in adventure •  7 years ago  (edited)

HEY HEY HEY SteemIt!! Got some good tips and short story on taking someone new shooting!!

Ok lets get this post started! Well being in the ARMY and growing up around guns i'm no stranger to shooting. Payal from day one has hounded me to take her shooting "also note, thats why I love her she is so open and adventurous" so I thought about what would be the best first time shooting experience.

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After a bit of thinking I decided I wasn't going to take here to a indoor range because it is to loud! I didn't want to take her to a outdoor organized rang because there is lots of rules and it some times can ruin the experience if you get yelled at for doing something wrong. If you have been to an out door rang you know what i'm talking about with that one old cranky rang officer hahaha.

So that leaves me with one option take her some were in the middle of no where with a big back stop to shoot against. I thought this would be good because I could show her how to us the gun and the most important part gun safety. After talking her though it and showing he how to us the gun and us it safely she stepped up and shot her first ever round. She immediately looked at me with a big smile and at that point I new she was hooked. After shooting a couple of boxes of ammo through my AR15 we called it a day.

We both go shooting frequently now and have so much fun doing so I strongly suggest taking some one new shooting if your a avid shooter, it is a great feeling to introduced someone to something new that your passionate about. Thats all I got for you SteemIt have a great day!!

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Love going shooting with my wife. We always have a "blast." =) Where the hell is that awesome looking range? I'm always fascinated by the different types of shooting ranges around our country. I'm in Souther CA and the terrain is usually desert like with lots of inclines out to distance.
Here Angeles Shooting Range In Sylmar, CA.

This range is in Tacoma, Washington - not too far from you!!! But man, I feel bad for you that's a struggle being a shooter in cali with all the gun laws haha! We're from Arizona so we know the desert ranges!!! It's a little rough trying to find anything over 200 yards in Washington, that's the only drawback. Thanks for commenting!!

Nice man. Love the north west. Beautiful up there. I mostly shoot short range bench rest right now but I'm working up a load for 6.5x47 Lapua on my Accuracy International Chassis with Shilen DGR action for longer ranges. That round is breaking records at 500-600. Nice to see fellow young people enjoying the sport of marksmanship. How long have you been shooting?