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For many, traveling at airports can be one of the most stressful experiences.
Especially for those with kids or other people that they are accountable for.But for me it's different.
I have what I want to call "airport zen" something that I started to get more familar with after watching Up In The Air with George Clooney.
Instead of letting you stress at the airport again, let's go through my three-step guide to be stress-free every time.
The Three-Step Guide To Stress-Free Travel in Airports
First off, you may be wondering, Austin how is this a higher leverage skill?
The skill itself is not navigating an airport, but learning how to mitigate stress levels when others typically are stressed out, and in this case, it is for travel.
You'll start to see these themes throughout this site, where a seemingly random occurrence or daily to-do contains a powerful high leverage skill.
1. Start With Your Outfit
The way you dress will ultimately make or break your airport travel.
That's just the truth.
For instance, here is my outfit for every single time I travel (the shirt and joggers may change though.)
<script async defer src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>A post shared by Austin floyd (@heightenedliving) on <time style="font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px;" datetime="2018-04-04T14:54:53+00:00">Apr 4, 2018 at 7:54am PDT</time>
Here's how my outfit can be broken down for the best travel experience:
- Easy to slip on and off shoes (love these Nike Free Runs)
- Joggers for comfortability and style (Zanerobe)
- A T-Shirt that has some graphic on it.
- The Bomber Jacket to stay warm, look great, and in case my destination is a colder one.
- I always wear a jacket because the pockets can hold everything in my pockets when I go through security.
- A watch (to keep the time)
- You don't have to take off watches insecurity
At security, I can walk up, take off my shoes and my jacket, walk through and walk away.
The watch can stay on, and the jacket has everything that was in pockets so I can organize it later, plus my shoes slip right back on.
It's as easy as that!
2. Timing Is Everything - Show Up Early
Here's something people hate to do at airports.
Show Up Early.
For me, I can't understand why, because as I said I get that zoned out airport zen and subsequently like showing up early to get work done like this article that I am currently writing.
In fact, I think airports are great places to get work done.
You don't have any obligations besides getting on that plane at boarding time, and most other people are traveling for a business doing something productive.
That makes the energy feel productive.
Show up at least 2 hours early to the airport.
Because regardless of whether you know how long it takes, have TSA pre-check, etc., it only makes sense to get there early just-in-case.
Bring a book, a movie, work, or whatever it may be.
Getting there early will dramatically reduce the stress that you have in every part of the airplane process.
3. Find The Airport "Hacks" Where You Are
There's a lot too this.
Depending on where you are going there are definitely little-known secrets about traveling in your specific airport.
For instance, here's a quick article I found on the Denver airport that I was recently at:
Courtesy of Nomascoach
These "secrets" are everywhere.
A few things to look for/ask for before getting to the airport are:
- Do they have curbside check-in?
- Always a must since the line is quicker, just have $1 ready for a tip
- Are there security lines people don't know about?
- Will they let you check your carry-on at the gate
- *I only do this when I have a checked bag to not have any hassle when on the plane.
Although, I wanted to include one of my favorite "hacks" as a bonus.
Bonus: CLEAR
Clear is a fantastic service that I have been using for the past few years.
If you are a Delta card member (like muah) than you get it for only $80 a year, which if you continuously travel, is 100% worth it.
Clear allows you to jump to the front of the security line, and if you follow my outfit guide above, get through almost instantly.
Anyone who constantly runs late to the airport, but doesn't want to jump through hoops to get TSA pre-certified should try out Clear for its ease and quickness.
Plus, they are adding gates to sports stadiums so that you can jump the line of all of the people waiting to get into the game.
Like in my hometown, the Detroit Tiger's already have it at Comerica Park.
All in all, these are some simple tips that anyone can use to make airport travel stress free really.
Thanks for reading and if you have any tips yourself, please leave them below!
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://heightenedliving.com/stress-free-travel-airports/