Advances in Human Change Science

in advances •  3 years ago 

Advances in Human Change Science: Clearing vs. Covering. As humankind struggles through the next few million years to achieve a higher level of consciousness or 'godhood,' we also face an important choice as to whether we want to clear away the old myths and mysteries that restrict our vision, or if we would rather cover these up with a new religion. Some say we should clear away the old myths and science that are based on these myths. Some say we should cover these up by using religion. Is this a battle between science and religion? Is there room for compromise?

As philosophy teachers and science communicators are teaching evolution in public schools throughout the USA, it is important for us to engage with our students on the question of what science is saying about human evolution. Is evolution a fact, or myth? What does this new science have to say about your beliefs and values about life and our planet?

First, we need to recognize the difference between the truth and falsity of the new science of evolution. When confronted by something as complex and intricate as evolution, it is easy to fall down with both arguments. We can become polarized along these two equally valid sides. And once we've made our choice on which side we're going to be on, it's hard to move from there.

However, when it comes to teaching evolution in our schools, it is important for us not to allow our emotions to override our logic. If we are unable to remain logical while studying and teaching new science, we will inevitably fail our students. There are many good reasons for why this is important. For one thing, it will help keep our children more interested in learning. This way they are less likely to give up too soon, which is often the case when students fall apart emotionally over issues such as evolution.

Secondly, teaching evolution in our schools helps develop critical thinking skills. It is not enough just to be able to read a book and repeat what you see. Even if you think you understand evolution, it's important to challenge your ideas and question those that you think are currently true. By doing this, you are able to think through new solutions to previously unsolved problems and this only helps to further your understanding of science overall.

Third, it is important for us to focus on the positive side of this debate instead of the negative. Many of us are focusing too much on the" negatives" when it comes to evolution, such as the "junk science" that is out there. We should be focusing more on the positives and the beauty of this entire debate. In addition, we should focus more on the fact that there are countless numbers of people who are doing all kinds of science and research in this area all over the world. The research and evidence is overwhelming in support of evolution and by teaching evolution in schools, we are helping these people to further their knowledge and get trained in this particular area.

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