When Advice Is Excellent

in advice •  4 years ago 

When advice is excellent, you are simply giving what is necessary. It's not selfish or self-serving. You simply mean what is best for the other person, and their needs. This will always be the best course of action to take.

Some folks will argue against this view. They will say, "What's the use of advice?" Well, if you look at it in that light, advice can indeed be very helpful. I have been married since college, and there are times when I wish I had more advice. I am thankful I had the experience and support my parents provided for me, and so are they with me.

The point is, however, advice should not be a substitute for what is best for each individual in a relationship. There are some things that are best left unsaid, and some things that should be discussed and fully considered. When that happens, you can see some wonderful results. This is why marriage is the best relationship, even the best marriage.

So when advice is excellent, it simply means you are fully aware of the best options for everyone involved. You are fully aware of how everything should be in place, and what each person should expect. You are fully aware of what the results could be. If you don't fully consider all of these things, you are simply blowing the chance that can make your life the best it can be.

When advice is excellent, you are giving to make a decision. You are asking each person to trust you, to listen to you, and to respect you. This is very important. When you do this, everyone becomes much more likely to do what you want them to. You are able to truly empower someone. If you give them great advice, it makes them feel like you are looking out for them, and that can be very appealing.

When advice is excellent, you have found a way to communicate your plans clearly to the other party involved. Your plans will be clear and concise, and they will also be realistic. This is important, especially if you are communicating important plans, or if you need to get your message across in a hurry. When advice is excellent, you can make sure that it gets to the point that it has to be followed, and then you can move on.

You also have the knowledge base to work with. You can use that to create an outstanding result. When you make an educated decision, you can make a great difference. You can really empower people, when you make the right ones.

When advice is excellent, you are on the right track. You will be working toward a great outcome for everyone involved. The best relationships are the ones where everyone fully respects each other and works together. When this happens, you have created one of the best relationships that you can imagine!

You create a great foundation. It can be easy to build upon this great foundation. If the relationship ends, you have a lot of work ahead of you to rebuild the trust, respect, and relationship that were lost. When you make the right decisions, you have a great chance of rebuilding that bond that you once had.

You understand how the whole process works, and you can anticipate what is going to happen next. This allows you to make decisions that are in the best interest of the entire relationship. You will be fully prepared to handle whatever comes your way, and you can let others know that you are aware of the situation. You will not be as haphazard as they might be, and you can more easily predict the direction of the conversation.

You have an amazing opportunity to shape the future. Your advice could change the course of history, but if you give it with total honesty and sincerity, it can be a great gift to the world. When you can envision a world where people are respected for who they are and for the contributions they make, it gives you peace of mind to make the decisions that will truly benefit everyone involved.

You set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. You are confident enough in your own ability to guide the direction that the relationship takes. You don't need to know everything, and you don't need to constantly convince others that you are right. You simply listen and then use your all-knowing wisdom to lead the way. When you give when advice is excellent, you are giving yourself the greatest gift imaginable.

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