Blacksmith Liberty & Entrepreneurship Camp in Trakai, Lithuania - My Experience

in adventure •  7 years ago  (edited)

In a couple of days, 50 students will be heading to Trakai in Lithuania for the 2017 Blacksmith Liberty & Entrepreneurship Camp.

I was one of the 50 who attended camp in 2016 (second row 6th from the right;) ).

I used to read a lot of and Simon Black of had an article on there. So I followed it and appreciated his style, talking about how to be prepared in event of a financial bubble. That is how I found out he ran an entrepreneurship camp.

Application is by video. There are no guidelines. I recorded on my iPhone and uploaded it to youtube, setting it so anyone with a link can view. I had no expectations of being accepted, but knew I had to apply to be in with a chance. And then I got the acceptance email and was seriously gobsmacked to be given the opportunity.

I flew to Lithuania a couple of days early and stayed at an Airbnb with 3 other attendees that I’ve never met before, except on FB. I knew there were going to be people from all over the world all with incredible stories to share. We got on from the moment we met. It was very special.

Then we were ready for 4 days at camp. It’s not literally in tents, it’s a lovely private complex with houses and shared rooms. Totally comfortable. All the food and drinks are provided. At this point I was still in awe of all the other people and mentors who we would meet. The talent pool that congregated was immense, but not only in their thought processes, but their kindness. There was a very giving sentiment everyone had.

The bios of the mentors are on the application page. These are people who I would not regularly have access to. They have built businesses, hired people, travelled extensively, have huge networks.

Apart from the learning we received, you can see a video of a lecture on the Sovereign Academy page, what you walk away with is the network. In fact I’m meeting someone from a previous intake here on Friday to talk about crypto. I also visited Australia for the first time with 2 camp friends last December. I regularly talk to the others as they are optimistic individuals. I would best describe them as highly functioning problem solvers who take charge of creating great lives for themselves and others.

As Simon puts it, Entrepreneurship is a state of mind. I always felt a tad intimidated by this title as I thought it was reserved for the moguls. But in fact, I could call my parents entrepreneurs. That is for another post.

As well as learning, camp is FUN! After hours can be spent in the jacuzzi or by the bonfire.

It's an extraordinary experience you cannot pay for.

Here is the link to apply, although this year is closed. I would sign up for updates so you get the notification of when to apply for 2018.

Simon sends out a newsletter everyday. I read it most days.

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Awesome! I'm currently listening to Simon's podcast on #crypto:

/Sovereign alumnus