Hydrogen peroxide, or as it is most commonly called, hydrogen peroxide is the simplest peroxides. Its chemical formula is H2O2
It is a colourless liquid, just like water, slightly corrosive.
It is usually used to disinfect wounds, but it also has a lot of other functions.
We list some of the possible applications of hydrogen peroxide:
Kills germs in the oral cavity. If you suffer from gingivitis or mouth ulcers, you can safely use it as a mouthwash, taking care not to ingest it.
Lightens the teeth. Add it a couple of times a week to your common toothpaste for a white smile.
Disinfects toothbrush. Periodically spray your toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide to keep it disinfected and avoid contamination in the mouth.
Disinfects surfaces. For example, if you are forced to use public toilets, always have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide at your fingertips. Disinfects all washable surfaces perfectly and quickly.
Eliminates bad smell of feet. The bad smell of the feet is usually caudated by spores and fungi. Spray the hydrogen peroxide on your feet in the evening before going to bed, in no time you'll have solved the annoying problem.
Helps to heal quickly. In the event of a bleeding wound, hydrogen peroxide promotes healing.
Free the clogged nose. In case of colds, mix half water and half hydrogen peroxide, pour a couple of drops per nostril and then blow the nose well.
Disinfects and cleans clothes dirty with blood. Excellent for example in case you stained the briefs or clothes during the menstrual cycle.
Disinfects kitchen utensils. If you are in doubt that your kitchen has been contaminated with fungi, mould or bacteria (including salmonellosis) after washing the utensils with a little hydrogen peroxide.
Bleach your nails. Do you have a little yellowed nails, perhaps due to the excessive use of enamel? 3 Pass them with some hydrogen peroxide.
Whiten the stains on the skin. If you have dark spots on your skin you can bleach them a little at a time.
Disinfects and cleans the earrings.
The hydrogen peroxide is therefore a truly phenomenal multiuse.
It also has the advantage of being very cheap and easy to handle, so make sure you always have a bottle at home.