the love of a father

in advice •  6 years ago 

The bond that a father generates with his daughter is indescribable. Women see in our parents not only the authority, but they are our support and the example to follow in the search for love in adult life. Therefore, the impact that a father has on his daughter's life is as strong as it is crucial, and science confirms it.

Currently it is common to see parents engaged in the upbringing of their children, and this is a breakthrough that we have made as a society. Now it is common to see how men care for their children, when decades ago it was the woman who took care of this.

Punctually with daughters, men have a special relationship. I see him daily in my home. The relationship my daughter has with her father is beautiful and worth observing. And I can attest that my husband became a better man since our daughter came into the world.

The connection between father and daughter is heavenly
The psychologist Carl Gustav Jung was the one who proposed the theory of the "electra complex". According to it, the girl feels for her father an attraction that makes her feel rivalry with her own mother.

However, the relationship between a daughter and a father goes much further than that, and certain investigations banish this popular theory of the last century, which has been getting old for some experts. One of them is the scientist Karl Popper, who throws away the ideas of Sigmund Freud and his disciple Carl Gustav Jung, and proposes other edges regarding human relationships.

Therefore, according to certain modern scientific trends, parents should not be afraid to establish a close relationship with their daughters, because the emotional bond between both, when healthy, generates a strong positive impact on women's lives.

The importance of the link
For a woman, the father is the first example of how a man is. And women who grow up having a healthy and close bond with their parents tend to have higher self-esteem and get better connected with the opposite sex.

A study published in the Journal of Genetic Psychology, shows the influence of parents on the lives of their daughters and how this relationship shapes the self-esteem of girls. This is because our first patterns of attachment form the future patterns for love relationships.

In this way, the relationship that a daughter has with her father will shape the expectation of each woman about what to expect from a man in his relationship.

Being a good father"
Psychologist Jennifer Kromberg says that in her years of practice, most of her patients found a partner consciously or unconsciously, based on the characteristics of their father. And although many women deny it, they later find that their partner has certain points in common with their parent.


That is to say, that if a father generates a healthy emotional bond, sooner or later the relationship that his daughter generates with men will be related to this first filial relationship. Therefore, if you have had an attentive, affectionate and respectful father, you will most likely choose a man of this type.

On the contrary, if a father generates a negative emotional bond with his daughter, she may have difficulties in her future relationships with men.

Actions for a healthy bond
Parents need to get emotionally involved with their daughters from an early age. While it is true that during the first months of life, babies have attachment for their mothers, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of strengthening the union from the earliest childhood.

Women have a great role in it. It is important that we give the necessary space to men so that little by little they generate a strong bond with their daughter. Let him take her out for a walk, change his diapers or feed her. And in addition, it allows both to experience the feeling of that union as strong as indestructible.

All parents should take these actions, to manage a healthy emotional bond with their daughters and that this has a positive impact on their lives.


  • Treat your mother well, so that she can naturalize it and replicate it in future relationships
    -Interiorize about your tastes
  • Sit down to talk
    -Learning to identify the feminine world
    -Be funny
    -Be respectful to women, mainly with his wife
    -Teaching with the example
    -Never make judgments about your physique or other women
    -Involving yourself about your friendships and hobbies
    -Never tell him he can not do something because it is "children's thing"
    -To encourage her to improve herself day by day
    -Be present when she needs to cry
    -Being games of beauty, decoration and kitchenette
    -Respect your privacy and not invade it
    The role of women
    See the link that is generated between your husband and your daughter is wonderful and makes us fall in love even more with the man next to us. You can foster this union from the first moment of life, making your husband get involved little by little with his daughter.

The relationship that a woman has with her father is a valuable gift with which you can count the rest of your days. If you consider that you have the best dad in the world, and you know he would give his life for you Congratulations!

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