in adventure •  7 years ago  (edited)

Don't worry, I swim with other things too.

This was supposed to be part of a larger project, but one of my SD cards containing the footage is currently malfunctioning. Rather than letting this "go to waste" I figured I'd share it, and perhaps try to revisit my original idea at a later point. I hope that you enjoy it.


Big thanks to @squirrelbait for providing the base image for the cover image and the video image above.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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Scary stuff!....Be safe...:)...

Shoooo-weeeeeeee... BIG OLE' BRASS KAHUNA's you have says I............

Oh, you thought that looked fun?

Ha! It sure looked like you were having fun? Me personally? No, I wouldn't go swimming with ole' Cotton Mouth but it was kool to watch. For me I'll just stick to watchin' you show us the way! Growing up around them, they don't bother me but that doesn't mean I'm go go be pals with them :) The one's that do truly bother me are the ones I don't know that are there. They tend to surprise you when you least expect it. I suppose the key for people to remember is they mean you no harm. They're not out to get you. Hell they're way more afraid of you than vice versa. They serve a great purpose in nature and 99% of the time bte out of protection for themselves. I wish more understood this so they wouldn't just kill em on site you know? Check out the size of this Copperhead killed down here in my part of the world. https://www.macon.com/news/state/georgia/article215556420.html It's the size of a diamond back. We grow em' big huh? This was a shame that it was killed but I understand the land owners concern with his kids and all. Even the folks down here were shocked to see its size. Apparently news teams verified this to be real and legit. Still blows me away. Enjoyed brother.

You didn't just swim with the water moccasin...You actually chased it...and had a staring contest. Bravo!

Hey! @lexikon082! Good to see you around, it's been a while!

Yes sir it has been. I think of you all the time. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you most kindly for that! I assume y'all have been blessed? Good luck "bringing sexy back" too... I think you may need some help, LOL!

Every day in life is a blessing. I can't say I have been giving the most glory to Jesus Christ. Just maintaining. Trying to survive. You know I tell the truth.The "Bringing Sexy Back" Post is interesting. That is where I have been at mostly lately. With that post I did get to spend some quality time with my wife(she took the pics). I have the love but I know the Help is in trusting the Lord

Be careful!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Yes I remember that. A blast from the past!

@janton sent me this way to watch this video and I have to say @papa-pepper this is one of the most awesome things I have seen to date. Thank you!!!!! <3333 So Much Love!!!!!

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

Is that a blue clawed crayfish? we have them over here they were brought in by the tropical fish trade and some muppet popped it into our ecosystem and they are running havok, they are larger than our english variety and kill all ours and our fishes too. I was reading something the other day that said if we found one while fishing we had to kill it and not return it to the water.
I found a nest of them while at millhouses park and I was pulling them out left right and centre. it was scary to see so many of them and I was a little worried about my toes in the water.
Just to let you know I didn't kill them, I don't have the heart to.
everything has the right to live, and in the wild its the strongest that survive. nice post :D

Not sure, but I don't think this one was a blue-clawed crayfish.

A lot of animals are getting like that, where the government tells you to kill them if you find them.

This are the ones I was pulling out of the river, I was meant to kill it, I just can't kill something for the sake of it.
If I was going to eat it I would have popped it in some boiling water, but I don't like cray fish they are not my cup of tea.

Oh by the way, I tried a nettle the other day and the kids thought I was crazy haha

Dude, you are definitely braver (crazier) than I. Cutie turtle!

PS: thanks for the mention

That was awesome! I don't know how you kept up with him in the water. The end of the video was great. Him striking at you trying to scare you with his fangs HA HA. I would of caught him. Do you know if it is true that they can't bite you underwater?

I'm pretty sure that they can bite underwater. I've seen them take a swing at me underwater.

Interesting. I wonder why he didn't go after you? Then again you were faster than he was keeping up with him in the water like that HA HA.

Wow that was STUNNING! Lovely clear water and I am sure I saw that turtle wave at you! That water moccasin at the end seemed like he might have bitten you so hope he didn’t ! Awesome video thanks papa-pepper 🤗🌴🦋🌈❤️

That water moccasin at the end seemed like he might have bitten you so hope he didn’t !

He tried, but I declined his offer.

😂He sure did try! You were faster ! 🤗

Beautiful video @papa-pepper, but I don't think I would swim with a water moccasin for any photo op!

haha! alright sir papa-pepper..that's officially creepy! lol. I like that Bumble Bee catching video, that's more my style!

Bummer about the SD card. Great job with the material you have. That video was a nice piece of work.

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That was crazy! He was not afraid at all, he swam so fast too. What a great video!! Be careful!

He was not afraid at all

I wasn't afraid either.... just saying...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment