in adventure •  7 years ago 


Be careful, many chicken-haired weasels infiltrate with crows "I am my ru yu I ru yu".

staple food is not necessarily rice,
wearing a cap not necessarily a santri,

There is a veiled hypocrisy using the great symbol of Islam. Islam is betrayed, but when they need to praise. Remember!
Islam was once insulted, Islam was once caci, Islam was betrayed.

Opponents forget:

  1. They call terrorist Islam,
  2. They force Islam archipelago as our religion,
  3. They are anti-Islamic preaching,
    4 They hate call to prayer,
  4. They are anti Islamic education in public schools,
  5. They turn off Islamic account accounts on social media,
  6. They are underestimation,
  7. They gave communism freedom so that the communists dared to appear before us,
  8. They despise the Quran, and the scholars
    10 etc

Candidates from anti-Islamic party parties please be patient, do not force the people of Aceh to side with anti-Islamic parties. Even though the people are poor in wealth, let the people be rich in their faith.

Political vigilance for 2019.

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