Do you really, really believe that you are free?

in adspots •  6 years ago 

Well, stop it!


Commercial 1

Scene opens: Biker wearing leather pulls on gloves, mounts, starts, and pulls away.
Cut to: Man on bike going up on ramp to freeway
Pan to: Speed limit sign
Pan to: speedo showing 120
Cut to: Shot from back showing police car, and bike in distance, lights flashing, handcuffed biker gets pushed into car.
Fade to Black
White text: Freedom?
White text: Not in Amerika!

Commercial 2

Scene opens: Teenage girl puts pop bottle rocket in bottle and lights it. Rocket works.
Cut to: 3 girls laughing
Cut to: 2 police cars sliding up with flashing lights and squealing tires.
Cut to: 2 police jump out of car, and tackle two girls, others run off.
Cut to: Handcuffed girls being pushed into police cars.
Text: Freedom?
Text: Not in Amerika!
Text: Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

Standard Ending 1

Fade to black
White text: Freedom?
White text: Not in Amerika!
Fade in: Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
Fade in:

Standard Ending 2

Fades to black.
White text: Things like this happen in amerika everyday.
Fades to black.
White text: Your taxes make them possible.
Fades to black.
White text: Don't you feel proud?
Fades to:

Commercial 3

Scene opens: Cast of That 70's Show in circle.
Cut to: DEA agents in black assault gear break down door, and rough up cast.
Standard ending

Commercial 4

Scene opens: Family sitting down to supper through bay window.
Widen to: IRS agents surrounding house and approaching door.
Cut to: Front door crashing in and take down team roughs up family. Lots of screaming.
Cut to: IRS auctioning off house and stuff, Mom and kids crying when the bid goes too high.
Standard ending

Commercial 5

Scene opens: Branch Davidians compound being raided
Cut to: Building burning
Cut to: Bulldozers covering foundations
Cut to: Current picture
Standard ending

Commercial 6

Scene opens: Man in car being pulled over
Cut to: Officer saying,"I stopped you for not wearing a seat belt. License and insurance please."
Cut to: Driver saying,"I don't have any."
Cut to: Driver getting cuffed and stuffed
Cut to: Driver being pushed in jail cell

Commercial 7

Scene opens: Man offering money to hooker
Cut to: Man being cuffed and stuffed into cop car
Cut to: Man being pushed into jail cell

Commercial 8

Scene opens: Grannies playing high stakes poker
Cut to: Take down team taking down grannies
Cut to: Grannies being stuffed and cuffed
Cut to: Grannies being herded into jail cell block

Commercial 9

Scene opens: Inside cop car radar shows 23 mph as car approaches and pulls into driveway.
Cut to: Obviously drunk guy raising hands in air and saying, "Hey, Hey, I made it."
Cut to: Driver being pushed into jail cell.

Commercial 10

Scene opens: Picture of little brown boy
VO: This is Juan
Cut to: Picture of American
VO: This is Joe Taxpayer
Cut to: Man being tortured
VO2: Tell us where your leader is.
VO: This is what Joe's taxes did to Juan's father
Cut to: Jaun's father in pool of blood
VO: Your taxes have done very evil things in the world, please stop paying them

Commercial 11

Scene opens: Picture of Egyptian man in 30's
VO: This is Emir
Cut to: Dirty Jail cell
VO: This is where Emir spent the last 10 years because he spoke out against the American backed Egyptian govenment.
Cut to: Egyptian minister living in opulence laughing at Emir's picture, tosses it into large pile of other pictures.
VO: Your taxes financed everything you've seen, Please stop paying them.

Commercial 12

Scene opens: Picture of Sacco and Vanzetti
VO: Governor Dukakis declared these men innocent victims of racial and political prejudice 80 years after their death sentence was imposed.
Cut to: Certificate of paid tax, with Your Name Here prominent.
VO: Your taxes are paying for more Sacco and Vanzetti's right now.
Cut to: Scrolling Headlines of government lies, and malfeasence
VO: But your gov't would never lie to you
Cut to: People milling around at the pearly gates
Cut to: St. Peter behind judges desk
VO: Are you ready to bet your soul that your taxes only go to support the good actions of the gov't?

Commercial 13

Scene opens: Scrolling pictures of freed death row inmates
VO: These men were freed from death row. In every case a jury of 12 found them guilty.
Cut to: St Peter pointing his gavel at the camera
VO: You knew and went on paying your tax anyway.
Cut to: St. Peter pushing button, buzzer buzzes, camera falls through floor

Commercial 14

Scene opens: Africans being loaded on slave ship
VO: Slavery is about the removal of choice.
Cut to: Men entering factory being watched over by security
Cut to: Pay stub showing hundreds in deductions
Cut to: Slave trying to escape and being whipped
Cut to: Man being pushed into jail cell
VO: Failure to comply brings punishment

Commercial 15

Scene opens: Young brown girl being sold by parents to brothel
Cut to: Girl crying and being whipped
VO: This is slavery in the third world. It is 100% slavery.
Cut to: Same brown girl behind cash register, being handed check and asking about deductions. Manager says,"That's the price you pay to live in a free country."
VO: This is slavery in Amerika. It is 30% economic slavery, 100% personal slavery
Fade to: Graphic 'Lick boots, slave'

Commercial 16

Scene open: Outside shot of Amsterdam coffee shop
Cut to: Man reading menu, smoking joint, obviously Chinese eyed
VO: This is what freedom gets you in Amsterdam.
Cut to: Same guy, on couch, Chinesed eyed.
Cut to: Swat team breaking down door and manhandling guy
VO: This is what freedom in Amerika gets you.

Commercial 17

Scene opens: Man at mail box pulls out letter and opens
Cut to: Mortgage paid in full
Cut to: Man with big smile
VO: Owning private property is one of Amerika's greatest attributes.
Cut to: Man at mail box pulls out letter and opens
Cut to: Property tax bill for $3,000
Cut to: Man's smile turning into a frown
Cut to: Man on phone saying,"What do you mean I have to pay this or get out of my house?"
VO: Is it really my private property when I have to rent it from the gov't?
Cut to: Man being cuffed and stuffed
Cut to: Man being pushed into bull pen with hardened criminal types
VO: This is how much freedom you can have if you don't comply with the lies.

Commercial 18

Scene opens: City inspector explaining to man that his car is being towed because the tag is not up to date. Car being towed away.
Cut to: Man at tag agent paying $200 to agent and getting a tag in return.
Cut to: Man at impound lot paying $300 to get car released and towed home.
Cut to: Man putting water pump on car.
VO: This is freedom in Amerika. Tired of it yet?

Commercial 19

Scene opens: Poodles in tutus jumping through hoops.
VO: Good boys!
Cut to: DMV office. Folks in tutus jumping through hoop to get to agents.
VO: When you are tired of being a good boy, we're here to help.

Radio spot 1

Boy one: Hey Jimmy.
boy two: Hey John. You want to light some pop bottle rockets?
Boy one: You know that's illegal in town.
Boy two: Oh, yeah. You wanna hit this joint?
Bory one: Come on now.
Boy one: Grunts, you want to go for a ride?
Boy tow: Did you get a license?
Boy one: Hmmm, no. Let's do it anyway.
Boy two: You got insurance?
Boy one: Well, no. I ain't gonna wear my seatbelt either.
Boy two: You are a rebel.
Boy one: Freedom Fighter. If you don't take your freedoms where you can get them, you won't have any.
VO: Freedom is disappearing in Amerika. If that bothers you, join

Radio spot 2

Boy one: Hey, Jimmy.
boy two: Hey, John. You wanna light some pop bottle rockets?
Boy one: Where did you get those?
Boy two: Missouri.
Boy one: You do know they are illegal in this state.
Boy two: Yeah, no freedom here.
rocket lights off
Boy two: If you do that again I'm leaving.
Boy one: See ya. Hate to be ya.
Boy two: Don't you respect the law?
Boy one: Only the laws that respect my freedom.
Boy two: But the law is for your own safety.
Boy one: I've shot 10,000 of these, and still have both eyes, and all 10 fingers. Can I have a law that treats me as a responsible adult?
Boy two: Not today. Here come the cops.
Boy one: Smell you later.
VO: Tired of being a fugitive from unjust laws?

Radio spot 3

Boy one: Hey, Jimmy. What are you doing?
Boy two: Ridin' my bike without a helmet.
Boy one: That's not safe, Jimmy.
Boy two: Yeah, but it's the only freedom I have left.
Boy one: So you are going to risk your life just to exercise your freedoms?
Boy two: Yep, what fun is life if you get no freedom?
Boy one: It may not be fun, but it's safe.
Boy two: Tell that to the guy that just got hit by a bus. I bet he's wishing he could ride without a helmet for a while.
VO: Want more freedom before your bus comes along?

Radio spot 4

Boy one: Hey, Jimmy.
Boy two: Hey, John.
Boy one: What are you doing?
Boy two: I'm cleaning up my guns so I can sell them.
Boy one: I thought you had a concealed carry permit?
Boy two: You remember those pop bottle rockets?
Boy one: Yes.
Boy two: Well, importing them was a felony, and the gov't has taken my right to keep and bear arms, despite the founding fathers best efforts to deny the gov't the power to do that.
Boy one: That's too bad. Heavy sarcasm
Boy two: Yeah, I know your left wing, gun control nut views, but in a free country you shouldn't be able to force you ideals on me.
Boy one: That's the price you pay to live in a free country.
Boy two: What free country was that?
Boy one: The free country where you get to follow the rules as laid out by your superiors, duh.
Boy two: Right, superiors. sarcasm
VO: ready for some real freedom?

Radio spot 5

Boy one: Hey, Jimmy
Boy two: Hey, John
Boy one: What are you doing?
Boy two: I'm gettin' a tattoo.
Boy one: Don't you know that's a crime in this state?
Boy two: Yeah, some free country, huh?
Boy one: Still no respect for laws and order?
Boy two: Only the ones that respect my freedom to act as an adult.
VO: Ready to live free or die?

That is my link!!

If you can make these happen, feel free to use them for your own personal crossing of the rubicon.

Rise up, while you still can,...

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A couple facts: nature is dangerous, and we are actually nature. Our technology, society, all manmade artifacts are the product of a natural species of the organism life. We are dangerous, and live in a dangerous world, and intraspecific competition is simply a facet of that reality.

While we are a social species, and need to belong to ingroups to fulfill our natural biological imperative, this only means that we are innately impelled to be culturally indoctrinated. Our unique ability to innovate technology includes crafting culture, and sociopathic (i.e. genetically diseased and incapable of proper socialization) individuals have used our natural instincts to herd us into corrals where they can profit from extracting rent from our socialization.

Evolution is not determinism, but simply reflects natural forces' impact on reproduction, creating several potential avenues for specific adaptation over time. Since being parasitized decreases our fitness, centralization by predatory industrialization reduces natural evolution in that direction. Intentionally controlling evolutionary pressure by lawfare is directly preventing this natural tendency today, by reducing the survivability of genes resistant to being corralled and parasitized.

However, physics, not greed, is what determines what technology is possible. Presently, across every field, decentralization is the cutting edge of technological advance, and this directly reduces the power of centralization to parasitize society. Individuals capable of understanding how humanity functions also intentionally can raise their children to resist being parasitized. Centralized indoctrination inculcates domesticated docility into children via the Prussian education model, and most centralized institutions use this to increase their power. Homeschooling and free people increasingly defeat this scheme.

The fact is that we are actually free to associate, free to think, free to act as we will, and, despite evolutionary forces applied by intraspecific competition, the best of us succeed by actively planning to preclude parasitism, which is implemented via many of the mechanisms you outline in the OP.

The current fruition of decentralization of the means of production (delivering those means directly to individuals, rather than institutions) is currently empowering individuals resistant to parasitization to an unprecedented degree, and every act of production by an individual retains the economic benefits of that act exclusively to the producer, eliminating rent, or the transfer of wealth to centralized parasitic pools of capital that are created via industrial mechanisms, whether capitalist, communist, or any centralized cultural mechanism.

The truth is that we are free, and the universe actually is designed to empower individuals to work together cooperatively to resist parasitic predation by organised/centralized sociopaths. We can fail to successfully plan to avoid predation, and this is simply evolutionary pressure; Darwinism in action. The same goes for those that are incompetent to resist parasitism by being so susceptible to instinct alone that they are unaware of their chattelization.

The best of us aren't sociopaths, aren't cattle, and are competent to encrypt our freedom to preclude lawfare designed to prevent our passing on our genes to successful offspring. The universe is on the side of freedom, and technology presently is become a weapon against parasitic rentiers.

Nature is decentralized; messy, redundant, and robust. Centralized institutions are neat, efficient, and fragile. This is why natural ecosystems are competent to survive catastrophe and rebound, producing verdant, fecund ecosystems from those species able to survive. This is why people so often experience catastrophic intraspecific competition (war, tyranny) and societies quickly rebound afterwards, only to be again subjected to parasitism, leading again to catastrophe. This is why freedom is always the best societal mechanism, and why decentralization is inevitable.

We are really free, and have actual enemies. Plan accordingly. Institutions are centralization, and the enemy of freedom in every aspect. Free individuals (families) naturally work together like shoals of fish to nimbly defend themselves from predation, and this is the strongest natural force affecting human evolution, despite the greed of sociopaths trying to breed domesticated cattle.

Be free. Be smart. Be the future.


Bit busy ripping things apart to restore them at the moment, no laws on my land. :-)

I'm not sure I could survive back in western europe the way things appear to be...

Don't come to the united snakes.

Been there, got attempted mugging on day 1, left on day 2, never going back. :-)

Welcome to the land of the slave, here is your mugging.
How do you like us now?

Fucking off to Thailand, you coming?

Not unless we are sailing,...

Get a boat then :-)

Hence me being in the EAST :-).

I gotta get a bike farm, too.
But in mexico,...
Just a few more years, or steem going to $10.

Don't hold your breath on the $10 steem bro, nice move re farm thoughts though. :-)

Great post! We see this happening in real life everyday we shouldn't need commercials for it. Unfortunately our programming that our masters are sacrificing something in their lives to serve us and protect us with laws is the prevailing mindset.

Having commercials on Corporate media like that might actually open peoples eyes. It took someone spelling it out very simply like that without any emotion to get me to open my eyes.

Corporate media and our masters prey on our emotions and use them against us.

Thanks again for the great post!

Tell your friends?

Absolutely my friend. I resreemed to my blog. And I'm trying very hard to get more people to get onto steemit.

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