The Advantages of Print Advertising

in advertising •  8 years ago 

From Internet ads to commercials on television and radio, advertising is part of our daily lives. Big companies invest millions of dollars a year in advertising campaigns to promote new products or drive sales. In the same way, smaller businesses also make use of advertising to advertise their products and services or enhance their reputation in the market. In the eternal battle for more customers, print advertising offers several advantages to different businesses.


  • Permanence

Unlike Internet or television ads, which you see once and then disappear, the print advertising stays on the page. Whenever a person reads the page where the ad is, they will see the same thing. In addition, as long as the publication remains in circulation, so will the advertisement. An advertisement in a magazine will promote the product for months or even years before someone decides to throw the magazine. No other means of communication has that potential for longevity.


  • Credibility

Print advertising that promotes high quality and reliable articles develops credibility with people. Businesses invest in the so-called "halo effect" to channel the credibility of their publications to something of their convenience. Specifically, the halo effect suggests that when a person has a positive thought or feeling towards an object or person, their behavior will be reflected towards something related positively or negatively. In the case of print advertising, readers consider the credibility created by the quality of the content and channel it towards the ads, increasing or decreasing the likelihood that people will buy the product or service in question.


  • Performance

Print advertising, especially magazine ads, produces the best results, having four of five components of the sales diagram - the graphical representation of the process customers go through, from knowing the brand to buying it. The sales diagram is made up of the knowledge of the brand, knowledge of the advertisements, association of the messages, favor the brand and decide the purchase. The ads in a magazine share the level of association of the brand with other advertising methods, but they have the best performance in the last area. Even for a small business that seeks to compensate the investment for advertising, the printed method surpasses that by Internet and television.


  • Hitch

Watching television and listening to the radio are passive processes, where the images and sounds produced may not attract attention. The person who browses a newspaper or magazine is making the decision to read and interpret the words and pictures on the page. A reader is doing physical work by turning pages, and decides whether or not to read the information offered. Speaking of newspapers, 79% of readers respond in different ways to the ads they see, such as dropping coupons, visiting websites or shopping.


Thank you very much for your attention. I hope this article is to your liking. Fanny Mendoza (Fannyamor).

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Estoy de acuerdo con lo que opina el señor del comentario anterior la publicidad impresa esta muriendo pero hay algunos negocios que aun es importate este tipo de publicidad

Gracias por su opinion


Igual a usted gracias tambien

Unfortunately, print advertising is dying as less and less people read the papers.

By the way, I like the 'footer' you have here, the "like it, upvote gif". I wish I can have one like yours.

Thanks for the comment you're right