Adventures Of Simplicity #11 Power of 80/20

in adventuresofsimplicity •  7 years ago 

Well known Pareto principle. Find 20% of effort to achieve 80% of results.


It's excellent rule for minimalism.

We need 20% of kitchen ware to prepare 80% of dishes.
20% of clothes we wear 80% of the time.
20% of the customers bring 80% of income.
Children are playing 80% of the time with 20% of toys.
We use 20% of our stuff 80% of the time.

  • How much could we save if we would buy only those 20% of things.
  • How much time could we save if we would focus on those 20% of work that is really worth it?
  • What 20% of effort we need to achieve 80% of results we wish for?

By focusing only on 20% and eliminating the rest, we can achieve our goals effectivelly and still have time and energy to enjoy the results.

I think this is one of the main ideas of minimalism.

Less is more.
Focus on what is really important.

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