Hi my friends and creative community,
We are now on the third day of the Advent Drawing Challenge 2020 and the prompt is Chilly Wind. One of the clues to tell me about the coming season would be a chilly wind. I depicted this prompt with this picture of a fox running back home because he could not tolerate the chills. He is already shivering out there in the cold. Some snow flakes already falling and the trees bending following the direction of the wind. Run as fast as you can I am pretty sure a nice hot cup of coffee is ready by the fire place.
How do you interpret the prompt today? I do know that you sure can think of some creative ideas. So, what are you waiting for get those creative minds working and start creating now. Do not forget to have fun that is the aim of this challenge. I am sharing this with you guys hope that it will inspire you. If you want to participate in this fun challenge you may visit the Draw A Day Community and see the daily drawing prompts. While you are at it might as well subscribe, engage and have fun.
I can't wait to see your entries.
Here I attached the copy of the drawing prompt if you would like to participate in this fun challenge. Have a great day and enjoy creating. Looking forward to a beautiful and bright season. Cheers.