Swedes have a predilection for anal sex, Indians for cheearleaders and Poles for mothers. These are some of the curiosities revealed by Pornhub's analysis of porn consumption in 2017.
More and more users are visiting these pages and will do so over the years. Our society is growing with the explosion of the Internet and this is perfectly shown in the growing number of visitors.
Feminism has long been calling for a renewal of porn, as director Erika Lust told El HuffPost. Pornhub's data shows that more and more women are using porn and they are using the porn they like. Porn for women" is the category that has grown the most in 2017 worldwide and also in Spain.
It's also been known that you could live 68 years watching porn non-stop if you played all the videos that were uploaded to Pornhub only in 2017, so relax, there's plenty of porn.
Interestingly, these are the most viewed adult websites in 2018: