Part 8 -Bicycle Tour Hobo Style - Gotesborg, Sweden. En-route to Oslo, Norway.

in adventure •  6 years ago  (edited)

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I have a visitor at the cabin the last few days so we've been enjoying company! Plus I ran out of battery and have no electric to charge easily JUST as I was to post this up 3 days ago :)

But Crypto World doesn't stop and nor does Steemit! I must carry on with this Bicycle Trip. Its been again so hot here that I'm trying to get into a nocturnal mode to hide from the sun. We have no electric anymore since a while and so I'm also limited to battery life of laptop, because I really don't want to go out in the sun to go charge it somewhere and wilt like a lettuce would. I have Finished the lounge and sorted out my room with more storage space now!



And Now..


We went and sat on the street with a sign saying "We Choose Freedom" and a cup for some cash, it was gay pride weekend and that's why my room has become more colourful! I love just sitting on the street watching drunk people falling over.

And we went and got some material that I saw from the bus, which is now the lounge sofa thingy!



And Now..


Anyway, as so the title is written here is the following part - part 8 and here is the introduction..

For people just joining..

My 2 dogs and I went on an adventure because we hadn't for a while and the feet were itching! I decided to go see a friend who I met traveling and they live in Oslo. I left North Germany (Flensburg) with a bicycle and camping gear and a guitar to pay my way. I wrote a diary, and include diary entry's Exactly How It Was Written so don't get mad at punctuation etc - Original Content! I had no GPS, just a map and compass. I never travel like you would think. Most are taking trains or planes, or buses, and stay in hostels and buy food, and most are on a "limited period of time from work"- to squeeze in many places they want to see before returning to the shackles. I have been traveling for 8 years, the first 2 were in a van and the last 4 years I have slowed down pace even more than I already was. I travel slowly compared to others because I was always limited (financially)to the cash in my pocket and anyway was used to having no spare cash, even when I too lived in a box- which was definitely much worse by far!

Part 8

We had arrived at Goteburg in good time. First we stopped at a small park, there where 100's of students ,and w e did a loop of the park to see if we found any spontanious connection with anyone there but didn't and then headed more to the city center. I saw a resturant with many tables full of people and even though it was right next to a busy road, i decided to go give it a go and play some songs. The problem is that if you don't have a small amplifier, nobody really here's you anyway. It was terrible , i stood up on the table and started playing but of course nobody heard apart from the nearest tables. They ended up getting a couple of songs just for themselves and gave a few euros worth.. Stingy if you ask me, we left, and headed of to an unknown place. It was so busy! so many people and quite a shock because up until now I hadn't met so many people.

6th May 2016 Diary Entry (Evening)

Spent the day in Goteborg. Huge city. I rode around somehow in a small circle for a couple of hours. Saw SEVEN Begger's standing at one small 7-11 store on a corner in the city. Amazing. Met a guy called David and his girlfriends whilst they sat drinking outside a bar oppersite the begger spectacular. We went to the park they wanted to show me it and also go for a joint in the evening. the park was massive too and had even a small zoo which had seals and penguins. It was cool, the best park Id ever been too!



This is the same place as where I put up the tent

We stayed one night and, well what else is there to do in a huge city? Not much! We headed North again not that far now from Oslo.

7th May Diary Entry

Collected 71 cans in the park when I woke up. The benches around were full of empty cans from the people last night. Yesterday was the first real sunny day this far up north. 71kr, that's a fair few cups of coffee which is all Ive given out money for really so far. Oh yeh I have decided to get some bakky. They have terrible bakky here, I paid 20 euro so the same as in uk, havent tried it yet but it smells bad.The common thing here in sweden is that they have theses like tabacco tablets in small teabags, and they put it under the upper lip on the gums. Ive tried one a couple of years ago from a swedish mate, it was discusting!
So im now in Kungalv sat at a picnic place waiting for the guys next to me to finish with their instant grill so I can use it for the million chicken kebab skewers that I have here from a Co-op supermarket in the last village :) ive broken away from the coast which is quite nice. Want some lakes and forests again, but it will get mountainous. Im going to follow the " Gota alv" river up to TROLLHATTEN would be great to do another 30km and get to "Lille Edet". I just planned out a route to Olso, 9 Days I can be there but I must wake up at 4.30am because even today at 9.30am\ 10am it was so hot!! Cool the guys just brought me over the grill, time to eat!

We were right here actually on the corner by the bring and the river..


The dogs were enjoying the river and some English lads rocked up in a Pickup truck and came to enjoy the feast also. They were working doing scaffolding and had moved to Sweden a few years back. Its funny when you offer people food because they think that your poor and had brought the food and so they feel bad to take it. These guys understood that I had found it in the trash and so they happily helped me eat it, there was 3 kgs of chicken kebabs on sticks. After that, I had a nice long siesta until the place was empty and the sun had gone behind the hill.

Diary Entry Continued

Its now 8pm and we are in "Torskog" there's so many small unattended houses, there was one open but it looked like someone could come back, although everything was dusty and unmoved since some time it seemed. Found another abandoned one but its locked up, but the porch is great! We will just sleep, theres no need even to unpack anything which is nice! Dogs are already dead after 30km and a 4 hour break at the river, plus 20km after that. Ulo, decided to get a ride on the rucksack behind the bike seat and layed down. We had to go 8km ph because sniffy was so tired. We must set off earlier than 5am if we want to get anywhere before its too hot again. Hopefully we can get to a place called
"Uddevalla" before 11am. Its 40kms away. Today after 17.30 the sun wasnt so hot. Last night was warm though so I think this night will be also. Yesterday I lost my sunglasses :( let it go with love! Oh yeh I believe the swedes have gone made with modifying volvo's the same one I saw yesterday just wizzed past me on this quiet country back road. This one is Barbie Pink and the exhaust is coming from the bonnet! The same one just came past as I laid down to bed. Its been made into a soft top.

8th May Dairy Entry

Managed to do over 20km, I over slept alot. I didnt even realise that im in a crash with the sugar thing and coffee. Ive relapsed!! Last night I layed for 4 hours in a story in my mind (thinking) (about complete bollox) so I woke up and left the coffee there on the porch along with some other food stuff that weighed too much.
Its getting hilly! Left some very dirty clothes on the side of the road too , its so hot and im carrying clothes that are useless to wear. The sun. Not a cloud in the sky, all day again. just took a nice siesta in a cool place..


Diary Entry Continued

Right now Im on a loooong siesta we stopped on a hill around 10am (just way too hot!) We are in "UTBY" Sat in a forest on the side of the road hiding from the sun. Got a little fire and a cup of tea, just ate potatoes and the leek that i as carrying since Denmark and the rest of the chicken kebabs. Im surrounded by tall pine trees and can hear the little stream and the birds are singing. I want to find some wood for more spoons. I started on a cooking spoon as it would be useful. I would love to have an axe! Before I start to pack up at 17.00, I decided to wash myself! I needed to desperatly!
Felle human again after "a bath",. I used my waterproof jacket and made a pond in between my bike bags. Gunna eat some more bread and philidelphia spread, get rid of some more weight! and I ill go to a small town in a bit and proberbly reload with food.

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Later in the evening

So we got to "Udavalla" late in the evening. Set up camp with the ducks by a pond in a small park. Pretty boring town, bins are all locked up. I played some guitar but there was not many people. Police moved me on. I planned this day to be a rest day and to do nothing, but in the end not.

I was tired and we arrived when it as nearly dark, there as nobody around and the nearest place to put up the tent was a piece of grass next to a tiny round house made of wood. There was a not very high fence around it all, with an open gate and so I thought it was cool to have the dogs behind a fence. Nice, right next to a pond, shade from a tree perfect. We set up camp and went to explore the quiet town and made some noise but there wasn't many people there to hear it. The next day I had a visit firstly from a curious teenager who sat and chatted to me for some time about life and the option of traveling, even broke. Then there was the local mafia who came and told me that the house was for ducks and that I as camping in the duck home, there were no ducks though at the time around, or in the house, it was locked up. They actually told me to leave Uddevalla! To be fair its probably not a great thing for society to see someone living like that in a the middle of the town, it might cause them to question how they are living!

I'll get slowly back into online action again from now I guess! But for now I need to go charge up the laptop and go enjoy the evening outside!

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Map images are from google

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May I recommend solar panels? :-)

Have thought about it but im not even working since May really and have no cash hanging around :) Do plan to go work today as I need the bus-pass soon :) Its just VERY hot isnt it, although I have to say, I havent heard a Norwiegen complain once yet! :)


it's so interesting and enjoyable thinking. best of luck...!!!

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sweden oslo you beuty