minutes he saw a sign that read:

Kofi Mechanic
Time open: When you see me here.
If you watch me work: 40
If you ask me what I'm doing: 50
If you want to join me and disturb my thinking: 60
If you can do it yourself: I will ask you to go home and do it without any charge.

Well, no one would argue with how open he was in his dealings. He drove into the workshop and parked. He did not turn off the engine until he was sure he had the right man for the job.

" Hello, are you Kofi? " He asked the bald man sitting without a care in the world on a rickety chair which surprised Akpan was able to support his weight.

"It depends on who is asking?" The bald man said without opening his mouth. Akpan looked around to see the source of the sound. The man opposite him smiled when he noticed how bewildered he was.

"Hello, I was a former ventriloquist but due to the recession, I had to go back to my first love-fixing things. What better way can I be useful if not by following my passion?" He asked. Akpan repeated the first question.

"Are you Kofi, the mechanic?" He pointed to the signboard.

The man nodded and Akpan turned off the engine.

"Oh, yes. But I've closed for the day?"

"What do you mean you've closed for the day?"

"It's 4 PM. I take my job seriously and I always close by 4 PM."

Akpan checked his watch and it was 3.56PM.

"But it's four minutes to four PM." He protested.

"Oh, I know. I set my time five minutes faster. Better early than late." He said as he made to the door and started closing the windows and doors as he prepared to leave.

"Oh well, he sighed, I'm going to need a battery to start the vehicle. Do you happen to have one?" Akpan asked.

"Yes, I do. That will cost you a 10." He continued closing the shop.

He looked inside the wallet, there was only three left. The place reminds him of the song, The Hotel California, You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!' The best-laid plans often end up coming short. He felt trapped at the moment, almost like a rodent running around a hamster wheel. He reached into his pocket and brought out a crumpled 100 note currency. The wallet only had five of those, the rent is due next month and the landlord's patience is running out after being behind by two months.

The End.

Authored by: @greenrun

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He helped him jumpstart the vehicle and he drove off, without a battery and started looking for the best mechanic workshop along the way.

I guess his alternator was strong enough to run his car’s engine. That was good. Except getting successfuly his medication, you can’t call his day ending on the right note. And all for not parking his car in from of the drugstore. Well at the end Akpan got his medicine. He definitely needs it.

Great article mate

Funny! Nice one @greenrun I enjoyed it.

Thank you.

Pretty good little story there @greenrun😎

Thank you.

How I will get promoted by you
Please explain the process
Thank you

To help yourself, you must first help others.

Very good story.

Good stuff!

Amazing amazing story i really enjoyed thank you somuch


Hehehe i like it funny story

how to be so popular here like You :(.

Dear @adsactly the photo. Is very deep meaningful... I like

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One of the bad days for Akpan nothing going on his way from medicine to car robbery and then the mechanic.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is really a pretty nice story to read @greenrun.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Oh!! incredible... very funny...
Nice nice...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment