Free Goat Food

in adventure •  7 years ago 

I love my baby's and every 2 to 3 days we will take a free range walk around. The goats and I love to walk in the wood. We can find lots of free food there for them. Tons of leaves and yes even in winter they can find plenty to eat.

My goats like me to stay close it makes them feel safe. They won't go into the woods unless I'm there. I really enjoy that because I know they are close when I let them out to free range. We are a family a herd so to speak.

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All our goats eat is free food! They especially love the acorns that are so abundant around here at this time. Strangely (at least to us former Ohioans), there is still green grass and weeds all around here in Missouri, so lots to eat.

Wow we had a big snow that wiped out most of ours normally we are the same here