Red Bull X Alps started!

in adventure •  8 years ago 

My man Gavin McClurg was off to a fine start in heavy weather. Has dropped back to 11th, get in the air and fly, man!

This is a flying and hiking race across the Alps, it is a FASCINATING sport!

Live tracking here:

Look for Gavin aka USA 1!

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Get 'em, dawg!

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that's cool

It is SUCH a rad race, the whole sport has me totally gripped. Enjoy watching!

Wish you luck man , nice to meet you. :)

Sure I do , I wish I could do this too , Wish you luck man , nice to meet you. :)

Cheers, you too. Stoked!

Go Go Gavin! :)

I think Toma Coconea has been in every one.................... or at least it seems like it :)

Right? He runs harder than anyone but never seems to be able to keep up on the flying side. Chrigel is (as usual) crushing it.

YES! Been following his posts on Instagram too. Go Gavin + Team USA! ~ LEE

We should have sent him more Paleo Treats. :)

They were dealing with rain from what I hear.

And fog. Gav pulled a night pass (allowed to hike at night, only once during the whole race, I think) and pushed on through. He was caught up by a bunch of pilots who slept and then flew hard the next day. We'll see how it goes, he's a tough dude, a great flyer, and a total adventurer Hopes are high!